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Are your evening food choices revving up your metabolism and ruining your sleep? Avoid these foods if you want to improve your sleep.


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There are several reasons that result in a poor night of sleep. Your partner snored all night, stress from work kept you up, too much light entered the window, or you looked at screens for hours leading up to bedtime. What did you eat in the evening before bed, though? Although you may not think that food is the culprit, certain foods that you eat at night can affect your sleep in a major way. 

Eating right before you go to bed is never a good idea, as eating too close to bedtime can take a toll on the digestive system. Since getting a good night’s rest is integral to your overall health, you may want to consider avoiding certain foods before you hit the hay. It can be a challenge to take a break from your favorite evening snacks, but try it out to see if your sleep improves. Avoid the following foods before bed if you want to improve the quality of your sleep. 

High-Fat Foods

Your affinity for a late night ice cream pint may have to come to an end if you want to enjoy restful sleep. Additionally, a late night stop at a greasy taco truck or salty burger shack isn’t doing your sleep any favors. Fatty foods take longer to digest because the body has a harder time processing them. Because the digestive system is working hard, it keeps the body awake, or the digestive process disturbs your sleep. A 2016 study found that a diet rich in saturated fat led to less restorative sleep, so just keep that in mind moving forward. 


Another late night food item ruining your Zzz’s is alcohol. Alcohol actually makes you feel sleepy, which is why a lot of people like to unwind and relax with a cold one or glass of wine. Even though it may help you fall asleep, studies show that the quality of sleep after drinking alcohol is not great. The reason for this is because alcohol acts as a diuretic, leading to more midnight trips to the bathroom. Alcohol also makes it more difficult to reach REM sleep, which is the final stage of sleep that regulates mood and improves memory retention. Plus, the more you drink at night, the less rested you feel in the morning because of hangovers and reduced activity levels. 


Although they seem innocent, chips are greasy, high-fat, high-sodium, processed snacks that can ruin your sleep. Studies show that greasy foods like chips can actually increase the likelihood of nightmares. Not only will you feel awake because your digestive system is in overdrive, but you may wake up in a panic because of nightmares. If you must snack on chips, do so in the afternoon so that your body has enough time to digest them. 

Dried Fruit

Dried fruit is an excellent healthy snack to power you through the day, but it isn’t a wise snack choice before bedtime. The high fiber content in dried fruit can rev up the digestive system in an uncomfortable way. While trying to go to sleep, you may experience painful gas and bloating. Plus, the high sugar content of dried fruit can lead to an unwanted sugar rush that can keep you up longer than you want. 

A Late Night Cup Of Coffee

This seems self-explanatory, but having a cup of coffee too close to bedtime can wreck your sleep. Oftentimes, a restful night of sleep is preceded by a specific routine, which varies from person to person. A cup of coffee is never in that pre-sleep routine, and if it is then it shouldn’t be. Caffeine also hides in chocolates, soft drinks, energy drinks, tea, and other food sources besides coffee. So if you consume these items before bed, you are probably too alert to fall asleep. 

Spicy Foods

Sleep experts say that a spicy curry is one of the worst meals you can eat in the evening because it can ruin sleep. Eating spicy foods can increase the risk of heartburn and acid reflux, both of which interfere with sleep. The discomfort you feel when you lie down can be so intense that going to sleep is impossible. Capsaicin, the compound that exists in spicy foods like hot peppers, may be the culprit behind your sleep troubles. As you relax before bed, the body’s core temperature starts to drop. Capsaicin can interfere with this process by raising your core temperature, leaving you feeling wide awake.


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What Your Farts Say About Your Health Fri, 22 Jul 2022 09:05:00 +0000

Are they smellier than usual? Are you passing gas more frequently? As it turns out, your farts can tell you a lot about your health.


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Farting or passing gas is a natural part of life, even though it may be a little embarrassing, especially in an office or elevator. Most people don’t think twice about their farts, as flatulence is the byproduct of the digestive system breaking down food and nutrients. When you chew, eat, and swallow, gas builds up in the gastrointestinal tract. The body is able to absorb some of this gas, and it releases what it can’t absorb in the form of burps or farts. 

