Articles A-Z

Fluoride-coated Frying Pans

If you are cooking your food in those convenient, non-sticking Teflon pans, you should know that you are cooking your food on fluoride. Fluoride is a very harmful man-made substance that sabotages and compromises health.

The Ill-Effects of Alcohol

Drinking wine causes many pathologies. Pollutes blood, toxifies liver. Corrodes kidneys and bladder. Causes chemical dependency and neurological disorders. Causes yeast infections. Destroys pancreas gland and is implicated in pancreatic cancer.

The Blunt Facts on Marijuana

Before the modern day infatuation of smoking marijuana or hemp, the plant was widely grown and used for industrial purposes. It is reported that there were over 300 industrial uses for cannabis or hemp.

Toxic Beauty

Breasts, buttocks, and thighs are waste reserves in the female body; not by nature but because of circumstances within the body. All that plumpness in the rear end isn’t all fat.

Healing Crisis

Basically, anytime healing occurs or takes place or when your body is restoring or regaining health and soundness, a crisis takes place. A sudden change in your diseased state takes place.

Cancer: Causes and Remedies

Parasites may be implicated and involved in cancer as parasites can greatly survive in anaerobic environments. These therapies are big in Europe where they are also legal unlike here in the United States.


Categories of diabetes were conveniently and strategically created by the National Diabetes Data Group of the National Institute of Health. When you see or have the word institute, you should see the connection to the word institution.

Thyroid Gland

The thyroid gland responds to the color blue and violet. The chief mineral for the thyroid gland is iodine. Lack of iodine plays a major role in the development of these diseases or pathologies.


Toxins are first attacked by the liver. The liver does a great job of fighting toxicity until it gets overwhelmed and allows less toxic substances to slip through into the body via the blood while it fights the most deadly toxins.

Eat Right For Your Blood Type?

Humans are so degenerate pertaining to diet. Determine blood type in order to improve upon their health. This is ludicrous. Look at blood to determine what I should be eating? This is nonsense. Eat according to energy, not blood type.

Vicious Vinegar

Vinegar, an impure dilute solution obtained by fermentation used as a preservative. It is not a food. It is a solvent. Interferes with the digestive process, retarding and preventing the proper assimilation of food causing ulcers, cancer.

Female Hormonal Replacement Therapy?

The Earth has what you need natural, safe, and effective herbs that provide a balance of bio-hormonal precursors which get into the female body and stimulate the natural production of hormones by the body’s endocrine system.


Drink plenty of water and good herbal teas that benefit the female hormonal system. Change your thoughts from negative to positive.


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