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If you find yourself having hot flashes/menopausal symptoms or PMS symptoms, then you may benefit from using these herbs.


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If you find yourself having hot flashes/menopausal symptoms or PMS symptoms, then you may benefit from using these herbs. They’ve been used for centuries and fenugreek supplements specifically has been reported to decrease the need for painkillers for menstrual cramps.


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Exercising During Period: What To Do And What To Avoid Thu, 02 Feb 2023 09:25:00 +0000

Exercising while on your period may seem counterintuitive, but certain low-intensity exercises may help you alleviate menstrual symptoms.


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When Aunt Flo comes to town, your first inclination is not to go to the gym. Fatigue, cramps, or bloating can set in and exercising seems like torture. As torturous as hitting the gym may seem, squeezing in a workout while on your period may improve your symptoms. In fact, exercising may boost your mood and promote better physical well-being.

As most of you know, there are many benefits that stem from exercising. It is a great way to relieve anxiety and depression, boost cognitive function, and get your blood pumping. Staying active during your time of the month is highly beneficial, but there are certain things to keep in mind. There are ways to make your activities more enjoyable, but you also need to pay attention to signs that indicate the body’s need to rest. 

The Benefits Of Exercising While On Your Period

One of the biggest upsides to exercising while on your period is the potential to reduce cramps. A 2019 review of studies found that 45-60 minutes of any level of intensity exercise at least three times per week significantly reduced the pain of menstrual cramps. That means that brisk walking, strength training, or yoga can help you. This is because exercise increases levels of beta-endorphins, which are substances in the blood that help block pain. 

In addition to reducing menstrual cramp pain, exercise may also bring relief to symptoms like fatigue, bloating, and low mood. Exercise enhances blood flow and decreases levels of aldosterone, a hormone that tells the body to retain salt and water. Movement also increases the production of various anti-inflammatory compounds. This one-two punch is effective for relieving symptoms like tender breasts and bloating. Lastly, exercising encourages the release of endorphins and neurotransmitters like dopamine, which enhance your mood by promoting more positivity.

Exercises To Do

There isn’t a single exercise, or form of exercise, that is better to do on your period. Some activities, however, may positively impact your cycle more than others. Continue reading to learn which exercises are more beneficial to do while on your period. 

Cardio Workouts

Aerobic or cardiovascular “cardio” workouts are exercises that get your blood pumping. Popular cardio workouts include jogging, dancing, walking, or swimming. Several studies found that aerobic workouts can help shorten the duration of your cycle. Cardio exercises may also decrease the severity of symptoms, including bloating and cramps, that occur during your period. Consider taking a brisk walk or riding your bike to help boost your mood and ease symptoms that hit during your time of the month. 

Low-Intensity Exercises

Yoga, stretching, Tai Chi, and Pilates are excellent forms of low-intensity exercises. Many low-intensity movements can help reduce the severity of cramps, improve mood, and boost energy levels. Certain yoga poses may also provide relief from PMS symptoms. For example, Cobra pose may combat depression and low energy, while Child’s pose may relieve fatigue and bloating. 

Resistance Training

If lifting weights or engaging in bodyweight exercises is your preferred workout style, there’s no reason to skip these workouts during your cycle. Strength training may not alleviate menstrual symptoms, but weight-lifting techniques during the follicular phase (first day of your period through ovulation) may help improve muscle mass and tone. Try to avoid heavy lifting during your time of the month, though. In fact, you may want to opt for lighter weights than you typically use. 

Exercises To Avoid

Certain activities and exercises may be more appropriate to do on your period, while others need to be avoided. Many women can still carry out their regular exercise routines during their cycles, just with minor adjustments. In general, you should reduce the intensity and frequency of training during this time. You don’t have to stop working out, but cutting back a little may benefit your body. Keep in mind that everyone’s body is different, but the general consensus is that pushing yourself too hard can negatively affect your cycle. To avoid missing periods or stopping your cycle entirely, avoid high-intensity workouts like long-distance running. Consider keeping an exercise diary to note how different exercises positively or negatively affect your cycle. If you know that your energy levels are low, though, opt for yoga and other low-intensity workouts.