As much as you don’t want to admit it, farting is a good thing, as it helps you avoid gas build up in the digestive system. When too much gas builds up in the body, you can experience bloating and uncomfortable stomach pain. Just because passing gas feels good and helps you avoid bloating, you shouldn’t ignore your farts. Health experts encourage people to pay attention to frequency, smell, and whether or not they accompany other digestive symptoms. Your farts can clue you in to what’s going on with your health. Continue reading to learn what they are trying to tell you.

Scent-Free Farts

These are the dream, right? To tell you the truth, most gas is odorless and stems from swallowing air, according to gastroenterologists. If you inhale your food quickly, chew wads of gum, or drink a lot of carbonated beverages, it is very common to pass gas or burp. This is normal, but if you want to reduce the amount of flatulence you produce, consider dialing back your carbonated beverage intake. Additionally, eat more slowly and make sure that you chew your food thoroughly. 

Your Farts Smell So Bad

As stated previously, most gas is odorless, but every now and again, a fart is so powerful that it can clear a room. If your farts stink to high heaven, it’s time to look at your diet. Consuming lots of sulfur-rich foods, including Brussels sprouts and broccoli, can give your farts that rotten egg aroma. The same stench that comes from those cruciferous vegetables can also come from cheese, beans, dried fruit, wine, garlic, and onions. More often than not, you don’t have to worry, but you may want to see a doctor if the stink persists. The last thing you want is for irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease to be the culprit. 

You Fart And Poop More Often Than Normal

Stress can affect so many areas of your health, which means it can affect your digestive system as well. Health experts say that people under a lot of stress tend to have poor digestion. Oftentimes, this stems from eating late-night snacks, processed foods, and lots of air that you swallow unintentionally. Anxiety can also do a number on your digestive tract. If you feel that you are farting and eliminating more than usual, ask yourself if you are stressed. If you find that you are battling stress, take time to relax with meditative techniques. Use aromatherapy, meditation, deep breathing, and other relaxing practices to get your digestive tract back and eating habits to normal. 

Burning Farts

If it burns going in, then it burns going out. Eating too much spicy food can have a severe effect on your digestive tract. The body contains receptors that recognize capsaicin, the compound in chiles that gives them their spice. That means that the body recognizes capsaicin as heat, so cut down on the spice if you want to pass gas that doesn’t burn on the way out. Spicy foods can also cause diarrhea, which can irritate the anus. Gradually up your fiber intake and allow your body a few days to adjust. 

Smelly Farts And Digestive Distress

If you feel abdominal pain when you pass gas, then a food intolerance may be the culprit. For example, if you drink milk or eat cheese and feel cramps and experience lots of flatulence that wreaks, you have lactose intolerance. That means that your body cannot absorb lactose until it gets to the small intestine. Bacteria break it down there and the body releases foul-smelling farts as a result. If you have stomach pain and pass smelly farts but don’t know what the culprit is, consider taking a food allergy test to see what isn’t agreeing with your system.


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The Best Foods To Eat When You Have A Sinus Infection Wed, 12 Jan 2022 09:18:00 +0000

Eating the right foods can help boost your immune system, reduce inflammation, and reduce congestion or headaches from sinus infection.


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Sinus problems are unpleasant, no matter what your symptoms are. Congestion, headaches, sinus pressure, or runny nose can be quite irritating, but you can help ease them by eating foods that support the immune system. 

Mucus tends to drain from your nose, but respiratory infections, colds, allergies, or nasal polyps can inflame or swell up nasal passages. By blocking the sinuses, which are pockets located along your eyes, nose, forehead, and cheekbones, they begin to fill up with bacteria-laden mucus. This accumulation can lead to a sinus infection, which you can typically fight with natural remedies or over-the-counter decongestants or cold medications. Drinking lots of fluids and eating healthy foods can also help the body fight off an infection.

Food alone may not be able to cure a sinus infection, but certain foods may help relieve symptoms. These foods contain antioxidants that may help ease breathing by decreasing inflammation in your system. Think of eating the right foods as putting the right kind of fuel in your car to ensure it runs well. Eating the wrong foods, such as processed foods, fried foods, and dairy products, can contribute to more inflammation. Give your body the nutrients it needs when you have a sinus infection. Continue reading to learn how these foods can benefit you.


Garlic contains antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that help fight against viruses. In order to help activate garlic’s properties, simply crush or chop it to release allicin, the active compound. The antibacterial properties of allicin may help relieve mucus build-up and promote sinus drainage. This may help alleviate pressure in the sinus, but more research is still necessary. 

