Articles A-Z

Protein Propaganda PART 2: Q & A

You mentioned humans as “herbivores” instead of “frugivores.” Which are we? Humans can greatly benefit from being frugivores, or fruit-eaters. A frugivore is an herbivore or omnivore that prefers fruit over other foods. A frugivore diet consists...

Fruitarian Diet?

Fruitarians follow diets that include fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables, and grains. Because they avoid all animal products, it is considered a form of veganism. There are many varieties of the fruitarian diet. Those who consume fruit as...


The number one thing at a core level that separate real food (e.g. plants, fruits, vegetables) from animal flesh (meat, cadaver) is ENZYMES! Enzymes represent life, but being technical, enzymes are LIFE. Enzymes are the life force...

FEATURE: Unstillness

When you look at people around, rarely do you see human beings in stillness. People are endlessly in motion and this endless motion seems to gain speed every year. We cannot be still. We are on the...

FEATURE: Hidden Poisons

Almost from the moment many of us wake up we are continuously poisoned in one way or another. We eat our breakfasts, many people eating cereals made with chemicals, produced by chemical interactions, and with added inorganic...


PICA is a condition where there is a pattern of consuming non-food materials. It is the result of nutritional deficiency, specifically mineral deficiency. Mineral deficiency is very common nowadays due to our mineral-depleted soils our produce (fruits...

Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is common neurological disorder affecting some 50,000 individuals each year. Perhaps the greatest known people in the world today with this disease are Muhammad Ali and Michael J. Fox. Parkinson’s disease is a “slowly progressive...

FEATURE: Fasting for Health

There is no product; no food, drink or remedy, including so-called natural remedies, which can give you a helping hand back to health. It is only your infinitely wise body which knows how to achieve this, and...

FEATURE: Over-Eating

There are many reasons why people eat, but not many are related to true hunger. Many people say that they have a large appetite, but this rarely equates to true hunger. In this article, we shall examine...

FEATURE: The Importance of Fever

Childhood fevers can be frightening, mostly because they are misunderstood. A fever is an increase in body temperature above the “normal range.” But the definition of “normal” can vary from person to person. Body temperature also varies...


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