Reviews: 10 Day Full Body Cleanse Express - The 10 Day Detox Program (Body Cleanse For Weight Loss, Dherbs, Herbal Supplements, Herbal Formulas, Natural Supplements, Herbal Products) (page 24)

Reviews: 10 Day Full Body Cleanse Express

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693 results
  • 10 Day Full Body Cleanse Express

    I did lose 10 pounds. I don't think I did it 100% correctly, but I stuck with until the end and I did lose some weight. I just needed something to jump start my workout. This helped a lot. I will try it again in the future. *
  • 10 Day Full Body Cleanse Express

    Liked the 10 day option. Worked great. I had energy and felt good. *
  • 10 Day Full Body Cleanse Express

    This product is very good when I only want a 10 Day Full Body Cleanse Express. I’m very happy with the outcome. My family noticed I’m doing something different when I’m using this product and with excitement I shared the 1 10 Day Full Body Cleanse Express. Love it! I will always order products from this Company. *
  • 10 Day Full Body Cleanse Express

    The 10 day full body cleanse express worked great for me. I had 3 to 4 bowel movements a day and lost 6 pounds. The cleanse helped me to decrease inflammation in my body. I’m definitely going to do this cleanse every four months. *
  • 10 Day Full Body Cleanse Express

    The product worked really well. My blood was cleansed. Blood pressure in normal range, sugar levels in normal range. Got good doctors report. Cholesterol dropped from 533 to 189, I said WoW!!!!!!!!!!!! *
  • 10 Day Full Body Cleanse Express

    I found this cleanse easy to do in that it was only 10 days opposed to the 20 days on the full body cleanse. I lost about 7 lbs. and my energy was good. I seemed to sleep better, my skin was glowing and overall I just felt great!! I highly recommend this cleanse and I would use it again (as maintenance) in between doing the full body cleanse twice a year. *
  • 10 Day Full Body Cleanse Express

    I like the fact that after three days, you can really taste your food...and the fat just burns off without you really even noticing it. By the time you look up, you're body's different and you begin to move and walk different once you begin exercising. *
  • 10 Day Full Body Cleanse Express

    It is working. I am loosing a lb a day. I can not do the charcoal though. *
  • 10 Day Full Body Cleanse Express

    Met all my expectations, will order again whenI'm ready to do another cleanse *
693 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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