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Restless leg syndrome can lead to poor quality of life. Learn about 6 effective natural remedies that help resist the urge to move your legs.


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Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is technically a neurological sensory sleep disorder. Affecting about 10% of people in the United States, restless leg syndrome is characterized by the irresistible urge to move your legs. Not only can it be a cause of discomfort, but it can also disrupt sleep and lead to other health issues. 

What Causes Restless Leg Syndrome?

People refer to the sensations that cause the legs to move as tingly, creeping, crawling feelings. It often occurs when a person is sleeping, resting, or just sitting. According to health experts, this condition is largely a sensation problem with the brain. The brain is not solely to blame, though, but it can cause abnormal sensations in the leg area. Studies suggest that genetics often play a role, as certain genes elevate the risk of RLS. Sometimes, low iron levels can also lead to RLS symptoms. The reason behind this is that low iron levels affect how the brain processes the sensations that lead to RLS. 

For the most part, a series of home remedies help to ease symptoms of RLS. It is a lifelong, chronic condition that does not have a known cure at this time. Consider the following natural remedies to provide relief from symptoms. 

Yoga And Stretching

Several studies found that various types of exercise were effective at reducing symptoms of RLS. An eight-week study in 2013 monitored 10 women who practiced yoga daily. The results indicated that yoga was able to reduce their RLS symptoms, and it also improved their mood  and lowered stress levels. A different study found that yoga was able to improve sleep in 20 women with RLS. It’s not yet clear why yoga and stretching is beneficial for RLS, but it’s an easy therapy to experiment with.

Reduce Stress

Stress is the dependable friend that you never want to encounter but always do. People deal with stress on a daily basis, and it can impair both physical and mental health. Stress and anxiety may trigger RLS, which is why many people have restless legs when they’re anxious. There are many ways you can naturally reduce stress, but some beneficial methods include prioritizing self-care activities, journaling, and creating more balance between work and home life. The above tip about yoga and stretching may also be a great way to relieve stress

Consider Iron Supplements

As mentioned earlier in the article, low iron levels may be one of the causes of RLS. Taking a daily iron supplement or increasing the consumption of iron-rich foods may help relieve symptoms. If the cause of RLS is not low iron levels, though, taking an iron supplement won’t help. Before you purchase an iron supplement, be sure to get a blood test to confirm iron levels. Additionally, discuss what the dosage should be with your doctor. 

Use A Foot Wrap

Also known as restiffic, a foot wrap works to put pressure on certain points on the bottom of your foot. The pressure sends messages to the brain, which receives the information and tells the muscles affected by RLS to calm down. A 2013 study found that 30 people who used foot wraps for eight weeks experienced a reduction in RLS symptoms. A restiffic foot wrap is only available by prescription and can cost about $200. 

Avoid Triggers

Caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol can all trigger RLS symptoms, so avoiding all three of these substances may provide relief. These are the big three to avoid, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians. It’s also wise to avoid sugary foods and processed ingredients, especially for kids who have RLS. Fatigue also tends to aggravate restless leg syndrome, so adopting a consistent sleep schedule can also be beneficial. A regular bedtime and wake time is a great first step towards healthier sleep. 


The National Institutes of Health (NIH) explains that moderate exercise is a great natural remedy to relieve RLS symptoms. A 2006 study monitored 23 people who performed aerobic exercise and lower body resistance training three times a week for 12 weeks. The results indicated that these forms of exercise were able to relieve RLS symptoms. Different studies also found exercise to be effective at relieving restlessness. Additionally, regular exercise may also improve sleep, which is integral for improving the condition. Don’t over-exercise, though, as aches and pains may worsen or trigger symptoms. 


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5 Of The Most Common Symptoms Of Iron Deficiency Thu, 05 Nov 2020 09:01:00 +0000

If you don’t regularly consume iron-rich foods, you can develop iron deficiency anemia. Here are 5 common symptoms to look out for.


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Do you experience regular fatigue or exhaustion? What about restless legs, brittle nails, or feeling cold all the time? While numerous health conditions share these symptoms, these are common symptoms of iron deficiency. If you aren’t careful and don’t regularly consume iron-rich foods, you could be at risk of becoming iron deficient. 

Why Does The Body Need Iron?