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Health Benefits Of Manganese And How To Get More Of It Thu, 27 Jan 2022 09:07:00 +0000

Present in a wide variety of foods, manganese helps form connective tissue, bones, sex hormones, and exhibits other health benefits.


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Manganese is an essential trace mineral that works closely with other nutrients, performing key roles in the body. It aids with the synthesis of carbohydrates, proteins, and cholesterol. The body requires it for normal brain and nervous system function, and it also aids with the production of digestive enzymes. 

You can find manganese in supplement form, but it exists in many different foods. It occurs naturally in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and certain nuts and seeds, although whole grains tend to be the best natural sources. It’s a cofactor for many enzymes in the body, and it also plays a role in the blood clotting and hemostasis processes. The small intestine absorbs it through an active transport system. After absorption, manganese is typically taken up by the liver and other tissues. 

The body can maintain 20 milligrams (mg) of manganese, which concentrates in the kidneys, liver, pancreas, and bones. It’s a necessary mineral that contributes to optimal, overall health and you can read about how it aids the body below. 

Boosts Metabolism

One of manganese’s primary functions is regulating the body’s metabolism. The enzymes that manganese activates aid with the metabolism of amino acids, cholesterol, and carbohydrates. Additionally, manganese works to metabolize vitamins E and B1, and is an essential component to the metabolism of glutamine. 

Aids Cognitive Function

Some of the body’s manganese supply exists in the synaptic vesicles that are in the brain. Because of this, manganese has a relationship with the electrophysiological activity of the brain’s neurons. What that means is that manganese plays a role in maintaining cognitive function. Manganese deficiency can often increase the risk of mental illness, learning disabilities, and mood changes. In fact, several studies found that people with seizure disorders had lower blood levels of manganese. 

Powerful Antioxidant Properties

Medical experts argue that enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) is one of the most important antioxidants in the body. Manganese is actually a part of this antioxidant, which aims to protect against free radicals. SOD counteracts the negative effects of free radicals by converting superoxide into smaller molecules that don’t damage cells. One study found that SOD was less active in people with rheumatoid arthritis, compared to people without the condition. Another study concluded that low SOD levels may increase the risk of heart disease more than total triglyceride or cholesterol levels. 

Reduces Inflammation

As previously mentioned, manganese works to increase the level of SOD, making it a widely known mineral for sprains and inflammation. After consuming manganese, experts note that SOD levels increase in the body. Because SOD has anti-inflammatory properties, it can help people who suffer from inflammatory conditions, including arthritis. Several studies confirmed that adding more manganese-rich foods to the diet increased both the synthesis and functioning of SOD. 

Supports Bone Health

Manganese works with zinc, calcium, and copper to help support healthy bones. Since older women have a higher risk of osteoporosis, medical experts recommend that they maintain sufficient manganese intake. Manganese deficiency often increases the risk of bone-related disorders, as it aids the formation of bone regulatory hormones. Manganese also balances calcium and phosphorus, both of which work to enhance skeletal health. Taking manganese supplements, in addition to vitamin D, magnesium, copper, boron, and zinc, may improve bone mass in people with weak bones. 

Regulates Blood Sugar

Several studies indicate that manganese plays a role in the regulation of blood sugar. In fact, people with diabetes tend to have lower levels of manganese. Researchers, however, continue to speculate if manganese levels drop because of diabetes, or if lower manganese levels contribute to the condition’s development. Manganese is heavily concentrated in the pancreas and is involved with insulin production. Because of this, manganese may contribute to the proper secretion of insulin to stabilize blood sugar levels. 

May Reduce PMS Symptoms

According to researchers, consuming manganese in conjunction with calcium may improve PMS symptoms, including muscle pains, anxiety, mood swings, and abdominal tenderness. One study found that women with lower blood levels of manganese experienced more pain and mood-related symptoms during pre-menstruation. Other studies also concluded similar results. Despite the research, manganese’s impact on the body’s hormonal function may not be noticeable. Before supplementing with manganese to get rid of PMS symptoms, consult with a health care professional.


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6 Emerging Health Benefits Of Yuzu Tue, 25 Jan 2022 09:27:00 +0000

What is yuzu and does it have health benefits? Studies show that it’s a great source of vitamins, reduces inflammation, and boosts immunity.


