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Skip the high sugar content of conventional cough syrup and get yourself on the mend with this homemade recipe using all natural ingredients.


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They may not taste great, but conventional cough syrups are what people keep in their medicine cabinets for flu and cold season. These sugary chemical concoctions may address the symptoms, but they don’t get to the root of the problem. Plus, chemists have some bad news about that syrup in your medicine cabinet.

The American Chemical Society (ACS) states that antitussive drugs block the body’s cough reflex. Common cough syrups contain expectorants that help to thin mucus, making it easier to cough. They also contain antihistamines to reduce swelling and decongestants to help open airways. Unfortunately, most studies on cough syrups show no evidence that they suppress or stop coughing. In fact, a lot of studies found that they performed no better than a placebo. 

Fortunately, you can easily make your own cough syrup using natural ingredients that are effective at getting rid of a cough or cold. It’s easy to make this natural cough syrup and it should help you kick that cold to the curb. The following ingredients not only boost immune function, but help soothe the throat and get rid of coughing. 

Raw Honey

Drinking tea with honey may help to soothe a sore throat, but honey may be able to suppress coughing on its own. One study monitored children ages one through five with upper respiratory tract infections. They received up to two teaspoons of raw honey at bedtime. Honey seemed to reduce nighttime coughing and even improved sleep. The same study found that honey was as effective at suppressing coughs as dextromethorphan, a common cough suppressant in over-the-counter doses. 


Both garlic and ginger are hailed as powerful immune boosters. Garlic exhibits potent antiviral, anti-fungal, and antibacterial properties that work to enhance immune function. The allicin in garlic triggers white blood cells to improve immune response against infections. Although garlic is most beneficial when consumed in its raw form, you can cook it and still reap some benefits. 

Apple Cider Vinegar

Although apple cider vinegar has a place in various culinary applications, it commonly finds its way into multiple health tonic recipes. Plain apple cider vinegar is powerful enough to relieve a cough, according to anecdotal research. The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar exhibits antimicrobial properties that help to kill pathogens in the throat, in turn, relieving coughing. Additionally, apple cider vinegar works to reduce inflammation that irritates the throat during a cough. 


Ginger may not be able to put an end to the common cold, but it may help reduce the duration of symptoms. A review of studies found that ginger helps to relieve congestion, reduce inflammation, and soothe a sore throat. The gingerols and shogaols in ginger are responsible for the medicinal properties. In fact, they exhibit antibacterial properties that proved effective against Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes. 


Coughing is the body’s natural response to clear out phlegm that accumulates in the throat during a cold. The main purpose is to open the airways. Research points to the fact that lemon boosts immune function and soothes the throat. Lemon also helps to flush toxins from the system. It pairs best with raw honey because it creates a thin layer on throat for cough relief. 

Homemade Cough Syrup


  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon raw honey
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1.25 teaspoons ginger, grated
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper


  • Add all of the ingredients to a glass jar and shake vigorously to combine. 
  • When you have a cough, consume just over one tablespoon at a time to help relieve symptoms. 
  • Make sure that you shake before each time you consume it.
  • Store in the refrigerator, but let it sit at room temperature for 10 minutes prior to each use. 
  • Don’t take more than 4 tablespoons daily.


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The Top 5 Foods That Help Cleanse Mucus From The Body Sun, 17 Oct 2021 09:08:00 +0000

Struggling to get rid of phlegm? You can do it with food! Focus on these five foods if you want to cleanse mucus from the body with ease.


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Similar to bacteria in the gut, some mucus is beneficial to have in the body. Mucus protects certain areas of the body from drying out and can protect against bacteria and viruses. As many of you know, you can have too much of a good thing. Excess mucus in the body can cause regular congestion, throat irritation, and more. Knowing which foods can cleanse mucus from the body can help you feel like your best self. 

What Is Mucus?

Some people are disgusted by the words for mucus. Phlegm, snot, boogers, and other descriptions create an aversion to this natural bodily product. It’s a protective substance that the mouth, sinuses, throat, lungs, stomach, and intestines excrete. The main constituent of mucus is mucin, which can work as a selective barrier, viscous material, or lubricant. Regular mucin structure and production helps protect surfaces all over the body. Abnormal mucus production can result from various health conditions, including pneumonia, COPD, lung diseases, smoking, allergies, or even cystic fibrosis. Additionally, mucus can accumulate as a result of eating unhealthy or mucus-producing foods.

