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Is your spinach or kale wilting before you have time to finish it? Freeze your greens so that you can make healthy smoothies all the time!


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Have you ever purchased a bag of spinach or a bunch of kale, only to watch it be gooey and wilted a few days later? This happens quite frequently and it can be very frustrating, especially with rising food prices. Although you can make kale chips and spinach salads, you may not use all of the greens before they go bad. This is why freezing your greens is a great way to preserve them. 

Why Should You Freeze Your Greens?

Even if you make green smoothies several times a week, you may not always finish your greens in time. By freezing your greens, you can green smoothies whenever you want without the fear of needing to use them before expiration. Plus, freezing greens means that you may not have to freeze other items that go into green smoothies. Since you already have the frozen element, all you need is the other fruits and liquid. 

Freezing greens really only applies if you buy your greens in large quantities that you have a hard time finishing. Most people can easily finish a small bundle of spinach or kale before it even thinks about wilting. If you purchase greens at big bulk stores like Sam’s Club or Costco, you may want to use the following tips. 

Pay Attention To When Greens Start To Go Bad

You don’t want to wait until the last minute to freeze your greens. If you freeze greens that have already started to go bad, your smoothies will taste foul. When you notice a slight sign of wilting or yellowing, that’s the time to place them in the freezer. Now, you can separate them into small sandwich bags, or you can blend greens with a little water, and pour the blended mixture into ice cube molds.

How To Freeze Kale

Before you add the kale to the blender, make sure that you remove the thick stems because they are very fibrous and bitter. Rinse the kale leaves and then portion them out into small bags, or add them to a blender with a small amount of water. Just remember to use as little liquid as possible when blending kale. Start with a few tablespoons of water and then add more if necessary. A few tablespoons should be sufficient for a couple handfuls of kale. 

Step-By-Step Instructions

The best way to freeze either kale or spinach for smoothies is to blend them with a small amount of water and pour them into ice cube molds. Then you have little frozen cubes of green goodness. No need to freeze any other smoothie ingredient when you have green cubes! You just pop them out of the ice cube molds and into the blender when you want to make a smoothie. Read on for a full step-by-step guide. 

  • Wash, dry, and remove any leaves from thicker stems (less important with spinach).
  • Add a couple handfuls of the greens to a blender, along with a couple tablespoons of water. 
  • Blend on high until you achieve a smooth consistency. You may need to add more water and greens to use all of them. 
  • Pour the blended mixture into ice cube molds and place in the freezer until frozen. 
  • Pop a few cubes out of the molds and add them to the blender when you want to make a smoothie. Enjoy!

Now, if you don’t want to make little nutritious green cubes, you can add greens to a bag with other smoothie ingredients. Those are what you call “make ahead smoothie bags.” You can click here for a guide on how to properly execute those smoothie bags, which can be very convenient for people who need to save time.


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A Beginner’s Guide To Healthy Meal Prep Sun, 15 May 2022 09:30:00 +0000

Select your meal prep method of choice and be consistent to set your plan in motion! Keep it simple with this beginner’s guide.


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Meal prepping remains one of the hottest food trends, being popular amongst very busy people who want to save time. Meal prep services make it so people don’t have to think about what they need to eat in order to be healthier. Although these services or delivery kits exist, they can be quite pricey for the average person. Doing it yourself, however, is a very feasible and affordable option that doesn’t have to overwhelm or exhaust you. 

If you are new to meal prepping, it can seem like a daunting task. Some meals may include poached salmon with wild rice and roasted asparagus, but all meals don’t have to be that labor intensive. Meals can include smoothie bags, mason jar salads, simple pasta dishes, and more. Ideally, you create balanced meals that deliver an array of nutrients from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and lean proteins.

What is Meal Prepping, And Why Should You Do It?

First of all, meal prepping is a convenient, efficient way to eat and reduce the temptation to eat outside your diet plan. If you are on a budget, meal prepping is an excellent way to save money because you won’t need to eat out. The goal is to spend one day out of the week, typically Sunday, prepping about three to five days worth of food at a time. Depending on how labor-intensive you want the prep process to be, you can simply focus on breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, or all of the above. 