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At first glance, the yuzu fruit looks like a mandarin orange that has a rich yellow pigment. Belonging to the citrus family, yuzu is unlike most citrus fruits when it comes to texture, taste, and aroma. Although it may be new to many Americans, yuzu has been apart of Chinese, Korean, and Japanese cuisine for over 1,000 years. 

What Is Yuzu?

This popular, acidic citrus fruit exists in food preparations across East Asia, and now it’s on many Western menus. You may see it as an addition to ramen, desserts, cocktails, sushi, slaws, and dressings. Yuzu has a bumpy yellow exterior with a sour flavor profile. The aroma is quite fragrant, emitting scents reminiscent of grapefruit, lemongrass, lime, and lemon. Some people say it smells like pure sunshine, if you can imagine that sunshine has a scent. 

Yuzu exhibits a diverse nutritional profile, being a rich source of vitamins C & E, potassium, magnesium, copper, and calcium. It’s very low in calories and scientists have identified powerful antioxidant compounds like yuzunone. They may boost immunity, improve blood clotting, support mood, aid weight loss, provide relief from nausea, and more. You can read more about yuzu’s benefits below.

Balance Mood And Reduce Stress

The potent citrusy scent may have some benefits when used in aromatherapy. A randomized controlled trial in 2017 monitored women with PMS who inhaled yuzu fragrance for 10 minutes. The researchers found that the women who did this daily lowered anger, tension, fatigue, and anxiety. The effects were similar to inhaling lavender’s aroma, which has relaxing properties. The belief is that yuzu’s scent increased activity in the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps the body calm down after stress. 

Rich In Powerful Antioxidants

Antioxidants work to combat free radicals, which are molecules that cause cell damage and oxidative stress. Diets that are rich in a wide variety of antioxidants experience lower rates of heart disease, brain ailments, and certain types of cancer. Yuzu contains powerful antioxidants, including vitamin C, flavonoids, and carotenoids. One test-tube study found that limonene, a compound in yuzu’s peel, was effective at reducing inflammation. In fact, it may also help with reducing symptoms of asthma

May Protect The Brain

Although human studies are limited in regards to this claim, many animal studies show promising results. One study monitored rats with induced brain dysfunction. After long-term intake of yuzu extract, the rats experienced improved blood sugar control and brain function. Naringenin, a flavonoid in yuzu, also exhibits brain-protective properties. For example, two studies on mice with induced memory loss found that niringenin from yuzu improved memory and reduced oxidative stress from brain-damaging proteins.

Boosts Immunity

The vitamin C and other antioxidants in yuzu make it an excellent fruit for supporting the immune system. One review found that vitamin C may reduce the severity and duration of respiratory tract infections. It may also aid in the prevention of malaria, diarrhea, and pneumonia. The antioxidants in yuzu also help to protect against infections caused by bacteria or viruses. Additionally, they may keep immune cells healthy by combatting free radicals

May Improve Blood Flow

Proper blood clotting helps you stop bleeding after a scrape or cut. Excessive clotting, however, can lead to much more serious problems, including blockages in both small and large blood vessels. This can lead to more serious problems like stroke, heart attack, and heart disease. Test-tube animal studies found that yuzu extract may have anti-clotting effects by inhibiting platelet grouping. Researchers attribute these benefits to hesperidin and naringenin, two flavonoids in yuzu. 

Relieves Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is very dangerous to overall health, contributing to the development of serious disease. Because yuzu fruit is high in antioxidants, researchers believe that it can help neutralize the free radicals that contribute to inflammation. One study found that yuzu seed oil exhibited antioxidant activity that was twice as potent as grapefruit seed oil. Additionally, one test-tube study found that limonene, which exists in yuzu peel, was able to reduce inflammation and prevent the formation of free radicals. 


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5 Herbs Every Woman Should Know About Fri, 27 Mar 2020 08:55:00 +0000

If you are a woman and don't know about these herbs, it's time to read up on their importance because they have some amazing benefits for female health.


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Women have been cultivating and harvesting herbs, berries, mushrooms, and flowers for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. Female herbalists, who familiarized themselves with the healing properties of various plant life, have existed in many cultures. To this day, certain herbs possess qualities that specifically benefit the female biology. It is the intention of this post to highlight the top five herbs that are catered to women’s wellness.