While there are effective natural remedies that can hep keep mucus production under control, your diet is often the best plan of attack. This can come in the form of eliminating certain foods, or consuming more foods that get rid of mucus. Whether you’re prone to excess phlegm or fighting a cold, the following foods can help cleanse mucus from your system. 


Garlic, among other members of the allium family, is a powerful expectorant, helping to break up mucus build-up. A 2017 review found that allium vegetables, including garlic, onions, shallots, and leeks, have anti-inflammatory properties. Chronic inflammation is a primary culprit of excess mucus in the body, so lowering inflammation may reduce mucus. Garlic, specifically, exhibits antiviral, anti-fungal, and antibacterial properties that may fight infections in the respiratory glands. Since infected respiratory glands produce more mucus, eating more garlic may reduce the amount you have in the body.


Cardamom is an Indian spice that exhibits intense flavor. The seeds, oils, and extracts of cardamom are thought to have impressive medicinal benefits. One such benefit is that cardamom helps reduce mucus build-up in the body. Cardamom is rich in cineole, which is an active ingredient that breaks down mucus. Excess mucus can partially block respiratory passages, making it dangerous for people with asthma, pneumonia, or respiratory conditions. Lastly, cardamom can liquify mucus in heavier foods, which can be hard for the body to digest. 


In addition to improving digestive health, pineapple may help eliminate mucus from the body. Fresh pineapple contains bromelain, an important enzyme with strong anti-inflammatory properties that aid respiratory function. In fact, pineapple’s anti-inflammatory nature has helped relieve symptoms of asthma and allergies. Fresh pineapple juice also exhibits mucolytic properties, which work to break up mucus and expel it from the body.


Drinking ginger tea when you have a cold is one of the best things you can do, as it soothes the throat and promotes decongestion. Several studies found that ginger is a natural decongestant and antihistamine. Plus, it’s rich in antiviral and antibacterial properties, which can ease chest congestion by drying out excess mucus and promoting its removal. Ginger holds specific enzymatic benefits the produce an anti-inflammatory effect in the body. Ginger actually alerts the immune system that it is safe and mucus production is not necessary. You can add fresh ginger root to smoothies, but the best way to consume it is by drinking homemade ginger tea. 

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is rich in the active compound capsaicin, which helps to naturally thin mucus. Capsaicin is also what gives cayenne the potent spice. If you experience a runny nose after eating spicy foods like cayenne, it’s because it has mucus-thinning properties. Cayenne pepper is also an excellent source of vitamin C, which works to enhance immune function. If the body is fighting a virus or infection, optimizing the immune system can help reduce the severity and duration of symptoms. If you have acid reflux, you may want to avoid spicy foods like cayenne, because they may actually worsen phlegm-related issues. 


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The Best Foods To Eat For Healthy Lungs Sat, 28 Mar 2020 17:25:00 +0000

The lungs work tirelessly and require a little support to help you breathe properly. These foods can help improve the health of your lungs.


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As many of you know, what you put in your body can have a big influence on your overall health. The same goes for your lungs, because many foods or substances can damage lung tissue or negatively impact their function. If you have an existing lung condition, such as asthma or COPD, or just want to boost overall lung health, the foods in this article are about to come to the rescue.

How Do The Lungs Work?

The lungs are comprised of thousands of branching tubes that end in tiny air sacs, also known as alveoli. There are over 300 million alveoli in your lungs! In terms of space, they could fill up the entire surface area of a tennis court. And these alveoli maximize the exchange of gases because they are thinner than tissue paper. The lungs are quite remarkable and should be cared for like a prized possession, especially since they play a large role in immune health.

We are constantly exposed to various microbes and pollutants on a daily basis. The mucus in the lungs actually capture these microbes and expel them via tiny cilia for us to cough out. It can take much more than avoiding cigarettes to keep the lungs healthy, which is where foods come into play.

How Does Food Affect The Lungs?

