Articles A-Z

Beware of the Big-Box Retailers!

As the health industry continues to evolve, and the current health movement toward natural healing and herbal remedies expands, major retailers have begun to manufacture their own brand of herbal supplements. However, four major retailers, GNC, Target,...

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar helps the body eliminate harmful toxic waste (due to its malic acid content), helps remedy sore throat and laryngitis, strengthens the heart, help prevent muscle soreness and aching joints, improves digestion, helps dissolves calculi (kidney, bladder, and gall stones), helps dissolve mucus accumulation in the body, aids the body in fasting due to its nutritional value and content (potassium, copper, iron, fluorine, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, etc.); helps keep arteries soften, and a plethora of other beneficial actions that greatly benefit the body.

Beetle Juice

Unbeknownst to many individuals, when they drink certain beverages that have a reddish or dark orange tint to it, chances are they are drinking beetle or bug juice.

Beware of Protein Health Bars

A majority of protein bars that have been popping up over the past ten years and making their way into local gyms and health food stores and even commercial super markets are crap. A few exceptions do exist. Beware of protein bars, especially those made from whey, a dairy product. Listed are a few natural sources of protein.


Inflammation of the bursa caused by mucus. Like all other degenerative diseases, bursitis can be healed naturally. Individual herbs good for assisting in the healing. Dietary recommendations that help prevent and treat bursitis.


Boils are degenerative in nature, which means they are reversible via diet and lifestyle change. If diet and lifestyle can change boils, then it stands to reason that diet and lifestyle, improper or insalubrious diet and lifestyle, played a role in their development.

Believe In Yourself

Believe in yourself that you can not only make it, but also be successful at following your heart’s desire. You can perform many miracles. Believe that all of your worldly needs and obligations are met and they will be.


Most bunions are the result of wearing tight fitting and thus uncomfortable shoes. Causes and Risk Factors According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, more than half of U.S. women have bunions. They go on to...

Being the Black Sheep of the Family

Society and family black sheep don’t follow the herd but make their own path. Asking questions, thinking for yourself. Psychic powers and prophetic dreams to learn and embrace. Feels people’s hurt and pain and you may even be able to heal them.

Birth Control: Wild Yam vs. Pennyroyal

Wild Yam Root is the most effective herb available today for natural birth control, effective and reliable. Small doses, Wild Yam aids in miscarriage prevention. Large does it will serve as an abortafcaient. Pennyroyal is very effective for PMS and menstrual problems.

Beware The New Childhood Vaccine Agenda

The criminal pharmaceutical drug industry was just recently given a gift by the federal court system (federal “Vaccine Court”) that ruled that childhood vaccines do not cause autism in babies and small children. Pharmaceutical companies and the...

Being Positive Is A Choice

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. This adage is old yet still relevant and meaningful. The importance of having a positive attitude cannot be underestimated. There will always be tough situations in life. Sometimes the best-laid...


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