Women have to deal with changing hormones, menstrual cycles, fertility windows, pregnancy, and menopauses. These different stages in life can pose different challenges, and women can occasionally be unsure of how to handle them naturally. Using herbs is a great way to naturally support female health, especially since they don’t contain synthetic hormones, chemicals, or other added ingredients that can cause a long list of side effects.

There are almost too many herbs in existence, which is why we have selected the ones that are most supportive to various stages of a woman’s life. Continue reading to learn more about those herbs.

Red Raspberry Leaf

This is an herb that supports all around female health. In fact, it is been referred to as “the queen of herbs for women’s health,” according to the Bulk Herb Store. It is rich in iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and vitamins A, B, C, and E, most of which are beneficial for strengthening the uterus before and during pregnancy. The great thing about red raspberry leaf is that the body easily absorbs the iron and calcium. Women who regularly drink red raspberry leaf tea have reported reduced PMS symptoms and healthy hormonal levels.


Ashwagandha has a long history of use in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, specifically because of the anti-stress and anti-anxiety benefits. Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb, meaning it adapts to the body’s needs. For example, menopausal women often experience sleep disturbances and high stress levels, which can worsen hormonal imbalance. Ashwagandha has been known to help calm the nervous system and promote more restful sleep. What woman is going to say “no” to that?

Red Clover

Menopausal women are often encouraged to use red clover because it may help reduce hot flashes, mood swings, and night sweats. Red clover is a nutrient-dense herb that contains isoflavones and phytoestrogens, which are plant hormones that can reduce certain menopausal symptoms. The best way to get the most out of red clover is to use it fresh. The blossoms, which are the most potent part of the plant, can be eaten fresh in salads, or they can be brewed into a tea.

Dong Quai

Popularly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, dong quai has been used as a liver and blood tonic because of the high mineral content. Many women have used it to help calm both menopausal and menstrual symptoms because it helps to strengthen and balance the uterus. Some female herbalists have referred to dong quai as one of the most useful female tonic herbs. Avoid taking it during pregnancy and during menstruation. Instead, take it a few days before the menstrual cycle.


Similar to red raspberry leaf, nettle or stinging nettle contains vitamins and minerals that support optimal female health. While the nutrients in nettle can be useful for any person who is feeling sluggish, these nutrients are especially beneficial for reducing PMS symptoms, supporting the body through menopause, and assisting with fertility issues. Nettle is a benevolent herb, but be careful when picking fresh nettle because the needles on the stems can sting you.


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The 7 Best Herbs For Balancing Female Hormones Fri, 05 Jul 2019 09:49:00 +0000

Balancing hormones can improve mood, breast health, bowel health, and fertility. Use these 7 herbs to help naturally balance hormones.


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Estrogen, testosterone, adrenaline, insulin, and lot of other hormones act as chemical messengers in the body. The various glands in the body, such as the thyroid, pituitary, pancreas, and adrenals, secrete hormones and the endocrine system manages their efficient circulation throughout the body. As hormonal fluctuations occur, for example, during menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause, a woman can experience decreased energy levels, reduced sexual desire, weight gain, sleep troubles, or even infertility.

To help balance hormones, many women turn to hormone replacement therapies, thyroid medications, birth control pills, and more. Unfortunately, these methods often make the body dependent on prescriptions, mask the symptoms to avoid addressing the underlying condition, or lead to an increased risk of reproductive problems, anxiety, osteoporosis, and more. Because of the health risks associated with conventional hormone replacements, many women are ditching medications and treatments and turning to natural herbs that have hormone-balancing properties.

What Is The Endocrine System?

If you want to understand hormones, then you need to familiarize yourself with the endocrine system, which works to coordinate the relationships between organs and hormones. Once they enter the bloodstream, hormones address target cells to bring about specific changes. The pituitary gland, referred to as the master gland in the endocrine system, is responsible for delivering information from the brain to other glands in the body. Some of the functions of the endocrine system include:

  • Repair
  • Digestion
  • Growth
  • Sexual reproduction
  • Homeostasis (constant internal balance)

Symptoms Of Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal imbalances are often easy to identify, especially when a woman experiences night sweats or rapid weight gain in the midsection. On the other hand, symptoms may be subtle, or go unnoticed until a more serious condition arises. Common symptoms include:

  • Insomnia
  • Low sex drive
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Painful periods (or endometriosis as it worsens)
  • Mood swings or anxiety
  • Overeating or increased appetite

The Best Herbs For Balancing Hormones

Tongkat Ali

Women in Malaysia have been using tongkat ali, referred to by women as one of the greatest natural aphrodisiacs, to help naturally stimulate libido, support energy levels, and increase sensitivity of erogenous zones. Tongkat ali has been known to assist with hormonal fluctuations during menopause, but it is also beneficial for boosting cognitive function and reducing stress.