Hot Peppers

From jalapeños to serranos, hot peppers can help clear your sinuses because they help to soften mucus. Capsaicin is the active ingredient in peppers that gives them their spice, but it also activates the immune system and reduces inflammation. Peppers won’t completely get rid of a sinus infection, but they may clear out mucus and relieve sinus pressure. 


Whether you have a sore throat, sinus infection, or upset stomach, ginger can come to the rescue. According to a 2020 study, ginger may relieve congestion and runny nose. The small study monitored 80 people who took 500 milligrams (mg) of ginger extract daily. At the end of the study, the results indicated that the ginger extract was just as effective as taking 10 mg of loratadine (also known as Claritin). Ginger also exhibits antibacterial properties that may help fight viruses. 


Some refer to water as the liquid of the gods, while others can’t seem to hydrate at all. One of the best things to do when you have a sinus infection is to drink more water than you would normally. Water helps to flush waste from the body, keep the tissues healthy, and regulate body temperature. Drinking plenty of water when you have a sinus infection can thin mucus and reduce congestion. You can also drink herbal teas, provided you don’t sweeten them with sugar. Use natural sweeteners like stevia or raw organic honey instead. 


Pineapples are naturally rich in antioxidants that help protect mucus membranes from damage. The enzymes in pineapple also help break down bacteria and mucus that build up within the sinuses. This can ultimately reduce inflammation and decrease the painful side effects that result from a sinus infection. 


Unlike pineapple, mint cannot fight bacteria and break down mucus in the nasal passages. Mint doesn’t eliminate congestion; rather, the menthol in it helps to stimulate nerve receptors in the nasal passages. This makes it feel as though more air is passing through, which can ease breathing. You can also add peppermint essential oil to a diffuser and inhale the vapor to promote better breathing. Drink a cup of peppermint tea as well!

Colorful Fruits And Vegetables

Eating the rainbow, which you can learn more about by clicking here, can increase your antioxidant intake. Colorful fruits and vegetables contain carotenoids and flavonoids, which may have anti-inflammatory effects on the body. Some studies indicated that certain antioxidants in foods help defend against infection. Great colorful foods to eat include kale, strawberries, oranges, collard greens, cherries, spinach, tomatoes, blueberries, and beets.


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The Top 5 Foods That Help Cleanse Mucus From The Body Sun, 17 Oct 2021 09:08:00 +0000

Struggling to get rid of phlegm? You can do it with food! Focus on these five foods if you want to cleanse mucus from the body with ease.


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Similar to bacteria in the gut, some mucus is beneficial to have in the body. Mucus protects certain areas of the body from drying out and can protect against bacteria and viruses. As many of you know, you can have too much of a good thing. Excess mucus in the body can cause regular congestion, throat irritation, and more. Knowing which foods can cleanse mucus from the body can help you feel like your best self. 

What Is Mucus?

Some people are disgusted by the words for mucus. Phlegm, snot, boogers, and other descriptions create an aversion to this natural bodily product. It’s a protective substance that the mouth, sinuses, throat, lungs, stomach, and intestines excrete. The main constituent of mucus is mucin, which can work as a selective barrier, viscous material, or lubricant. Regular mucin structure and production helps protect surfaces all over the body. Abnormal mucus production can result from various health conditions, including pneumonia, COPD, lung diseases, smoking, allergies, or even cystic fibrosis. Additionally, mucus can accumulate as a result of eating unhealthy or mucus-producing foods.

While there are effective natural remedies that can hep keep mucus production under control, your diet is often the best plan of attack. This can come in the form of eliminating certain foods, or consuming more foods that get rid of mucus. Whether you’re prone to excess phlegm or fighting a cold, the following foods can help cleanse mucus from your system. 


Garlic, among other members of the allium family, is a powerful expectorant, helping to break up mucus build-up. A 2017 review found that allium vegetables, including garlic, onions, shallots, and leeks, have anti-inflammatory properties. Chronic inflammation is a primary culprit of excess mucus in the body, so lowering inflammation may reduce mucus. Garlic, specifically, exhibits antiviral, anti-fungal, and antibacterial properties that may fight infections in the respiratory glands. Since infected respiratory glands produce more mucus, eating more garlic may reduce the amount you have in the body.