Iron is an essential mineral that the body needs to produce hemoglobin, which is a protein in red blood cells that allows them to transport oxygen throughout the body. Without sufficient oxygenation, it becomes difficult for the body’s tissues and organs to function normally. When the body doesn’t have enough iron, it’s possible to develop anemia, with iron-deficiency anemia being the most common around the world. The most common reasons people experience iron-deficiency anemia are:

  • Increased iron requirements during pregnancy
  • Insufficient iron intake (failing to meet daily nutritional needs)
  • Blood loss through heavy periods or internal bleeding
  • Inflammatory bowel disease

Common Symptoms Of Iron Deficiency

If you don’t have enough hemoglobin-carrying blood cells in the body, the heart has to work harder to transport oxygen-rich cells throughout the body. When the heart is overworked, it’s common to experience chest pain, weakness, irregular heart beats, or even heart failure. These are obviously the most serious symptoms, but it is possible to experience them if iron-deficiency is not addressed. The most common symptoms of iron deficiency are listed below. 


Now, you may not interpret fatigue or unusual tiredness as out of the ordinary, primarily because tiredness is par for the course of a busy life. The reason that people experience fatigue when iron levels are low is because the body lacks hemoglobin, which carries oxygen throughout the body. This makes the heart to work harder than normal, making you feel tired. If you experience fatigue for over a month, consider talking to your doctor to see if you are deficient in iron or other nutrients. 

Restless Legs

Restless leg syndrome is defined by the urge to constantly move your legs while resting. For example, you sit down at the dinner table and cannot stop bouncing your legs because you feel a itchy or unpleasant sensation in the feet and legs. Roughly 25% of people who have iron-deficiency anemia experience restless leg syndrome. According to health experts, the reason people develop sharp pains or numbness in the legs (causing the restlessness) is because of neurological connection between iron levels and the nervous system. 

Heart Palpitations

When you are deficient iron or have iron deficiency anemia, the heart has to work harder to pump oxygen throughout the body. If the heart is overworked, you’ll feel abnormal heart rhythms, or that the heart is beating too fast. Failure to address this problem can result in an enlarged heart, heart murmur, or heart failure in extreme cases. 

Feeling Cold

Second to fatigue, cold hands and feet is one of the most common symptoms of iron deficiency anemia. People with iron deficiency anemia commonly have impaired circulation, meaning that there’s not enough oxygen in the body’s organs and tissues. Without proper oxygenation in the body’s major tissues, you lose sensation to experience hot and cold, according to health officials. This is especially worse for people who get cold hands and feet with proper iron levels. 


Hemoglobin in red blood cells gives blood its signature red color. This is why people with anemia tend to appear paler. The skin starts to lose healthy color when you are deficient in iron. The paleness is most visible around the gums, nails, face, and inside the lips and lower eyelids. These are the first places a doctor will check to determine if you are iron deficient. A good parameter is to pull your lower eyelid down and see a bright red color. If it’s pink or even yellow, you may be deficient in iron. 

If you find that you experience the symptoms in this article, please talk to your health care professional or consult a nutritionist. You may have to supplement with iron in addition to consuming iron-rich foods. The quickest way to increase iron levels is to eat more iron-rich foods, which include nuts and seeds, beans, peas, dried fruit, dark leafy greens (spinach & kale), and sea vegetables. 


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4 Juice Recipes To Naturally Remedy Sleep Disorders Tue, 26 Sep 2017 12:00:42 +0000

When you don't sleep enough every night, your mind and body suffer immensely. Try these 4 juices to naturally remedy your condition.


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If you struggle going to sleep at night, know that you are not alone. According to the American Sleep Association, there are roughly 50-70 million American adults who have sleep disorders. Without a good night’s rest, it is common to experience drowsiness, nodding off, trouble focusing, or feelings of irritability during the day.

Mental fatigue is commonly associated with sleep disorders, but not everyone accounts for the toll that sleep disorders take on the body. Getting a healthy amount of sleep every night helps the body and the brain rejuvenate. When the body is deprived of sleep, it can lead to increased stress and adrenaline levels, which can induce anxiety and unhealthy cravings that contribute to malnutrition.

You don’t have to suffer and you don’t have to stay up every night. You also don’t have to take medication to fall asleep now that you have the following recipes. For all of these recipes, place the ingredients in the juicer and drink the juice daily until you start experiencing better sleep.

Restless Leg Syndrome

This is a neurological disorder that makes you feel the need to constantly move your legs while being still. This may cause additional itching, aching, or throbbing in your legs that causes you to move your legs even more, making a peaceful night’s sleep difficult. Try drinking this recipe to boost iron and magnesium levels.


  • 10 spears of asparagus
  • 2 cups broccoli florets
  • 4 celery stalks
  • 1 fennel bulb
  • 1 green apple
  • 1 lemon (peeled)
  • A handful of parsley

Sleep Apnea

This common sleep disorder typically causes the person to stop breathing for several seconds because the soft tissues in the back of the throat decide to relax. Most of the time, this causes the person to wake up. It may be beneficial to eat more fibrous foods in order to stop the overproduction of mucus. When you eat inflammatory foods, sleep apnea symptoms can worsen. Eat foods like pears, artichokes, apples, or broccoli to help!