A diet that is rich in nutrient-dense foods can benefit all of the body’s systems and organs by providing antioxidant protection. Specific nutrients assist with healthy breathing, and some can even help reduce symptoms of respiratory conditions. The food you eat produces carbon dioxide, which is a waste product that is expelled through exhaling. Different foods produce different amounts of carbon dioxide. Reports have shown that a low-carb diet that is rich in healthy fats can assist with healthier breathing. A diet rich in unhealthy fats (think saturated fats and trans fats found in processed foods and meats) has been linked to an increased risk of lung cancer. Finally, higher consumption of fruits and vegetables has exhibited healthier lung function. Eat the following foods to help you breathe easy.


Garlic contains powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that work to combat oxidative stress in the lungs and the rest of the body. One study found that consuming raw garlic at least twice a week led to a decreased risk of developing lung cancer over time.

Green Tea

Many people love green tea because of its high antioxidant content that includes quercetin, which acts like a natural antihistamine. By slowing the release of histamines, quercetin helps to reduce inflammation and protect the lungs from any irritants. Green tea is also rich in the antioxidant flavanol known as epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), which has been known to benefit the cardiovascular system and have anti-cancer properties.


Water is life, people! There’s no reason to omit water from your diet because filtered water works to keep blood flowing to and from the lungs. Water helps to hydrate the lungs and keep mucus flowing. As we mentioned earlier in the article, mucus helps trap microbes, toxins, and other pollutants and move them out via cilia. When you don’t drink enough water, the lungs have to work harder and may not be as effective. Click here if you need help drinking more water.


Known for soothing a sore throat, ginger is a powerful spice that has been extensively studied for its myriad medicinal properties. When it comes to lung health, ginger has been known to help decrease lung damage and protect against inflammation in the lungs. Preliminary animal studies revealed that ginger extract prevented DNA and tissue damage in the lungs caused by alcohol.


Part of maintaining a healthy immune system is getting a sufficient amount of vitamin D. Nutritionists have explained that low vitamin D levels are associated with increased childhood asthma, whereas healthy vitamin D levels help reduce asthma attacks. Obviously, one of the best ways to increase vitamin D intake is by absorbing sunshine, but mushrooms can help you up your vitamin D levels as well. Mushrooms, especially ones that were exposed to a lot of sunlight, are some of the best natural sources of vitamin D. Aim to eat maitake and Portobello mushrooms.


Turmeric is praised for its ability to help reduce inflammation, and this is largely attributed to curcumin, the active ingredient. Curcumin can help relieve chest tightness and inflammation, both of which are associated with asthma. One study followed 77 participants with mild or moderate asthma. They took curcumin capsules for 30 days, and the results found that they had reduced obstructions in airways.

Leafy Greens

One of the best ways to encourage healthier lungs is by protecting them from inflammation and infection. Leafy greens like spinach, kale, arugula, chard, collards, and romaine lettuce are rich in anti-inflammatory properties and chlorophyll, which helps to support blood flow to the lungs. Additionally, leafy greens contain carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin, which help remove potentially harmful free radicals from the body.


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Natural Remedies To Beat Spring Allergies Fri, 20 Mar 2020 08:47:00 +0000

Get your allergies under control this spring with some of the amazing natural remedies in this article. They’re so effective and easy!


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Winter is cold and flu season, but people with allergies don’t get a break from congestion as spring arrives. Those who look forward to the classic “April showers, May flowers” sentiment clearly do not have allergies. About 50 million Americans suffer from seasonal allergies, and many of them head to the doctor to obtain prescribed pharmaceuticals like antihistamines or acetaminophens, which can actually aggravate allergy symptoms. Fortunately, there are many natural remedies to help you beat spring allergies this season.

You don’t want to be the person with itchy eyes and congested sinuses during spring. After all, you just made it through winter, which is filled with sniffling and sore throats. There’s no reason to relive that, but these symptoms can be difficult to avoid when you have to deal with pollen. In addition to dust and mold, pollen is one of the most common seasonal allergens. While pollen is technically harmless, a hypersensitive immune system can often mistake it for a foreign invader and release histamine as a response. As people with allergies know, this can cause hives or itchy skin, or sinus congestion and itchy eyes.

There’s no two ways about it: allergies are no fun, but you may not need medications to control your symptoms. Many natural remedies can help control symptoms and keep your allergies under control. Experiment with the following natural remedies and see which ones work best at managing your symptoms.

Use Apple Cider Vinegar

We constantly advocate how beneficial apple cider vinegar is for overall health. Not only does it help to balance pH levels in the body, but it can also provide a little energy boost, especially when you drink it in water mixed with lemon juice. When you notice the first sign of an allergy attack, put one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in your Neti Pot solution and perform a sinus flush to help ward off congestion.