Different Ways To Meal Prep

There are a few different approaches to meal prepping, and you have to choose the method that best fits your schedule. Make-ahead meals, which are full meals that you cook in advance and refrigerate until reheating at mealtimes, are very popular for lunch and dinner prep. Batch cooking is another way to prep by making a large batch of one recipe and portioning it out to be frozen. You then periodically eat those batch meals over the next couple months. Ready-to-cook meals are essentially ingredients that you prep ahead of time to cut down actual cooking time in the kitchen. Finally, you can individually portion out meals that you can refrigerate and eat over the next few days. 

The method that you choose will depend on how you want to streamline your days. You may not have a lot of time to make a nutritious breakfast in the morning, so overnight oats or chia pudding can be great breakfast prep options. Batch cooking can be great if you need to feed several people for dinner and don’t want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Choose a method that interests you and then slowly experiment with other styles of meal prep to determine what you like. 

Make A Plan

Once you establish which meal prep suits you best, you have to make a plan and write your menu. The best way to start is with recipes that you’ve cooked before, throwing one or two new recipes into the mix. Keeping things simple in the beginning will save you time. It’s better to build meals around seasonal produce items for the best flavors. This is also another way to create budget-friendly meals

Sometimes, you don’t need to create one dish for meal prep; rather, you can piece together a meal with several different components. Consider making a big batch of brown rice, quinoa, or roasted sweet potatoes, a tray of roasted vegetables, and your lean protein of choice. You can also assemble mason jar salads, which you can learn more about by clicking here. If you want to keep it simple and assemble smoothie bags, which contain ingredients that you add to a blender, then you can do that as well. 

Stock Up On Staples

Once you establish your menu, you have to build a shopping list. Before you rush out to the grocery store, it’s a good idea to take inventory of things in your kitchen. It’s a great idea to stock up on pantry staples, purchasing dried herbs, spices, and shelf-stable grains and legumes. This simplifies the meal prep process. Additionally, you may want to purchase salt-free canned bean varieties or low-sodium vegetable stock. Olive oil, coconut oil, liquid aminos, tahini, and other liquids are great to stock up on as well.

The last thing you need before you meal prep is a great supply of containers. Depending on the meals you want to make, you may need smaller or larger storage containers. Zip-top storage and freezer bags are also good to have on hand, especially for batch cooked meals and smoothie bags. Let us know how your meal prep journey goes and if you want to see more content like this.


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Become A Smoothie Pro With These 5 Smoothie Hacks Thu, 13 Aug 2020 17:39:39 +0000

Making a smoothie isn’t exactly rocket science, but there are tips and tricks to enhance the quality, taste, and overall smoothie making experience.


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The act of making a smoothie is pretty straightforward. You put ingredients in a blender, switch on the blender, and then a beautiful blended mixture forms right before your very eyes. You pour that smoothie in the cup of your choice and then slurp it all down. Those are the basics, but this isn’t amateur hour, folks. We’re here to take your smoothie game into the big leagues. It’s time to become a smoothie pro.

If you’re familiar with our website, you know that we love our smoothies, especially while cleansing. In fact, there’s an entire smoothie section (click here to view those recipes). We understand that the act of making a smoothie isn’t difficult, but there are tips that can save you time and increase the quality of your smoothies. Whether you’re a green smoothie fanatic or simply testing the smoothie waters, you’ll benefit from these smoothie hacks.

Prep The Night Before

Some people are familiar with overnight oats or chia pudding, both of which you make at night, refrigerate, and then consume the next morning. You can apply this same technique to your smoothies. Simply add all of the smoothie ingredients to your blender pitcher at night and place it in the fridge. Remove it from the fridge in the morning, add any last minute ingredients, and blend away. Note that you should add any ingredients that brown (apples, avocados, or oats) or liquids (water, freshly made juice, or nut milk) right before you blend the smoothie in the morning.

Use Your Ice Cube Trays

There’s no reason to dilute your smoothies, which contain refreshing fruits and vegetables, with water. Most smoothie recipes call for ice cubes to help thicken smoothies, but they actually dampen the overall flavor. Instead of water, fill your ice trays with liquids that will enhance your smoothie recipes. Add coconut water, almond milk, coconut milk, or even herbal tea to ice cube trays and freeze them. When you make your smoothie, pop a few of those cubes in and use half the amount of liquid. It’ll be great! Additionally, you can pour leftover smoothies into ice trays and freeze them for future smoothies.