Cardamom is an Indian spice that exhibits intense flavor. The seeds, oils, and extracts of cardamom are thought to have impressive medicinal benefits. One such benefit is that cardamom helps reduce mucus build-up in the body. Cardamom is rich in cineole, which is an active ingredient that breaks down mucus. Excess mucus can partially block respiratory passages, making it dangerous for people with asthma, pneumonia, or respiratory conditions. Lastly, cardamom can liquify mucus in heavier foods, which can be hard for the body to digest. 


In addition to improving digestive health, pineapple may help eliminate mucus from the body. Fresh pineapple contains bromelain, an important enzyme with strong anti-inflammatory properties that aid respiratory function. In fact, pineapple’s anti-inflammatory nature has helped relieve symptoms of asthma and allergies. Fresh pineapple juice also exhibits mucolytic properties, which work to break up mucus and expel it from the body.


Drinking ginger tea when you have a cold is one of the best things you can do, as it soothes the throat and promotes decongestion. Several studies found that ginger is a natural decongestant and antihistamine. Plus, it’s rich in antiviral and antibacterial properties, which can ease chest congestion by drying out excess mucus and promoting its removal. Ginger holds specific enzymatic benefits the produce an anti-inflammatory effect in the body. Ginger actually alerts the immune system that it is safe and mucus production is not necessary. You can add fresh ginger root to smoothies, but the best way to consume it is by drinking homemade ginger tea. 

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is rich in the active compound capsaicin, which helps to naturally thin mucus. Capsaicin is also what gives cayenne the potent spice. If you experience a runny nose after eating spicy foods like cayenne, it’s because it has mucus-thinning properties. Cayenne pepper is also an excellent source of vitamin C, which works to enhance immune function. If the body is fighting a virus or infection, optimizing the immune system can help reduce the severity and duration of symptoms. If you have acid reflux, you may want to avoid spicy foods like cayenne, because they may actually worsen phlegm-related issues. 


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Raw Vegan Red Pepper Soup Sun, 27 Dec 2020 17:47:00 +0000

The raw cashews make this raw vegan red pepper soup creamy and delicious. You won't even realize that this soup is not cooked!


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Get your blender out and ready your taste buds for a delectable raw vegan red pepper soup. Using cashews as the base, this raw soup is delightfully creamy and offers fiber, protein, and vitamin C. The trick to naturally warming up this soup is to leave it blending for five minutes. The high-speed revolutions will give the soup some warmth to comfort the soul.

Now, we feel it’s important to highlight how nutritionally dense bell peppers are. They have high water content and one red bell pepper satisfies 169% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. Additionally, they contain powerful carotenoids that help to improve eye health. In fact, these carotenoids protect the retina from oxidative damage. What’s the best part about these benefits? You get to reap them all when you consume bell peppers in their raw form, like in this soup.


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8 Important Health Benefits Of Cayenne Pepper Thu, 28 May 2020 08:57:00 +0000

We’ve all used it or heard about it, but do you know how beneficial this spice is for your health? Find out why cayenne is the king of medicinal herbs.


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Some people buy cayenne pepper for their spice drawer and only use it sparingly, while others enjoy the heat and can’t imagine life without it. Before cayenne pepper was just another spice in the drawer, though, many cultures in China and the Americas used it therapeutically. In fact, the medicinal properties of cayenne have helped treat a variety of ailments for thousands of years.

What Is Cayenne Pepper?

Cayenne pepper is a bush that originated in Central and South America, but it is now grown around the world in tropical and subtropical climates. The plant grows long hollow fruit that turn red, orange, or yellow when ripe. These are cayenne chili peppers, which are commonly dried and turned into powder. Some people use it in creams, season food with it, or ingest it in capsule form to reap the detoxifying properties. It helps to soothe upset stomach, stop diarrhea, reduce the severity of cramps, and improve circulation.

What Makes Cayenne Pepper Special?

Almost all of cayenne pepper’s benefits are attributed to capsaicin, a powerful compound in cayenne pepper. It binds to a vanilloid receptor, known as TRPV1, and triggers a mild inflammatory reaction to repair injured cells. Capsaicin is also responsible for the intense heat. The more capsaicin a pepper has, the hotter it is.

8 Benefits Of Cayenne Pepper

Great For Headaches

Cayenne pepper has the ability to stimulate pain response in a different area of the body, which can divert the brain’s attention to the new site. For this reason, researchers say that cayenne helps to reduce headache pain. When you consume cayenne the brain has an initial pain reaction that depletes nerve fibers of substance P (the pain chemical). Cayenne tricks your body into thinking that there is other pain besides the headache, which reduces headache pain.