This popular Ayurvedic herb works to stimulate blood flow to the female reproductive organs, increasing sensitivity and arousal. Ashwagandha also works to reduce cortisol levels, which can lead to premature aging and disrupt healthy endocrine function. Many women praise ashwagandha because it is one of the best herbs for managing thyroid health and regulating the endocrine system.

Maca Root

For centuries, women in the Andes in South America have used maca root to increase fertility and decrease menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, sleep disruptions, and night sweats. Maca root is rich in phytonutrients and zinc, which is an integral nutrient that supports sexual-related hormones.

Clary Sage

Clary sage essential oil contains natural phytoestrogens that work to maintain balanced estrogen levels. Many women have reported that placing 3-5 drops of clary sage in a diffuser and inhaling the scent has helped to regulate menstrual cycles, relieve PMS symptoms, and improve emotional imbalances, such as anxiety or depression. If a woman is experiencing menstrual cramps, mix 5 drops of clary sage with a teaspoon of coconut oil and apply it to the abdominal area.


In traditional Chinese and Indian medicine, shilajit is considered to be a tonic that helps to increase energy and sexual desire. Formed from compressed plant materials from the Himalayas, shilajit is replete with amino acids, antioxidants, and fulvic acid, which passes through the intestinal barrier to accelerate antioxidant availability. Women who have taken shilajit reported decreased mood swings, reduced anxiety levels, and increased vitality.


Commonly known as vitex, chasteberry works with the pituitary gland to regulate estrogen and progesterone levels in the body. Balanced levels of these two hormones can help reduce PMS symptoms and menstrual pain. Chasteberry is available in liquid extract form or as a natural supplement.


Are you surprised to see oats on this list of traditional herbal remedies? Generations of women have reported that oats help to alleviate menstrual cramps and increase libido. Several studies have found that oats work to stimulate the central nervous system, helping to increase physical and emotional desire for sexual relations. Other research confirms that oats help to release testosterone, an integral hormone for sexual desire in both sexes.

Hormonal imbalance may be the reason behind low sex drive, sexual disinterest, or severe menopausal symptoms. As women begin to restore balance, they may experience a more positive outlook, higher sex drive, and higher self-confidence. If you are going to purchase any of these herbs in supplement form, make sure they are free of binders, fillers, or low-quality ingredients.


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6 Vitamins & Minerals That Every Woman Needs To Stay Healthy Sat, 11 Feb 2017 17:30:23 +0000

If you aren't getting these nutrient, you could be experiencing health ailments that could be avoided by eating these vegetarian foods.


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There are certain vitamins and minerals that women need to have in their diets. Stress, fatigue, or even low sex drive can be the result of not consuming these essential nutrients. Doctors may prescribe you these vitamins and minerals, but they exist in fresh fruits and vegetables that are easily accessible.

It’s always best to get your nutrients from fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts & seeds, legumes, and whole grains. Prescribed supplements can have additional chemicals that may have adverse effects on your body. It’s all about treating your body like a shrine: only honor it with the things that are going to keep it healthy.

The top vitamins and minerals that women need include magnesium, vitamins B12 & D, probiotics, calcium, and biotin. Here are the foods that you can eat to get these nutrients.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 belongs to the B-vitamin complex family. It is important for improving your metabolism and other biological processes. One of the most important functions it has is that it helps produce red blood cells, which transport oxygen throughout the body. The best foods to eat for vitamin B12 include homemade almond milk, spinach, kale, nutritional yeast, fermented vegetables, sea vegetables like kelp, steel cut oats, or potatoes.