Start Slow

People don’t typically think about the blending speed when making smoothies, but that’s because they aren’t smoothie pros. They just press that button and rev it up to high gear. You can’t go from zero to sixty in a split second when you make smoothies, okay? If your blender has variable speeds, start blending on the lowest speed and then slowly increase to high speed. This helps the ingredients process more evenly. If you don’t have variable speeds, start pulsing in short bursts before turning it on full blast.

Make Smoothie Bags

This is the best timesaving tip we can offer. Dedicate one hour of your week to wash, chop, and divide your smoothie ingredients into individual freezer bags for the upcoming week. You can vary the ingredients so that you don’t drink the same smoothies every day. Perhaps one bag contains sliced bananas, spinach, blueberries, chia seeds, and chopped mango, and another bag contains dehydrated coconut, strawberries, kale, cubed pear, and oats. Doing this smoothie prep work can save you tons of time in the morning. Simply remove a bag from the freezer, add the ingredients to your blender, add some liquid, and blend away! Check out this smoothie prep for inspiration.

Change Up The Ingredients

Nobody wants to drink the same smoothie every day. You’ll end up hating smoothies if you use the same ingredients over and over again. Additionally, using the same ingredients limits your nutritional intake. Think about other ingredients for your smoothies. Beets, carrots, celery, cucumber, avocado, broccoli, grapes, peaches, papaya, and chard are excellent smoothie ingredients with amazing nutritional profiles.


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Here’s Why Smoothie Bags Can Change Your Life Tue, 26 May 2020 17:24:00 +0000

You already know that smoothies have the power to change lives, but smoothie bags take it to another level. Freeze bags now and save time later!


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It’s no secret that we love smoothies here at Dherbs. Smoothies aren’t milkshake monstrosities that are loaded with calories, unhealthy fats, sugary dairy products, and sweetened fruit juices. Smoothies, ladies and gentleman, are the refreshing counterparts to milkshakes, and they are filled with the health properties of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

Some people have their go-to smoothies, but others are uncertain of where to begin. Some people are scared of leafy greens (like spinach or kale) in smoothies, while others embrace the green goodness. If you are new to smoothies, the first rule is to make it easy on yourself. This doesn’t mean that you have to use easy or simple ingredients; rather, the goal is to do the work ahead of time. We are, of course, talking about smoothie prep.

Smoothie Bags Make Mornings Easier

Ultimately, the act of making a smoothie is very easy. You add ingredients to a blender, blend them until smooth, and then drink that pureed mixture. This sounds easy, but that morning laziness inside all of us equates the act of making a smoothie to solving all of life’s challenges. Give your snoozy morning self a helping hand by pre-making smoothie bags. When you get up in the morning, simply remove the smoothie bag from the freezer, add the contents to the blender, add the liquid of your choice, and blend. It’s simple and easy.

Reasons To Love Smoothie Bags

Some of you may still be wondering how smoothies will change your life. We’re not lying to you about this. Smoothie bags help by:

Saving You Money

Sure, there are smoothie bags that are pre-sold in grocery stores, but are you trying to break the bank? Many people throw away produce because they can’t consume it before it goes bad. Eliminate that problem and eliminate food waste by making smoothie bags. This way, you won’t feel like you wasted money on food that you never got to enjoy.

Easy To Make

You don’t need to be a culinary wizard to make smoothie bags. Put the ingredients in the bag, put said bag in the freezer, and that’s it. You’ve created a masterpiece.

They Help You Remain Healthy

It’s not easy to keep yourself on track if aren’t doing everything you can to stay on track. Prep smoothie bags so that you always have a healthy meal ready to go.

So Many Nutrients

From fiber and antioxidants to vitamins and minerals, smoothies have it all. The ingredients you choose will dictate which nutrients you absorb. Speaking of absorption, smoothies are pre-digested because the ingredients are blended, so your body can easily process and absorb the nutrients.

Endless Flavors

You could have a smoothie every day and never get tired of them. There are so many flavor combinations! Start simple and then get more creative. Start with strawberries, bananas, spinach, and almond butter, and work your way up to blueberries, spirulina, raw cacao powder, and avocados.