Stinging Nettle

Stinging nettle has been used for its medicinal properties for centuries. Europeans in medieval times used stinging nettle as a diuretic to help relieve fluid retention (edema) and occasional joint pain. Many studies have concluded that stinging nettle can effectively improve joint pain, urinary problems, hay fever, and insect bites, but new research has shown it controls histamines. More and more medical professionals recommend that people with allergies take stinging nettle before hay fever season.

Clear Those Sinuses

If you don’t want to have a case of the sniffles throughout the spring months, it’s time to clear those sinuses with some nasal irrigation. We know that sounds utterly enchanting (wink wink), but nasal rinsing helps to flush out allergens and built up mucus. The use of a Neti Pot originated in the Ayurvedic tradition hundreds of years ago, and people have been benefiting from sinus rinses ever since. Neti Pots have now become more mainstream for preventing upper respiratory conditions and seasonal allergies. When you make a Neti Pot solution, do not use tap water because the chlorine and fluoride can aggravate the sinuses. Opt for distilled water and mix it with sea salt. Exact solution ratios will vary, but the common ratio is 8 ounces of distilled water with ½ teaspoon of sea salt.

Eat An Alkaline And Anti-Inflammatory Diet

When you supply the body with nutrient-dense foods, your systems and organs can function optimally. Since allergies create inflammatory responses, it is beneficial for you to consume anti-inflammatory and alkaline foods. Some of the best foods to help you beat allergies include:

Leafy Greens

Spinach, kale, arugula, romaine lettuce, watercress, and chard all contain a diverse mix of enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that assist with reducing inflammation and promoting natural detoxification.


If the bad bacteria in your gut microbiome outnumber the good bacteria, you most likely have decreased immune response. Strengthen the immune system by consuming probiotic foods like kimchi, kombucha, sauerkraut, fermented vegetables, miso, and natto.


Did you know that garlic is considered a natural antibiotic? Well, it is, and it has the ability to ward off infections, viruses, and allergies. For garlic to have the best effect, consume it raw by blending one clove into your smoothie or juicing it with other fruits and vegetables. A clove a day may keep the allergy medication away because it offers immense immune support.


While some people like to deny it, lemons and limes help to establish an alkaline body. They do contain citric acid, but they have an alkalizing effect after ingestion. Lemons are extremely rich in immune-boosting antioxidants like vitamin C, which has been known to ward off infections and detox impurities from the body. Add lemons to your water throughout the day, freshly squeeze them in your salad dressings, drink lemon tea, and find other ways to consume lemons every day.


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The Medicinal Herbs You’ve Never Heard Of But Need Tue, 12 Nov 2019 10:39:12 +0000

Learn about the health benefits of some of nature’s most medicinal herbs. You may be surprised at how much they do for the body.


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From marshmallow root to lobelia and wood betony to woad, there are hundreds of herbs, flowers, and plants that possess powerful medicinal properties. A common and seemingly useless herb to the untrained eye may have antiseptic, antibacterial, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Other herbs may help to promote detoxification or even work to repel insects.

The world of herbal medicine continues to expand with each new study of the hundreds of herbs in existence. Constant research on herbal medicine intends to examine their abilities to benefit the different organs, systems, muscles, or bones in the body. We may never be able to fully catalog all of the benefits from plants that exist around the world. While some herbs are more difficult to procure, research indicates that most people have access to these medicinal herbs and fail to take advantage of their benefits. After reading about the benefits of the following plants, you may want to rethink your stance about using herbs as medicine.


Also known as “featherfew” or “wild chamomile,” feverfew has been used in European folk medicine for centuries. The leaves and extracts from the plant contain parthenolide, a compound that may help reduce inflammation, prevent blood vessel constriction in the brain, and ease muscle spasms. A few studies have concluded that parthenolide may also work to reduce migraines, minor headaches, and vomiting. The health properties in feverfew may inhibit the release of inflammatory substances that contribute to migraines or menstrual cramps. It can be brewed into a tea or made into a tincture.