It May Reduce Blood Pressure

According to global statistics, roughly 40% adults over the age of 25 have high blood pressure. The results from some animal studies show that capsaicin may reduce high blood pressure. One study, which involved mice with high blood pressure, found that daily consumption of capsaicin helped reduce blood pressure. Another study determined that capsaicin relaxed blood vessels in pigs, and ultimately lowered blood pressure. These results are based on animal studies, though, not humans.

Detox Support

Cayenne pepper works to stimulate the circulatory system and increase the digestive and lymphatic rhythm. It also helps to heat the body, which stimulates the natural detoxification process. Most people sweat after consuming cayenne pepper, and that is another process of detoxification. Add cayenne to lemon juice and raw honey and drink this in the morning to start your detox.

Great For Digestion

As previously mentioned, cayenne helps to stimulate digestive rhythms, but it also stimulates saliva production, which is necessary for healthy digestion. Additionally, cayenne pepper stimulates the production of gastric juices, which help the body metabolize food and toxins.

Nerve And Joint Pain Relief

Capsaicin is an ingredient in many creams or salves that promise pain relief. Topical application of cayenne helps to reduce substance P, the chemical that carries pain messages to the brain. By suppressing this chemical, you feel less pain. Many studies found that cayenne pepper relieved pain after surgeries, including amputation and mastectomy. If you experience nerve damage or joint pain, apply a salve that contains cayenne to the affected area to relieve pain.

Resists Harmful Organisms

What does it mean to resist harmful organisms? Well, cayenne pepper helps to increase the body’s defense against harmful organisms that enter the body. In vitro tests found that CAY-1, a compound in cayenne pepper, suppressed the growth of 16 different fungal strains. What’s more impressive is that it did so without damaging healthy cells.

It May Improve Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin condition that occurs when skin cells replicate too quickly, resulting in swollen patches under the skin. Scaly patches result from inflammation and excessive skin production. According to two trials, applying 0.025% capsaicin cream topically reduced inflammation and itchiness. Another study found that capsaicin cream reduced scaling and redness in 44 patients over a six-week period.

Great For Cold And Flu

Cayenne pepper is rich in beta-carotene and other antioxidants that enhance immune function. It also works to break up mucus and dislodge hardened mucus, which can shorten the duration of a cold or flu. As previously mentioned in this article, cayenne pepper helps to raise body temperature and induce sweating. This activates the immune system to help you kick that cold or flu.


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Cayenne Ginger Salve To Soothe Your Aching Back Thu, 16 Jan 2020 17:52:29 +0000

Lower back pain plagues many people, but what can be done to soothe this pain? Apply this cayenne ginger salve next time you feel achy.


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When your back is out of whack and sore, it’s hard to enjoy anything. There’s always the fear of worsening the pain, whether you are sleeping, walking, sitting down, or reaching for a cup on a high shelf. The muscles in your back can easily become sore and there’s no better way to remedy sore, strained, or overworked muscles than by applying an herbal salve that reduces pain.

Making salves is fairly simple, and it is the perfect entry point for anyone interested in creating natural skin care products or remedies. You can make one salve in 30 minutes, about the time it takes to cook a meal. In theory, you could make one salve and dinner at the same time! A salve is worth nothing if you aren’t using top quality ingredients, though. You have to choose ingredients based on what you are attempting to remedy. That’s why the salve in this article contains the following ingredients.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is commonly used in cooking, but it has been incorporated into skin care products for its ability to assist with pain relief. The active ingredient, capsaicin, is extracted and included in ointments or creams because it works to stop muscle and joint pain. How does it do this? It tricks or confuses pain transmitters, desensitizing local nerves and decreasing pain in certain conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and osteoarthritis.

St. John’s Wort

St. John’s wort has commonly been used to boost mood, but new research has taken a closer look at how the anti-inflammatory properties benefit sore muscles. Many herbalists turn to St. John’s wort to help soothe muscle pain, especially sciatica or atrophy of nervous tissue.


A study that was published in The Journal of Pain revealed that a daily dose of ginger can relieve exercise-induced muscle pain. This study examined muscle pain after subjects consumed one to two ginger capsules daily, but ginger can also relieve muscle pain when applied topically. It works to increase warmth and blood flow in the area where it is applied.