Smoothie Bag Recipe #1

Ingredients For One Bag:

  • 1 cup spinach
  • 1 banana, peeled and sliced
  • 2 cups pineapple, cubed
  • 1 orange, peeled and cubed


  • Prepare all of the ingredients and then add them to a sealable sandwich bag. Place this in the freezer overnight.
  • Remove the bag from the freezer, add the ingredients to a blender, pour in 1-1.5 cups water, and blend until smooth.
  • Drink and enjoy.

Smoothie Bag Recipe #2

Ingredients For One Bag:

  • ½ avocado, peeled, pitted, and cubed
  • 1 cup strawberries, sliced
  • ½ banana, peeled and sliced


  • Prepare all of the ingredients and then add them to a sealable sandwich bag. Place this in the freezer overnight.
  • Remove the bag from the freezer, add the ingredients and half-cup ice to a blender, pour in one cup of homemade almond milk (click here for recipe) or water, and blend until smooth.
  • Drink and enjoy.


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Healthy Make Ahead DIY Frozen Smoothie Bags Thu, 29 Aug 2019 10:01:21 +0000

Make your life 10 times easier by taking a few minutes to prep these DIY smoothie packs for nutritious breakfasts that are ready in seconds.


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If you have ever made a smoothie, you know that it is probably the quickest, healthiest breakfast you could ever make. Did you know that there is a simple way to make this breakfast even easier? As we all know, time is the most precious currency in your morning routine. You want to be economical with your time without sacrificing your health. Enter smoothie bags to ease your mornings.

What Are Smoothie Bags?

Simply put, a smoothie bag is prepared smoothie ingredients in a sandwich bag that you freeze until you are ready to use. Consider the smoothie bag to be the ultimate breakfast hack, making it so you don’t have to rummage through your fridge and freezer in the morning to concoct a smoothie worthy of consumption. When you are ready to make the smoothie, remove a smoothie bag from freezer, empty the contents of a bag into your blender, add liquid, and blend away.

Making a big batch of smoothie bags is probably the easiest form of meal prep, and it is a great way to preserve your produce. When making your smoothie bags, it is imperative that you seal the bag well to keep the air out. There is also the option to label your smoothie bags, provided you want to know when you made them or remember the contents of the different smoothie bags.

Blend It All Up In The Morning

Preparing the smoothie bags ahead of time means that most of the legwork is complete by the time you make your smoothie in the morning. Dump the contents of the smoothie in the blender with liquid, blend, and drink. It’s almost too easy. Below, you’ll find a couple smoothie bag recipes to last you for one week. You’ll have breakfast ready to go every morning!

Strawberry Banana Spinach (3 Bags)

Ingredients Per Bag:

  • 1 cup spinach
  • 1 banana, peeled and sliced
  • ½ cup strawberries, sliced
  • ½ cup blueberries


  • Prepare the ingredients and add the portioned amount of ingredients to each bag. Seal the bags, getting all the air out, and place in the freezer.
  • When you are ready to make the smoothie, remove one smoothie bag, empty the ingredients into your blender, add about one cup of water, and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Mango Orange Smoothie (2 Bags)

Ingredients Per Bag:

  • 1 cup of spinach
  • ½ cup mango, chopped
  • ½ orange, peeled and chopped
  • 1 banana, peeled and sliced


  • Prepare the ingredients and add the portioned amount of ingredients to each bag. Seal the bags, getting all the air out, and place in the freezer.
  • When you are ready to make the smoothie, remove one smoothie bag, empty the ingredients into your blender, add about one cup of water, and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Super Greens Smoothie (2 Bags)

Ingredients Per Bag:

  • 1 cup spinach
  • ½ cup zucchini, chopped
  • ¼ cup avocado, chopped
  • ½ banana, peeled and sliced
  • 1-2 dates, pitted and chopped


  • Prepare the ingredients and add the portioned amount of ingredients to each bag. Seal the bags, getting all the air out, and place in the freezer.
  • When you are ready to make the smoothie, remove one smoothie bag, empty the ingredients into your blender, add about one cup of water, and blend until smooth. Enjoy!


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Top 12 Tips That Every Cleanser Needs To Know About Wed, 18 Mar 2020 08:00:14 +0000

You've decided to cleanse and you're ready to embark on your journey towards a healthier life. How will you succeed? We have the answers.