Marshmallow Root

Unfortunately, marshmallow root does not grow marshmallows, but it has been a potent herbal remedy for centuries. Due to the mucilaginous content of marshmallow root, many cultures have used it to help remedy coughs or colds. Several studies have found that it acts an enzyme to help loosen mucous and inhibit bacterial growth. Additionally, the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of marshmallow root may help to relieve eczema, dermatitis, and enhance the overall appearance of the skin.

Dittany of Crete

Native to the island of Crete in Greece, dittany has long since been considered to be panacea, meaning it has been used as a solution for various illnesses. The presence of phenol carvacrol, in addition to the antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties, makes dittany excellent for soothing sore throats, stomach pains, menstrual cramps, and even hypertension. People who want to strengthen heart muscles and clear out arteries will benefit from brewing this herb into a tea. It is enhanced when mixed with raw honey and cinnamon, especially to relieve coughing.

Anise Hyssop

Anise hyssop is a perennial herb from the mint family, growing tall with woody flowers that are often lavender, pink, or white in color. It has commonly been used as a cough and cold remedy, due to its ability to loosen mucous, decongest, and reduce the symptoms of sinus infections. Native Americans used to drink anise hyssop tea to improve digestive health and get rid of diarrhea. Alternatively, anise hyssop leaves can be crushed up to make a salve because the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties can accelerate wound healing or soothe sunburns.

Wild Asparagus Root

Wild asparagus root isn’t your average asparagus plant that grows in the garden. It’s a wild asparagus that has been used in both spiritual and physical healing practices. It has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 2,000 years, often revered by Tibetan people for its ability to keep the skin looking young, supple, and healthy. The Chinese often say that “wisdom comes from the lungs,” and wild asparagus root has commonly been made into gentle tonics to help cleanse the respiratory system of toxins. Additionally, Taoists have used wild asparagus root to relax the mind to promote healthy sleep, and these same relaxing properties have been purported to increase levels of happiness and joy.


Due to the intense labor that is involved with harvesting saffron, it is considered one of the most expensive spices in the world. All of the harvesting is done by hand and it takes about 75,000 saffron blossoms to yield a single pound of saffron. Containing more than 150 volatile compounds, including safranal, antioxidants, biochemicals, carotenoids, and crocin, saffron can help to protect heart health, increase metabolism and blood circulation, and improve bone strength and nerve function. It also has analgesic properties, which may work to reduce pain, stress, and anxiety.


Ruta graveolens, commonly referred to as rue, is a garden plant that has been used as an insect repellent and for its medicinal properties. Rue is praised for the alkaloids and anti-inflammatory & antihistamine properties, and it contains a compound known as rutin, which works to prevent oxidative stress. The antifungal properties of rue have been proven to clear up skin, decrease premature signs of aging, and improve overall complexion. If you put rue extract in a diffuser, it helps to ward off cockroaches, mosquitos, and other insects.


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DIY Antihistamine Balm For Allergy Relief Tue, 07 May 2019 18:10:42 +0000

A lot of people suffer from allergies or general congestion during springtime. Protect yourself by making this DIY antihistamine balm.


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Spring is in full swing and the flowers are in bloom. Those with intense pollen allergies, however, may not be rejoicing during this time. No need to fret because there are natural remedies that can help you get fight off allergies. If you want some quick relief, we found an all-natural antihistamine balm.

Rather than buying pharmaceutical antihistamines, it is better to use natural ingredients to provide allergy relief. This balm is always beneficial to have on hand, especially during spring when a lot of people are prone to sinus issues, congestion, throat irritation, itchy eyes, seasonal allergies, or allergies that involve stings or rashes. The active ingredients are powerful essential oils and we are going to give you some information as to how they benefit you.

Peppermint Essential Oil

This oil contains antispasmodic properties and acts as an expectorant. Inhaling the aroma can help relieve a sore throat or clear up sinuses. Outside of using this oil in the DIY balm, you can add a few drops to an aromatherapy diffuser and leave it in your room. This will help relieve allergy symptoms and contribute to better breathing.

Frankincense Essential Oil

While people may think of the three wise men when frankincense oil is mentioned, it should also be thought of as an essential oil that helps to relieve anxiety and reduce inflammation. Your frankincense inhalation should be done sparingly because it is very powerful. That is why there are two carrier oils in this DIY balm.

Lavender Essential Oil

Rich in powerful anti-inflammatory properties, lavender is a natural antihistamine that is extremely beneficial to use during an allergic reaction. It has been commonly used with a carrier oil to help those suffering from skin irritations like insect bites, hives, or other reactions.

