Articles A-Z

FEATURE: What Do We Eat?

What is the truth about our body and what are its needs? WHAT DO WE EAT? The public has believed that our food supply and its nutrient value have been determined by the best minds. Doing the...

Flax Seed

Flax seed is a good fiber to take. I would recommend it as a good dietary fiber blend in addition to the beneficial omega oils it contains.

FEATURE: What About Our Pets?

We are seeing disease conditions in animals that we did not see years ago. Many of these may be traced to nutrition as the source…” Don E. Lundholm, DVM Dr. Kollath, of the Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm,...

FEATURE: Concentration is Everything

“The mind, in meditation must be so perfectly still that not a ripple of thought enters it. God, the Subtlest Reality, cannot be perceived except in utter silence.” -Swami Kriyananda, The Ananda Course in Self-Realization Perfect peace...

Fluoride-coated Frying Pans

If you are cooking your food in those convenient, non-sticking Teflon pans, you should know that you are cooking your food on fluoride. Fluoride is a very harmful man-made substance that sabotages and compromises health.

Female Hormonal Replacement Therapy?

The Earth has what you need natural, safe, and effective herbs that provide a balance of bio-hormonal precursors which get into the female body and stimulate the natural production of hormones by the body’s endocrine system.

First Consult Your Physician?

Physicians don’t even study basic nutrition so what makes anybody think they are going to study up on any alternative measures that poses a threat to their linear and specific modality of health, and their profits.

FEATURE: Feeling Frisky? Herbs For Fertility

For thousands of years knowledge of the herbs and wild plants that could increase fertility were the secrets of the village wise women. But after the holocaust against European Wise Women (the “burning times”) and the virtual...

Focus On Health, Not Disease!

As Hippocrates said, the best medicine is food. Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine your food. Ezekiel the Biblical prophet stated in 47:12, … and the leaf shall be for medicine.

FEATURE: Specialty Alternative Medical Lab Tests

What Are Alternative Lab Tests? Specialty lab tests are diagnostic tools used primarily by holistic medical doctors and naturopathic physicians to assess the functional status of the body. Functional testing assesses the dynamic interrelationship of physiological systems,...

FDA Approval Does Not Mean Safe

It’s interesting when people ask if something-like Dherbs products-are FDA approved. The assumption is that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the authority on what’s safe, acceptable, and healthy. The FDA stamp of approval is...

Faux Meat and Dairy vs. Real Meat and Dairy

Faux, or synthetic meats and dairy products are manufactured from plant-based items such as beans, legumes, grains, seeds and nuts, rice, soy, wheat and almonds. Faux meat and dairy products are great alternatives to animal products but...

Fruitarian Diet?

Fruitarians follow diets that include fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables, and grains. Because they avoid all animal products, it is considered a form of veganism. There are many varieties of the fruitarian diet. Those who consume fruit as...

FEATURE: Unstillness

When you look at people around, rarely do you see human beings in stillness. People are endlessly in motion and this endless motion seems to gain speed every year. We cannot be still. We are on the...

FEATURE: Hidden Poisons

Almost from the moment many of us wake up we are continuously poisoned in one way or another. We eat our breakfasts, many people eating cereals made with chemicals, produced by chemical interactions, and with added inorganic...


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