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Taking part in the Full Body Cleanse is no easy feat, but it is far from impossible. While taking all of the capsules is a new challenge for most people, the biggest obstacle to overcome is the raw foods diet. Solely consuming raw fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts and seeds is drastically different than eating foods that the average American eats. The whole purpose of cleansing and the accompanying diet, though, is to give the body a break from the toxic foods that have become commonplace in Standard American Diet, and provide the body with as many fresh, nutrient-dense foods as possible.

Succeeding on the cleanse is about more than overcoming the diet. Adhering to the diet plays a large role in how successful your cleanse will be, but the success of your cleanse also weighs heavy on your outlook. A negative attitude or doubting the cleanse regimen itself tends to result in cheating with unhealthy foods or abandonment of the cleanse altogether. You made the choice to become healthier. Don’t throw that away because it was a little difficult. Anything worth achieving never comes easy, and a healthier body is no different.

To help you on the cleanse journey, we have detailed tips that can help you soar through the cleanse. Many of the tips are diet-related because that is the area in which most people struggle. Follow the tips below to have the most successful cleanse ever; or at least we hope you will.

#1: Always Have Snacks At The Ready

Before you begin your cleanse, it is integral to find raw snacks that appeal to your taste buds. We’ll give you a pro tip and say that raw almond butter on celery sticks or apple slices will fill you up and hit the salty and sweet notes you want from a snack. Some health food stores carry raw snacks, but you will benefit most from preparing your own snacks. Click here for some great snack ideas.

#2: Never Let Your Fridge Become Empty

When you deplete your supply of raw foods, the desire to cheat increases exponentially because it is much easier to grab a sandwich from a fast food eatery than it is to seek out a raw restaurant or go grocery shopping. If you see that your fridge nearing the empty line, it’s time to make a grocery run.

#3: It’s Normal To Experience Fatigue

Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of cleansing, especially in the first few days. The body is working hard to remove waste and you have most likely decreased your caloric intake by at least 1,000 or more calories. Eat superfoods like almonds, avocados, spinach, kale, blueberries, ginger, pomegranates, and apples to help increase energy levels.

#4: Don’t Eat The Same Salad Every Day

If you eat the same meal, no matter what it is, for breakfast, lunch, or dinner every day, you are going to get bored with eating that meal. Since salads are a big part of cleansing, make sure to vary the ingredients and the dressings. Use romaine lettuce as a base one day and mixed greens the next. Add strawberries and blueberries to a spinach salad and cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, and carrots to a butter lettuce salad. Don’t let repetition derail your cleanse, especially when we have so many recipes for you! Click here for our cleanse-approved recipe section.

#5: Prep For Success On The Weekend

Some people have Saturday and Sunday off, while others are free on Tuesday and Wednesday. Use your “weekend” to grocery shop for the upcoming week and consider prepping salads, smoothie bags, dressings, snacks, or chia pudding so that you have easily accessible meals at the ready. Don’t say that it’s complicated because there is no cooking involved!

#6: Diversify Your Beverages

We can’t sugarcoat the fact that you will drink more water than you usually do while cleansing. You don’t have to solely consume water, though. You can drink caffeine-free herbal teas (iced or hot), detox waters (put fresh fruit in alkaline water), or homemade lemonade by mixing fresh lemon juice, stevia, and alkaline water together.

#7: Eat Entree-Size Salads

If you think that a side salad will fill you up for lunch, you are dead wrong. Because of the low calorie content of salad, you need to prepare a big bowl of salad with a variety of ingredients. Avocados, raw walnuts, sprouts, cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, carrots, pomegranates, kale, and cashews all work to fill you up, so include them in your giant salad.

#8: You Can Have Protein Powder…If It’s Plant-Based And You’re Working Out

First off, you can have raw, plant-based protein powders while cleansing. Sun Warrior and Garden of Life have excellent raw protein powders. DON’T GET WHEY PROTEIN! That being said, only get protein powder if you plan to exercise while cleansing. When you consume protein powder more than once a day and don’t exercise, it can make it more difficult to lose weight. Protein powder can often lead to fat storage when consumed in excess.

#9: Maintain A Positive Attitude

It’s no secret that having a poor attitude and doubting yourself during your cleanse will make it increasingly more difficult to complete. A positive outlook can not only make the cleanse more enjoyable, but it can also help to keep stress levels down and hormones balanced. Keep a journal to write down your thoughts and feelings, meditate with positive affirmations, or read positive material to keep negative thoughts at bay.