Lemon Essential Oil

Supporting the lymphatic and immune systems, lemon essential oil helps to stimulate white blood cell production and aids with overall body detoxification. Lemon essential oil is commonly used around the home to get rid of airborne allergens. You can add some lemon essential oil to a diffuser and place it in common areas to help lessen allergies.


  • 2-4 small balm containers
  • 5 ounces beeswax, chopped
  • 3 tablespoons organic coconut oil
  • 2 teaspoons sweet almond oil (you can also use another carrier oil like jojoba oil or olive oil)
  • 10 drops lemon essential oil
  • 10 drops lavender essential oil
  • 10 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 6 drops frankincense essential oil


  • Fill the bottom half of a double boiler two-thirds of the way with water and place the whole thing over medium heat. Put the beeswax in the top of the double boiler and melt the wax. Make sure that you don’t burn it because that will destroy the benefits.
  • Once the beeswax is melted, stir in the coconut oil and sweet almond oil. Make sure that you stir this mixture well.
  • Remove from the heat and then add the essential oils in, drop by drop. Make sure to thoroughly mix these in so they are evenly distributed throughout the balm.
  • Pour the mixture in the little balm containers and let the mixture cool at room temperature. This should take about 45 minutes.
  • Once they are cooled, put the lids on and store them in a cool, dry place.

How To Use:

  • Take a thumbnail size amount of the balm and rub on the affected area. You can also rub it on the bottoms of your feet, your chest, neck, or below your nostrils to help with clearer breathing.


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5 Natural Ways To Protect Yourself From Seasonal Allergies Sat, 04 May 2019 10:15:30 +0000

Don't let seasonal allergies get the best of you. If you don't want to end up sneezing every few seconds, try these natural remedies.


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From the birds to the pollen, there are many things that may cause suffering from the classic symptoms of an allergic reaction. Millions of people suffer from seasonal allergies, which can result in sneezing, sore throat, watery eyes, or combination of all three. While pharmaceutical drugs may provide temporary relief, natural methods may prevent allergy symptoms from occurring in the first place. Here are five natural ways to protect yourself from seasonal allergies:

#1: Diet

A healthy diet will boost your overall immune function. A scientific study done on the island of Crete found that nasal allergies were almost non-existent. The islanders’ diet mainly included olive oil, nuts, fruits, and veggies. The key to an allergy preventing lifestyle is getting enough sleep, eliminating stress, avoiding processed foods, and consuming a healthy whole food diet rich in healthy fats and probiotic-rich fermented foods.

#2: Visit the Lake or Beach

Research suggests that pollen levels are lower around open bodies of water. People who live by and swim in the sea tend to have healthier respiratory systems because seawater mimics the body’s own fluids in the lining of the airways, and doesn’t irritate them.  If you live inland, just a few weeks by the seaside during the summer can do wonders for your allergies; plus, it is something the whole family can enjoy.

#3: Go Natural

Keeping your home clean is one of the best ways to avoid indoor allergens. Because harsh chemicals can irritate your nasal passages and aggravate your symptoms, opt to make natural cleaners with everyday ingredients like distilled white vinegar or baking soda. Use a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter to trap allergens.

#4: Essential Oils

Essential oils have the potential to kill some allergens that cause allergic reactions. Some popular essential oils for allergies include:

Eucalyptus can open the respiratory system, reduce inflammation and allow better breathing.

Peppermint can help to open stuffed nasal passages and can reduce headaches.

Lavender has natural antihistamine, anti-inflammatory and calming properties. It can help reduce irritation and relax breathing.

Lemon improves immunity and helps to relieve respiratory issues and inflammation.

Chamomile is a relaxing oil that works to naturally relieve headaches and reduce inflammation.

#5: Rinse With Saline

Spritz a saline rinse into your nose daily to wash away pollen. In one study, participants who rinsed their sinuses twice a day for three to six weeks reported less nasal congestion than those who didn’t.


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Spice Up Your Love Life With These Aphrodisiac Foods Tue, 12 Feb 2019 17:30:33 +0000

The mood doesn't have to strike all the time, but it also doesn't have to wait for special occasions. Here are 8 foods to put you in the mood.


