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FEATURE: Concentration is Everything

“The mind, in meditation must be so perfectly still that not a ripple of thought enters it. God, the Subtlest Reality, cannot be perceived except in utter silence.” -Swami Kriyananda, The Ananda Course in Self-Realization Perfect peace...


The best natural substance a female could use to prevent or heal from eclampsia is carbon, activated charcoal. Nothing removes poison or toxins including heavy metal toxins from the body like carbon.

The Importance of Nasal Cleansing

A type of water cleansing which allows for the sinuous of the nasal cavities to release accumulated waste particles and substances. Nasal flushing and cleansing is customary hygiene practice in many countries and regions of the East.

Stomach Problems

There are many reasons and factors for stomach problems which I will elucidate herein, but before we get to the causes and effect and the solutions or remedies for stomach problems, let us first get a basic understanding of what the stomach is and what it does.

Idiopathic Diseases

Idiopathic disease is a disease that develops without apparent or known cause, although it may have a recognizable pattern of signs and symptoms and may be curable. People can save a lot of money if they would just learn to live, think, and eat right.

Fluoride-coated Frying Pans

If you are cooking your food in those convenient, non-sticking Teflon pans, you should know that you are cooking your food on fluoride. Fluoride is a very harmful man-made substance that sabotages and compromises health.

The Ill-Effects of Alcohol

Drinking wine causes many pathologies. Pollutes blood, toxifies liver. Corrodes kidneys and bladder. Causes chemical dependency and neurological disorders. Causes yeast infections. Destroys pancreas gland and is implicated in pancreatic cancer.

The Blunt Facts on Marijuana

Before the modern day infatuation of smoking marijuana or hemp, the plant was widely grown and used for industrial purposes. It is reported that there were over 300 industrial uses for cannabis or hemp.

Toxic Beauty

Breasts, buttocks, and thighs are waste reserves in the female body; not by nature but because of circumstances within the body. All that plumpness in the rear end isn’t all fat.


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