Cayenne Ginger Salve


  • 4 tablespoons St. John’s wort oil
  • 2 tablespoons cayenne pepper
  • 1 tablespoon ginger powder
  • 2 tablespoons organic Shea butter
  • 2 tablespoons organic beeswax
  • 20 drops rosemary essential oil
  • 20 drops peppermint essential oil


  • Place the St. John’s wort oil into a heat-safe glass measuring cup and spoon the cayenne and ginger powders into a cloth tea bag. Seal the tea bag and place it in the oil.
  • Create a double boiler by filling a saucepan with about two inches of water and placing the heat-safe measuring cup in the saucepan. Once the water begins to boil, reduce to low heat and simmer for 30 minutes, gently stirring the tea bag in the oil occasionally.
  • Remove the saucepan from the heat after 30 minutes and take out the glass measuring cup. Allow the mixture to come to room temperature before removing the tea bag. Discard the tea bag and place the measuring cup back in the saucepan with water over medium heat.
  • Add the Shea butter and beeswax and simmer until melted. Remove from heat and slowly stir in the essential oils.
  • Once the mixture has cooled slightly, pour into little one-ounce tin containers and allow the mixture to firm up before screwing on the lid.
  • Store in a cool, dry place and massage on sore joints or muscles when you experience pain.
  • Make sure to thoroughly wash your hands after application because you don’t want to accidentally touch your eyes with cayenne pepper on your fingers.


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Weather The Colder Months With These Warming Herbs Mon, 09 Dec 2019 10:15:37 +0000

Wouldn't it be great if you could stay warm on a raw foods diet by just eating certain herbs? You can! And we have the top 5 right here.


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While it may not be cold in every state, many areas of the country are experiencing some brisk temperatures. The cold temperatures, and the fact that cold & flu viruses are making the rounds, are not conducive to remaining healthy. Sometimes we tense up in the colder temperatures, but this is not good for your muscles and joints. It’s best to take a natural approach and warm up internally.

In case you haven’t noticed, the colder months are often associated with fragrant and comforting herbs/scents. These herbs work to bring the blood to the surface of your skin, which helps to warm the body by acting as a radiator (to some degree). Warming herbs also work to improve digestion and regulate blood sugar levels. Try to incorporate the following herbs into your life and let us know if they help to warm you up!


Ginger is a natural antioxidant and antiseptic that works to improve circulation throughout the body. Regularly consuming ginger can help to reduce inflammation, lubricating stiff or achy joints. Pour boiling water over freshly sliced ginger root to make a tea for one of the best (and warming) ways to consume ginger. You can also add ginger slices to smoothies, dressings, or even to a hot bath to absorb the benefits through your skin.


If you are someone who is always cold, you need cinnamon in your life. Cinnamon works to dry excess moisture in the body, while stimulating circulation in the process. It is also beneficial for healthy digestion, boosting the immune system, and regulating blood sugar levels, which helps to reduce cravings.


Although you may not want your breath to smell like garlic, it is certainly a powerful immune-boosting herb with antibacterial and antiviral properties. Garlic is a natural vasodilator, which means that it helps to widen blood vessels and prevent blood cells from clumping. In case you were wondering what else garlic does, it works to improve the health of your heart and lowers glucose metabolism in people with diabetes.


Cardamom is actually a member of the ginger family and it helps to keep you mentally alert. The warming effect of cardamom actually promotes sweating! How crazy is that? It also helps to clear mucus from your airways, improve your ability to digest starches, and may be beneficial for relieving headaches.


Abundant in vitamin C (it actually has more than oranges), cayenne pepper helps to relieve chills, congestion, or coughs. Capsaicin is the active ingredient in this pepper and it works to slowly increase the body’s core temperature. It also helps to boost the metabolism!


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Use These 8 Healthy Foods To Fight Heart Disease Fri, 31 May 2019 10:45:17 +0000

Help protect yourself against the number 1 killer in America. Eat these 8 heart healthy foods to help lower your risk of heart disease.


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Heart disease is the number one cause of death in America, killing roughly half a million Americans every year. Exercise and portion control can help you fight heart disease, but not if you continually eat a poor diet. Your diet is the first line of defense when it comes to lowering your risk of heart disease.