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Ladies and gentlemen, Valentine’s Day is two days away, but we want to let you know that you don’t need an excuse to celebrate a romantic evening. You can make the most of any day because there are foods that help to boost your libido. Don’t ignore the mood when it strikes, especially when it is induced by the foods in this article.

Aphrodisiac foods are known to put a spell on you, so to speak. Okay, not a spell, but they help to boost your sexual desire. You don’t have to wait for special occasions to eat these foods, either. Keep them in your kitchen, so that you can use them whenever you want to make things spicy. Just to clarify, you will not be eating spicy foods.


The pomegranate is incredibly rich in antioxidants, which helps to boost the immune system. In Eastern medicine, pomegranates have been used to help treat depression. What is it doing on this list you ask? Well, they have been known to boost genital sensitivity in men and women. Since they can be tricky to open, watch the video below for an easier time.


Bananas have some pretty amazing health benefits. They help to improve circulation and contain a special enzyme called bromelain, which works to promote healthy digestion and increase male sex drive.


If you are looking for a hydrating, low-calorie fruit, watermelon should be your go-to. Because watermelons contain lots of electrolytes and water, they help improve circulation. Healthy circulation is important for any activity…you know what we mean.


Garlic may seem like an odd food to be on an aphrodisiac list because it has a lasting effect on your breath. If you both eat it, though, there won’t be any problems! Ancient Egyptian priests were actually forbidden to eat garlic because they feared that they wouldn’t be able to control their desires. Allicin, known for lowering cholesterol, helps to increase blood flow.


Almonds are popular on the health charts nowadays because they are a great source of healthy fats and protein. In fact, almonds have long-since been used as the symbol of fertility. To help set the mood, the smell of almond oil actually stimulates male and female libidos.

Raw Honey

It’s important to get raw honey because the other stuff is incredibly processed. Honey helps to boost your hormones in both men and women. In addition to increasing estrogen and testosterone levels, honey also helps you become aroused.


Naturally rich in antioxidants and antihistamines, cherries can help to keep your immune system strong. Tying a knot in the stem with your tongue has nothing to do with the inherent aphrodisiac properties of the cherry, just so you know. Cherries actually help to boost the production of pheromones, the hormones that put you in the mood.


Basil is a classic ingredient in Italian cooking, but a lot of people don’t know that basil can help to increase the female libido. The fragrant aroma of basil can also stimulate sexual desire in both men and women. It is best to have fresh basil to reap these benefits, so you may consider buying a basil plant.


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The Incredible Health Benefits Of Ginger Fri, 27 Apr 2018 12:10:33 +0000

Ginger has been referred to as a gift from the gods because of all that it can do for the body. See what its benefits can do for you.


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Ginger is an ancient spice that has been used by various cultures to naturally remedy a variety of conditions. Belonging to the same plant family as turmeric and cardamom, ginger has been heavily studied over the past few years due to the increased popularity of alternative medicine and natural remedies. The believed health benefits of ginger have been mostly accounted via anecdotal or historical information, which is why more studies are being conducted to solidify the accounts.

Ginger was once revered as a gift from the gods by the Indian and Chinese healers. This spice does not only belong on a sushi platter next to some fake wasabi; rather, it should become a featured ingredient in your daily life. Ginger has a spicy, slightly sweet aroma, which is due to the ketones and gingerols, the primary component of ginger.

Fun Fact: Ginger is not a root, although it is commonly referred to as such. Ginger is considered to be a rhizome because it is the horizontal stem, from which the root grows. Roots grow vertically, proving that ginger is not technically a root!

It Helps Improve Blood Circulation

Magnesium, potassium, and chromium all help to promote healthier blood circulation. Ginger has all three of these minerals and more! A mere 5 slices of raw ginger can help to improve circulation and overall heart health. In fact, Eastern cultures have used ginger to optimize heart health for thousands of years.

It Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Ginger is primarily known for its anti-inflammatory properties. This makes sense because it is in the same family as turmeric, which has been proven to reduce inflammation in the body. Recent studies have indicated that ginger extract can help to drastically reduce overall joint inflammation or general muscular discomfort. Moreover, ginger was proven to be as effective as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs at relieving pain in women with primary dysmenorrhea.