#10: Drink The Damn Charcoal

Unless you are taking medication, you should be drinking the charcoal every day of the cleanse before bed. It looks ominous because it turns the water black, but it is flavorless. It doesn’t dissolve in the water, so keep stirring while you drink. Some people find that drinking it through a straw is much easier than gulping it down.

#11: Go Non-Toxic

Consider swapping your cosmetic and cleaning products for non-toxic varieties. While it is possible to make your own all-natural products, many companies have started selling healthy products that are free of harmful chemicals. Remember that the chemicals in your body aren’t solely from unhealthy foods. Toxins can be absorbed via the skin or inhalation, so try to go non-toxic when possible.

#12: Spices Are Your Friends

Do not be timid about seasoning your food because you need those vibrant spices to create powerful flavors. Spices also aid the detoxification process because they possess powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties. This means that in addition to making your food taste great, they help to reduce inflammation, improve gut health, and support healthy circulation. You’ll also find that seasoning your food with bold spices decreases the need for salt, which is often a huge contributor to high blood pressure.


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5 Easy Ways To Stay In Shape This Summer Sat, 15 Jun 2019 10:30:51 +0000

Summer is almost here, which means it's beach season! Be confident in your body and stay in shape this summer by following these easy tips.


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With the beginning of summer nearly within arm’s reach, people are scrambling to find trendy diets that will help them drop weight for that summertime fine status. Strutting that sexier, lighter body on the beach, in the park, on a hike, or wherever you go to show a little skin is a way to boost self-confidence. What if you didn’t hit the gym every day to get fit for summer? How do you stay fit during the summer when parties, picnics, potlucks, BBQs, and laziness are set in motion?

First and foremost, you don’t have to exercise for six hours a day. We want you to enjoy summer, not hate it! To establish healthy habits and obtain a slimmer body, it is recommended to begin making small changes that help you become a healthier person. In addition to the tips detailed in this article, consider taking part in our Full Body Cleanse to help rid the body of toxins and waste, and help to shed unwanted pounds (between 10-30lbs in just 30 days). It may be scary to embark on a health mission during the summer, especially when you are tempted by so many unhealthy foods, but we believe in you! You have the power to get healthy!

A Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially when you make sure that it is filled with nutrients. While it’s easy and convenient to make cereal, frozen waffles, toaster pastries, or sugary oatmeal packets (by the way…that’s not oatmeal), it’s easy to set yourself up for success with various breakfast options. You can check some great overnight oat recipes, or some tasty chia pudding recipes. Both of these options provide the body with energy and protein to fuel you until your next meal. And don’t forget that you can prepare smoothie bags ahead of time to easily blend smoothies for breakfast.

Eat Early

We already established the importance of having a healthy breakfast, but we also encourage you to eat the majority of your calories before three o’clock in the afternoon. Eating most of your calories earlier in the day helps you extend your energy throughout the day, meaning you won’t need to continuously snack and eat all day. Because the days are a lot longer during summer, it can feel normal to eat dinner when the sun sets later in the day. Eating too close to bedtime can disrupt the natural digestive rhythm, though. Finally, the amount you eat at dinner should be far less than what you eat for breakfast and lunch. Lunch should actually be your largest meal of the day, even though the common thought is to have dinner be the largest meal.

Fruit Cubes

No, we are not talking about eating pieces of fruit, although that is something healthy you can do. This is actually about making flavored ice cubes. Take raspberries and kiwi slices, for instance, place them in your ice tray, and fill it with filtered water. This can help you drink more water because it keeps your taste buds interested. You also reap the health benefits of whatever you put in the ice cubes. Don’t be afraid to get creative and add things like lemon slices, blueberries, mint, basil, watermelon, cucumbers, or strawberries.

Get Involved In Your Community

Most communities host fitness classes, running groups, or basketball, softball, or soccer teams. If you don’t enjoy going to the gym, these options may be more enjoyable for you. In addition to exercising, you’ll also meet some new people, who may have similar health goals. Perhaps your relationship with them evolves to exploring the outdoors by going on bike rides, hikes, or even surfing, provided you live near the ocean. Disclaimer: we take full credit for these new and health-fueled relationships. You’re welcome.