Magnesium is one of the most important nutrients you can have in your diet. It helps reduce stress levels, nourishes the heart, supports healthy bones, and helps relieve PMS symptoms. The best magnesium-rich foods include avocados, bananas, Brazil nuts, cashews, almonds, spinach, pinto beans, chickpeas, lentils, artichoke hearts, and okra.

Vitamin D

It always feels good to be in the sun. That’s because vitamin D helps fight depression! It also boosts weight loss and can help you fight off illnesses. While going outside and absorbing the sun’s rays is the best way to get vitamin D, there are foods that have vitamin D. These foods include mushrooms, homemade almond milk, freshly squeezed orange juice, and steel cut oats.


Biotin is necessary for fortifying your luscious locks, keeping your nails strong, and nourishing your skin. It also helps nerve, digestive, and cardiovascular functions. You can get more biotin in your diet by eating almonds, sweet potatoes, onions, steel cut oats, carrots, tomatoes, walnuts, and spinach.


Keeping your gut healthy can help your body function optimally. Digestive issues can lead to fatigue, constipation, and certain types of cancers. Probiotics help to promote healthy gut flora, prevent allergies in children, and treat vaginal and urinary infections. The best probiotic foods to eat include sauerkraut, fermented vegetables, kefir, miso soup, kimchi, and kombucha tea.


Calcium helps keep your bones strong and is important for healthy heart, muscle, and nerve function. You don’t have to get calcium from dairy. In fact, dairy products can make your muscles or joints function worse. The best vegetarian calcium sources include kale, spinach, kelp, broccoli, rhubarb, kumquats, oranges, figs, and raspberries.


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5 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Period Fri, 04 Nov 2016 17:00:04 +0000

Every woman is well acquainted with her monthly visitor, but there are things most women don't know about their periods.


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Ladies, ladies, ladies…as much as you may hate periods, there are some things you may or may not know about them. Menstrual blood, for instance, is actually pretty cool. In fact, the stem cells found in menstrual blood are more powerful than those found in bone marrow. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Menstruation is a part of life for women. From the time a woman gets her period until menopause, most women dread that time of the month. It isn’t fun, it’s expensive (tampons and pads, which are basic necessities, are taxed), and you can experience different health symptoms.

Here are some interesting period facts that you may have been unaware of until right now.

#1: Cramps Aren’t Normal

Even though you may think it is normal to have them, it isn’t. Cramps can indicate that there’s something else going on in your body, for example, that your estrogen count is high. Or maybe you ate too much sugar, which triggered the inflammatory response. If you have a fibroid, cyst, or something irritating the uterus, which could also be the cause of cramps.

#2: Don’t Blame Sugar Cravings on PMS

Some women have the urge to go for chocolate or foods high in carbs when they menstruate. This could mean that you have low progesterone levels, and progesterone is the hormone that helps regulate blood sugar. You may want to get some blood work done to check your progesterone levels. A healthy woman’s body requires adequate intake of foods rich in vitamin B6 in order to produce enough progesterone. Foods rich in vitamin B6 include walnuts, bananas, beans, spinach, fermented soy and potatoes.

#3: Tampons Contribute to Bacterial Infections

Tampons can cause bacterial infections, including vaginal dryness or the rare toxic shock syndrome (TSS). This is because tampons are made up of material that certain bacteria like. A good alternative may be a menstrual cup, which is a reusable cup that collects period blood. Pads are also a viable and can sometimes be a less toxic option (stay away from bleached cotton). Think about it.

#4: The Days Before Your Period Mimic Pregnancy

The body is preparing for pregnancy in the days leading up to your period. This means that the body secretes certain hormones such as progesterone. If you’ve ever felt bloated or have had tender breasts, it is because your body isn’t used to that sudden hormone rush. You can counteract this by avoiding alcohol or caffeine in the week leading up to your period. Both of these can fluctuate your mood and hormones, so avoiding these can help keep you level. Additionally, you can eat omega-3 fatty acids (flaxseeds or walnuts are highest) to balance mood and keep your brain healthy.

#5: Insomnia Should Be Looked Into

If your period causes you to have insomnia, it may be because you have a very low amount of progesterone. Proper progesterone levels help you sleep, so you may need to get your progesterone levels checked by a health practitioner.