  • 4 celery stalks
  • 2 Asian pears
  • 4 medium carrots
  • 1 lemon (peeled)
  • 1-inch piece of ginger root


Commonly induced by stress or anxiety, bruxism is a condition that makes you grind your teeth throughout the night. This can cause headaches, sore jaw, or the pain can make it difficult to fall asleep if you wake up at night. People with bruxism commonly have a magnesium, calcium, or vitamin B5 deficiency. Drinking homemade green juices can improve the condition and may help to stop teeth grinding.


  • 6 celery stalks
  • 4 medium carrots
  • 1 cup spinach
  • a handful of parsley
  • 1 lemon, peeled
  • 2 cups pineapple cubes


This is probably the most common sleep disorder, with roughly 30% of American adults affected by the condition. Insomnia makes it difficult for the person to fall asleep, or the person may fall asleep but wake up early and be unable to go back to sleep. It is best to consume leafy greens like kale or spinach because they have a lot of magnesium, which helps to naturally relax muscles and combat stress hormones. Drink this juice throughout the day to help.


  • 1 cup spinach
  • ¼ head of Savoy cabbage
  • 3 heads Romaine lettuce
  • 2 green apples
  • 1-inch piece of ginger
  • 1 lemon, peeled

When you have a sleep disorder, it is best to eliminate processed foods, dairy products, flour, refined sugars, fatty foods, and meats from your diet. It is also best to get to the root of your sleep troubles in order to figure out the right natural remedy.


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7 Awesome Benefits Of Cedarwood Oil Wed, 10 Jan 2018 12:00:35 +0000

This essential oil can do no wrong. You'll be amazed by how many different benefits it has. Try it out and see the benefits for yourself.


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We bet that you didn’t know cedar trees have some pretty amazing health properties. More specifically, cedarwood essential oil, which is extracted from the wood through steam distillation, has some amazing antiseptic, astringent, diuretic, insecticidal, and anti-fungal properties. These health properties can help to boost your metabolism, improve your digestive system, and can even help to promote hair growth.

Cedarwood essential oil is great to have in the house because you never know when you are going to need its health benefits. If you don’t have any, you may just have to run to the store and buy some after you read this article.

Reduces Arthritis

Inflamed joints and tissues are common symptoms of arthritis, but using cedarwood essential oil can help the discomfort of the condition. You can use it topically on the affected joint(s) or you can inhale the aroma by placing it into a diffuser. Adding about 10 drops to a warm bath can also help to lessen joint pain.

Prevents Infections

Because of the strong antiseptic properties, cedarwood essential oil can be applied to wounds to help protect you from tetanus bacteria. It is often used in herbal antiseptic creams, so you don’t have to worry about it not being safe to apply directly on the wound. It helps to relieve the white blood cells and immune system of stress so that they can focus on maintaining internal health.

Natural Deodorizer

The scent of cedarwood has been known to improve self-esteem and promote togetherness. It has even been known to change a person’s outlook on life. You can add it to a diffuser and place it in your room or a common area to spread its therapeutic aromas. You can also apply it to the inside of your wrists as a natural cologne/perfume. You’ll smell like the wilderness.

Remedies A Dry Scalp

If you have a dry or flaky scalp, it’s time to turn to cedarwood essential oil for help. Cedarwood helps to improve scalp circulation and stimulate hair growth in the process. To make a DIY remedy, mix two drops of cedarwood essential oil with a little bit of virgin coconut oil. Massage this mixture onto your scalp for five minutes. Let it work its magic for 30 minutes before washing out. Repeat once a day until you see a difference.

Relieves Spasms

Using cedarwood essential oil can relieve a lot of spasms. It can provide relief to muscle, respiratory, intestinal, heart, and nerve spasms. You can even use it if you have restless leg syndrome. Massage the oil topically, once a day, on the area where the spasm is or inhale the aroma to provide relief

Cough Relief

If you feel congested or are suffering from a cold, cedarwood essential oil can help to relieve the irritation. Because it is an expectorant, it works to remove phlegm from your airways and lungs, resulting in natural decongestion and cough relief. Pour 10 drops of cedarwood essential oil in a bath and soak in it for at least 30 minutes for best results.

Relieves Seborrhea Symptoms

Seborrhea is caused by a malfunction in the sebaceous glands and typically results in yellow, white, or scaly looking skin near the scalp, eyebrows, inner ear, or other areas with hair follicles. You can apply the oil to the affected areas or add the oil to the bath to soak in to help remedy the condition. It helps to regulate sebum production and treat seborrhea. It also helps to reduce redness.


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