Americans have slowly entered into a world of processed foods, hormone-injected meats, and genetically modified organisms. People like things to be quick, easy, and cheap, which has consequently had negative effects on their health. Rather than trying to pull yourself out of hole you’ve dug yourself, we recommend not digging the hole in the first place.

Give your heart and body some love by removing processed foods, saturated fats, fast food, meat, meat products, added sugars, and dairy products from your diet. Replace these foods with plant-based foods like fresh fruits & vegetables, legumes, sprouted grains, and raw nuts & seeds. Eating these foods will help you get your daily dose of the vitamins and minerals you need.

In honor of American Heart Month, here are eight amazing foods that can help protect your heart.


Asparagus is loaded with fiber, folate, and vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that nourishes cells and helps fight free radicals in the body. Asparagus also has a lot of potassium, which helps regulate heart function and blood pressure.


This superfood is great for keeping your heart healthy. It is rich in B vitamins, magnesium, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and potassium. Avocados are versatile, so get creative with how you make them.


Most people know that carrots are conducive to healthy eyesight. The beta-carotene gets converted to vitamin A, which helps prevent oxidation and arterial build-up. Carrots are also great for helping to lower cholesterol.

Chia Seeds

These powerful little seeds are rich in healthy fats and fiber, and are a great source of protein. The cool thing is that chia seeds supply all the heart-healthy benefits of flaxseeds without having to worry about the phytoestrogens.

Red Bell Pepper

Most people think that oranges are the richest source of vitamin C. They are not. Bell peppers have higher amounts and vitamins A and C, and they contain capsaicin, which helps to improve blood flow and cholesterol.


Spinach is a mighty green that should never be left out of your diet. The rich potassium content helps to lower cholesterol levels, while the dietary fiber can help remove toxins from the body. Spinach is also a great source of folate and antioxidants!


Tomatoes contain a super antioxidant, lycopene, which gives them their deep reed color. Lycopene helps to lower cholesterol levels and protects the heart against free radical damage.


Both walnuts and almonds can provide you with healthy, monounsaturated fats that help protect the heart. Walnuts are a great source of fiber, antioxidants, and magnesium, which is great for lowering stress levels.


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Time For A Cook Off! It’s National Chili Day Thu, 28 Feb 2019 08:30:28 +0000

Chili is comfort food, but it can be hard to digest if you aren't using the right ingredients. Check out our homemade vegan chili recipes!


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It makes sense that National Chili Day is the fourth Thursday in February because it is the perfect time of year to enjoy a warm bowl of chili. Some people like it hot, others like it mild, and there are the select few that like to put chili inside ice cream (they’re weird…we know). While there are various chili seasoning packets, which are high in sodium and other added flavorings, we encourage you to make your own chili spice blend!

Chili has many roots in different cultures, which is why there are many variations of this classic cook-off dish. For instance, a lot of Southwestern chili recipes will use green chilies for a little kick. Here’s an interesting fact: one green chili contains as much vitamin C as six oranges!

Chili Fact: If you make your chili extra spicy with hot peppers, it actually helps to increase the speed of your metabolism by triggering a thermodynamic burn.

Chili Powder

The active ingredient in chili powder is capsaicin, which helps to boost the metabolism and burn fat. Despite the fact that many people associate chili powder with an upset stomach, it has been known to inhibit acid reflux and kill bacteria, which cause stomach ulcers. Chili powder also has potent anti-inflammatory properties, which help to increase blood flow and decrease swelling in stiff/sore joints.

To help you celebrate National Chili Day, we have three of our favorite chili recipes below. Let us know what you think if you make them!

Roasted Sweet Potato Vegan Chili


The subtle sweetness of the potatoes is the perfect balance to the array of vibrant spices that go into this chili. Then the roasted heat from the poblano hits your palate and you wonder, “Where has this been all my life?” Well, it’s here now and here to stay.

Click here to make the recipe.

A Vegan Chili That Will Boost Your Chili Game


This recipe boasts bold flavors that continue to entice your taste buds with every bite. Don’t be afraid to add whatever toppings you feel would go well with the chili. Cilantro is a great go-to option!

Click here to make the recipe.

Raw Chili


We bet you didn’t think that chili was possible to eat on a raw foods diet. Well, eat it to believe it. It has robust flavors!

Click here to make the recipe.


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The post Time For A Cook Off! It’s National Chili Day appeared first on Dherbs - The Best All Natural Herbal Remedies & Products.