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Herbal Supplements for Women Sun, 04 Aug 2013 01:26:41 +0000

All Herbal Supplements for Women Balance HormonesBirth Control HerbsBreast SupplementsFibroid SupportMenstrual Disorders AidPMS SupportTotal Woman CleanseVaginal Support SHARE:


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All Herbal Supplements for Women

Balance Hormones
Birth Control Herbs
Breast Supplements
Fibroid Support
Menstrual Disorders Aid
PMS Support
Total Woman Cleanse
Vaginal Support


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Headaches Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:53 +0000

More than half of all headaches are clogged colon-related. Where there is headache, there is constriction and potential constipation.


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What is a headache? Mosby’s Medical Dictionary defines a headache as a pain in the head from any cause. Kinds of headaches include Functional headache, Migraine headache, Organic headache, Sinus headache, and Tension headache.

It continues to define Migraine headache as a recurring vascular headache characterized by a prodromal aura, unilateral onset, and severe pain, photophobia, and autonomic disturbances during the acute phase, which may last for hours or days. The disorder occurs more frequently in women than in men, and predisposition for the disorder is not known, but the head pain is related to dilation of extracranial blood vessels, which may be the result of chemical changes that cause spasms of intracranial vessels. A greatly increased amount of a vasodilating polypeptide related to bradykinin is found in tissue fluid of patients during migraine attacks. Allergic reactions, excess carbohydrates, iodine-rich foods, alcohol, bright lights, or loud noises may trigger attacks, which often occur during a period of relaxation after physical and psychic stress.

By far, most headaches people suffer from are due to TENSION and STRESS. Stress can lead to stomach upsets, constipation, headaches, tension, frigidity and a host of other diseases.

Causes and Risk Factors

Today, there are many causative factors for headaches, which include but are not limited to:

  • Tension
  • Stress
  • anxiety/worry
  • allergies
  • sinus pressure
  • constipation
  • muscle tension
  • disturbance in the blood circulation
  • lack of chi (energy)
  • nutritional deficiencies
  • food sensitivities
  • use of alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes/tobacco
  • exposure to irritants such as colognes and perfume
  • environmental pollutants
  • hormonal imbalance (PMS or menstrual cycle-related)
  • fever
  • acute toxicity (acidosis)
  • eyestrain
  • Sixth Chakra (Ajna) imbalance.

Headaches are also a common ailment associated with the Sixth Chakra (Ajna). Many Sixth Chakraic individuals are prone to headaches. Headaches serve as an indicator of some kind of imbalance in highly sixth chakraic individuals. When they learn to let go-to no longer resist-and convert negative thoughts into positive ones, headaches happen less often.


Headaches may present these symptoms:

  • Pain on one side or area of the head
  • Pulsating pain
  • Light sensitivity
  • Sensitivity to sound
  • Disrupted daily activity
  • Nausea, vomiting or both
  • Tightening of the head and neck muscles
  • Tearing or redness of the eye on the affected side of the head

The side of the head (temple) the headache is on means something on a much deeper level:

  • The left side denotes the feminine, the past, magnetism, receptivity, passivity, and the logical/rational.
  • The right side denotes the masculine, energetic, active, dominant, the future, and creativity (artistic).

Healing Options

There are many options available to help reduce pain associated with headache, ranging from herbs and crystals, essential oils to magnets, to yoga, deep breathing and visualization, pressure points, enema, colonics, acupuncture, massage, positive thinking, ear coning, bentonite clay and ice packs.


General herbs that are great for remedying headaches include White Willow Bark, Red Willow Bark, Black Willow Bark, Meadowsweet, Feverfew, Balm of Gilead (Poplar); Wood Betony, Woodruff, Peppermint, Wintergreen, Lavender Flower, Spearmint, Gotu Kola, Ginkgo Biloba, Kola Nut, Buckbean Leaves, Birch Bark, and Rosemary Leaves.

Herbs good for nervous tension headaches include the general herbs supra in addition to the following herbs: Blue Vervain, Lady’s Slipper, Valerian Root, Wild Lettuce, Chamomile, Lily of the Valley, and Jatamansi.

Herbs good for menstrual-related headaches include the general herbs supra in addition to the following hers: Wild Yam Root, Dong Quai, Valerian Root, Angelica, and Pennyroyal. Herbs good for bilious headaches include the general herbs supra in addition to the following herbs: Goldenseal, Barberry, Boldo, Cascara Sagrada, and Oregon Grape.