Eat In Dim Lighting

Studies have shown that eating in a dimly lit room can help you eat less. You can light some candles or use a dimmer, if you have that option. This doesn’t seem like it would work, but it does. Eating in dim lighting helps you control your portions, which is great for helping you lose weight. Additionally, try to eat without watching TV or looking at your phone because the extended screen time can cause you to keep snacking, even after the meal is over. Take the time to enjoy your meals and invest some energy into the people eating with you. Time spent away from screens isn’t such a bad thing.

We hope that you can use some of these tips in your daily life to help you stay in shape during summer. Comment below to let us know how these worked for you.


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Pina Colada Green Smoothie Prep For One Week Thu, 17 Jan 2019 17:45:25 +0000

Prepping smoothies ensures that you will have a quick, healthy, and delicious breakfast ready to go. Try this smoothie prep while cleansing.


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People are typically looking to shave time off their morning routines. If there are steps you can take to allow for more leisure time in the morning, you should take them, especially when they are as easy as what we are about to share with you. We know that the winter months make it near impossible to escape from the warm comfort of your bed, so use this smoothie prep to gift yourself those extra few minutes of relaxation.

Prepping smoothies is probably one of the easiest things that you can do. You put the ingredients in separate sandwich bags, freeze them, add the ingredients of one bag to a blender, add water, blend, and you are good to drink. You’ll have minimal effort on your part in the mornings and deliciousness 100% of the time, every time. The following smoothie prep is filled with tropical flavors, and they have some amazing health benefits.


If you didn’t already know, pineapples are great for the digestive system because they contain bromelain, which digests protein. The manganese in pineapple helps to boost the production of the enzymes that help you feel energized.

Quick Fact: Spinach has an array of minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins. While spinach may turn your smoothie green, it often does not take over the taste of other fruits.


Bananas can help fight back against gas, bloating, or water retention. They help promote healthy gut bacteria, which encourage a healthy digestive system. Nothing gets held up or blocked in the body!

For this smoothie prep, we are giving you the ingredients to make one smoothie bag. You can multiply that by three, five, seven, or even 20 if you want to!

Ingredients For 1 Smoothie Bag:

  • 1 cup fresh pineapple cubes
  • 1 banana, sliced
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 2 tablespoons dehydrated coconut (unsulfured and without sugar)


  • When you want to make a smoothie, take one of these smoothie bags out of the freezer and empty it into a blender. Add 1 cup of water and blend until you get a smooth consistency. Enjoy!


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A Beginner’s Guide To Healthy Meal Prep Fri, 30 Nov 2018 11:25:52 +0000

In this article you will find tips, suggestions, and the easiest way to start meal prepping. You may be surprised at how easy it is!


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People on social media and food blog writers continually promote the concept of meal prep to maintain healthier diets. Not only is meal prepping incredibly easy, but it also makes eating healthy convenient and fun. The problem that most people have, however, is that they don’t know how to prep healthy meals. They think it is a daunting task that involves hours and hours of prep. That’s a false notion and we are going to illustrate how to prep clean and healthy meals.

What Is Clean Eating?

If you don’t know how to eat cleanly, don’t beat yourself up. Put down the burger and lettuce explain (that was a little clean eating pun to start you off). It’s important to clarify that clean eating is more than looking at labels that say “heart-healthy” or “fat-free.” Major food manufacturers mislead consumers with these terms and people end up buying “healthy foods” that are not healthy at all. To eat healthily, follow the tips below.

Avoid Artificial Ingredients

Artificial means fake, and you shouldn’t eat fake food when so much real food is available. You can identify artificial ingredients by looking for terms like “artificial flavors” or “artificial colors” or artificial sweeteners. Don’t eat foods with artificial anything! They aren’t healthy!

Don’t Eat Processed Foods

Processed foods and artificial flavors go hand in hand because most processed foods contain artificial ingredients. Besides having little to no nutrition, processed foods contain an array of chemicals and preservatives that extend the shelf life. Do your best to avoid foods with shelf lives.

Don’t Forget Fruits And Veggies

Omitting fruits and vegetables from your diet is mistakes one, two, and three on your path to a healthier body. When it comes to meal prepping, you must include fruits and vegetables in your recipes. They should be your first priority! It is also imperative that you eat the rainbow to obtain different nutrients.