It May Reduce Nausea

Notorious for its effect on upset stomachs, ginger has commonly been used to alleviate motion sickness, nausea, seasickness, or morning sickness. Some evidence indicates that the relief is due to the fact that it inhibits serotonin receptors and exerts antiemetic effects on the digestive and central nervous systems. While more studies need to be conducted, ginger is best for alleviating nausea, vomiting, and nausea associated with pregnancy or chemotherapy.

It Helps Lower Bad Cholesterol

There was a recent study conducted on the effects of ginger on cholesterol in a controlled group of people. The results showed that compounds in ginger helped to reduce triglycerides and LDL cholesterol levels. Additionally, the HDL (beneficial cholesterol) levels increased, which may decrease heart-related issues such as stroke or heart attack. Finally, the results of most studies indicate that ginger works to improve lipid metabolism.

It Fights Colds and Flu

It is common to drink ginger tea when you have a cold or flu, but for different reasons. Drinking ginger tea when you have a cold helps to naturally decongest your sinuses and it acts as a natural antihistamine. Many cough medicines often contain ginger extract for this reason. Ginger is also replete with vitamin C, which is a known immune booster that helps to fight off bacteria and viruses. Drinking ginger tea when you have the flu works to combat nausea and aid with digestion.


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Natural Remedies To Help You Through Allergy Season Thu, 27 Apr 2017 16:00:12 +0000

We are smack dab in the middle of allergy season and people are sneezing left and right. Naturally fight back against allergies with these remedies.


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Allergy season is in full swing and we want to help you fight back against your allergies. People commonly reach for their allergy medications, but many allergies can be combated naturally. An allergy is an increased sensitivity to a foreign substance known as an allergen. People can have food allergies, pet allergies, drug allergies, mold or pollen allergies, and many more.

Someone without allergies will react if something harmful like bacteria harms the immune system. The immune systems of people who have allergies are hard at work and unable to prevent reactions to allergens such as mold or dust. If someone is allergic to something, he/she can have an allergic reaction, which can be mild or life threatening.

What Causes Allergies?

Allergies are caused by an imbalanced immune system. The immune system mistakes a normally harmless substance as a dangerous intruder. Once this happens, antibodies are produced to look out for that substance again. Upon exposure to this allergen again, the antibodies release chemicals such as histamine, which cause the allergy symptoms. Depending on the person, airborne allergens, certain foods, insect stings, or medications can cause an allergic reaction. Other causes are below:

  • Touching, Breathing in, or Ingesting the Allergen
  • Getting Stung by and insect (primarily a bee or wasp)
  • Eating Certain Foods (such as peanuts, shellfish, eggs and milk, soy, or wheat)
  • Release of Histamine
  • Imbalanced Immune System
  • Weakened Immune System

Get Them Before They Get You

One of the best things you can do to fight off allergies is to combat them before they occur. A great way to do this is to use a Neti Pot or a saline cleanse. By squirting the saline solution into your nose daily, you rinse away the pollen or airborne allergens that you are allergic to. This can lessen nasal congestion or runny noses.


Taking herbal supplements such as butterbur can help prevent pollen or mold allergies. This herb, which doesn’t have any associated drowsiness, has a great track record for being a great antihistamine. Similarly, cooking with turmeric can help because it acts as a decongestant. The properties in turmeric help ward off colds and allergy symptoms.

Take Your Probiotics

Taking probiotics or consuming foods like kombucha, kimchi, or kefir, all of which are high in probiotics, can help digestion. You can also consume raw, locally made honey, so that your body might be able to adapt to the allergens in the area. Think of this like a natural allergy shot.

Always Keep Your Surroundings Clean

It is important to keep your environment clean. Eliminating dust, mold, or pollen from your home can help reduce your allergy symptoms. Also, using all natural, chemical-free cleaning products can help you avoid allergic reactions you might have to chemicals in regular cleaning products.

Change Your Diet

A change in diet can always benefit your immune system. Abstaining from foods that you are allergic to, in addition to fast food, alcohol, salt, and sugar, can be beneficial for your health. Those bad foods often contain chemicals that can induce a negative response in the body.

Get Some High Quality H2O

Drink a lot of good water to help flush the tissues of poisons and toxins. Most Americans are outright dehydrated because they don’t drink adequate amounts of water; good water such as alkaline or distilled water is recommended because not all heavy metals and fluoride is properly filtered from regular water. Balanced pH levels keep the immune system strong!


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