Herbs good for constipation-related headaches include the general herbs supra in addition to the following herbs: Cascara Sagrada, Senna Leaves, Buckthorn, Buckbean Leaves, Aloe Vera Resin, and Rhubarb.


Headaches are associated with the Sixth Chakra, which means that all purple and indigo colored crystals and stones are good for healing. Indigo and purple-colored crystals and stones include Amethyst, Charoite, Purple Lepidolite, and Sugilite.

Quartz crystals are highly effective in relieving headache pain. Because they are great absorbers of energy, a quartz crystal can be programmed to extract pain.


Great essential oils that help remedy headaches include Lavender, Rosemary, Birch, Peppermint, Wintergreen, and Spearmint. However, migraine headache sufferers might want to abstain from essential oils as they are very sensitive to smell (all smells) during a migraine episode.


Magnet therapy can give great relief for headaches because they enhance circulation where there is constriction and when there is headache there is constriction. Magnets can be placed directly over the temples and worn for hours. However, magnets should never be worn to bed, especially magnets exceeding 800 gauss.


Deep breathing and yoga for headache prevention and remedy enhance circulation of chi throughout the body, and can be channeled directly to the head area. Deep breathing is a great method to release stagnant, stale, and negative energy from the body. It’s also compatible and complimentary with visualization (imaginative) therapy.


The mind is the greatest tool in healing and always has been and will be. All sickness/disease and healing starts in the mind. The mind is a laboratory whereby we concoct our thoughts, good or bad, pure or polluted, constructive or destructive.


The coffee enema can be quite effective for remedying a headache. Organic coffee (via the rectum) causes the liver to dump off toxins. Alcohol is acidic and this causes the gallbladder to produce excess amounts of bile to counteract the acidity of the alcohol in the stomach and intestinal tract. This is what generally happens in the case of a bilious headache.


Some headaches can be related to a clogged colon or constipation, so when you start addressing the colon by cleansing it, you are helping to lessen and eventually eradicate your headaches that are due to having a taxed, polluted, and clogged colon. is PRO colonics (and enemas).


Acupuncture can help remove blocked and stagnant chi (energy). Remember, where there is headache, there is constriction and where there is constriction there is blocked energy and blood flow. Acupuncture does the same thing as magnet therapy; however, the difference is magnet therapy is noninvasive whereas acupuncture is invasive.


Massage works great wonders in relieving headaches, especially tension headaches. Massage loosens up tight muscles in the shoulders and neck that constrict due to tension, worry, and stress. Massage helps these negative things to melt and dissolve, especially if you are working with a great massage therapist.


Ear coning is a great tool in remedying sinus headaches. Ear coning removes debris that can cause compression against ear nerves, which can lead to headache.


Positive thinking is visualization and imaginative therapy. Your body functions optimally when you are happy and feeling positive. The blood flows freely, acidity gives way to alkalinity, toxins find their way out of the body quickly via the eliminative channels; hormonal secretions secrete in abundant amounts, the cells communicate clearly, the skin radiates, the eyes shine and sparkle, and old age (degeneration) gives way to rejuvenation.


Apply bentonite clay to the temple where the headache stems from. The tightening action of the clay from drying helps to draw out negative energy. Where there is heavy metal toxicity there is emotional toxicity.


Ice packs or bags work well by simply numbing the pain. Clearly this is symptomatic but is highly helpful and palliative.

Dietary Intervention

Headache may be triggered by food sensitivity or allergy. There are some foods that are more likely to be associated with headache than others, including:

  • Food additives such as coloring or flavor
  • MSG
  • Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame (NutraSweet and Equal), saccharine (Sweet-n-Low) or sugar derivatives (Splenda)
  • Cured meats
  • Chocolate
  • Red wine
  • Aged cheeses
  • Nuts
  • Alcohol
  • Ice cream
  • Sulfites
  • Nitrates

Reduce or eliminate these types of foods or ingredients from your diet to reduce the occurrence and frequency of headache.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids, the kind found in flaxseeds and walnuts, are thought to help prevent or minimize headache, especially migraines.

Dherbs Solutions products beneficial in treating and healing headaches include:

Thank you for reading !


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