Count Your Nutrients, Not Calories

We aren’t saying that you should ignore your caloric intake; rather, we are saying that you should focus on getting your calories from nutritious foods. The calories you get from a hotdog are not equivalent to the calories and nutrients you get from a home-cooked meal that consists of vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

To set yourself up for meal prep success, it is integral to prepare you favorite healthy options in bulk. Don’t be intimidated by preparing a lot of food at once. It is actually a great way to save money, save time, and save yourself from eating unhealthy food!

You Don’t Have To Cook Everything

Most people overcook food, especially when it comes to vegetables. High heat kills a large percentage of the nutrients, which is why it can be beneficial to prepare a few raw meals like salads or smoothies. You can make smoothie bags or divide a large salad into several containers for a couple lunches during the week.

Knock It Out In One Day

It is best to meal prep for the week the same day that you head to the grocery store to buy all your food. Your ideas about meals are fresh in your mind, which makes the preparation aspect fun and exciting. Make sure to do this on the weekend, or whatever days you have off, because you’ll need free time.

Change Up The Standards

You don’t want to make the same salad more than twice. You have to alternate flavors in order to keep you interested in the food. Make a southwestern dressing and add chickpeas, which have been sautéed in taco spices, to the salad with pickled onions, cilantro, and salsa. Instead of doing fried rice, blend some cauliflower and use that as the rice base. Add diced vegetables, sesame oil, liquid aminos, and other seasonings to the pan and enjoy! Check our recipe section for more information.

Pick Your Meals

You can use recipes that you’ve created or find healthy recipes online. The important thing is to choose two or three recipes that have a healthy balance of vegetables, protein, whole grains, and healthy fats. If you want to dive in headfirst and wing it, include at least one item from each column of the following table.

Green vegetablesBroccoliOlive oilBarley
TempehSalad greens (arugula, red leaf, spinach, kale)AvocadoQuinoa (not technically a grain)
Wild Caught FishZucchiniNutsWild rice
Chia SeedsSweet PotatoMacadamia nut oilBulgur wheat

Don’t forget that you need to get solid containers for your prepped meals. Glass containers are best! You can choose containers that have divided areas, but that is up to you. If you have any meal prep questions, let us know in the comments.


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7-Day Green Smoothie Prep For Healthy Mornings Thu, 18 Oct 2018 17:45:08 +0000

Stay ahead of the game to win on the raw foods diet. Prepping smoothies is one of the easiest places to start! Try it out while cleansing.


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Everyone has their own approach to succeeding on the Full Body Cleanse. Some like to make meals every day and some people like to prep meals for the entire week. We suggest batch prepping for anyone looking to save time in the kitchen. You don’t have to dive in the deep end and prep every meal and snack for every day of every week, but it isn’t a bad idea to prep at least one meal a week to help you stay on track.

Most people wish they could have more time in the morning. You never want to feel like you are in a rush, although panic is inevitable when you look at the clock, only to realize that you don’t have breakfast and you should have left ten minutes ago. The best thing you can do for yourself while cleansing is to prep smoothies to shave time off your mornings. When you have a smoothie bag ready to go, you don’t have to think about what to make and it takes less than five minutes to remove from the freezer, add to the blender, and blend it up. Plus, you get to eat a healthy breakfast without reverting to something that is not cleanse-approved.

It is best to start on a small scale so that you don’t fall off the meal prep wagon. The problem with being overzealous is that you are likely to stop meal prepping. Start simple by following this prep, which will provide you with one smoothie for each day of an entire week. That equates to seven breakfasts. The flavor of the smoothie can change by adding different quantities of the different berries.

Groceries To Buy:

  • 1lb bag of spinach
  • 1 big bunch kale
  • 2lb clamshell of strawberries
  • 1lb clamshell of blueberries
  • 1lb clamshell of blackberries
  • 7 bananas
  • sealable quart-sized sandwich bags

Ingredients For Each Smoothie Bag:

  • 1 cup spinach
  • ½ cup kale leaves, washed and big stems removed
  • 1 cup berries of your choice (you can mix all of them or use a variety you prefer)
  • 1 banana, sliced


  • Place the ingredients for one smoothie in a sealable quart-sized sandwich bag. Seal the bag and place in the freezer. Repeat this for the rest of the six smoothies.
  • In the morning, remove one bag from the freezer and empty the contents into your blender. Add 1 cup of filtered water and blend until you get a smoothie consistency. Enjoy your smoothie!


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