Reviews: Full Body Cleanse - Best Full Body Cleanse & Detox Product - Dherbs (page 36)

Reviews: Full Body Cleanse

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5050 results
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I ordered the Full Body Detox and love the fact that I got an increase in energy right away! I felt much lighter and cleaner after having done the detox. I loved the product so much that I am recommending it to all my family members. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I completed the Detox (Full Body Detox). I feel great and lost weight. I will be ordering a kit for my mother! Thanks *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    This is the 3rd time performing the Full Body Detox as I am planning to cleanse each season change. Each detox is different, but this one seemed to focus more on my spiritual/emotional well being. Yes, I lost weight and my energy increased, but I also mentally felt a new vibe. My thoughts were clearer and I felt more in control of my life. Thank you Dherbs for providing products which continue to improve my life. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I just completed the Full Body Detox a couple of days ago and I feel great!!! I never thought I would be able to complete a full 20 days of just raw fruits and veggies but I did. I feel better than I have ever felt. Exercising is much easier and I lost weight. A great product and I plan on doing the detox every year. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I just completed my second Full Body Detox… along with my husband. The difference this time around was that coffee wasn't an issue because I haven't picked it back up since the first Detox, which was three months ago. On my first detox I had to stop drinking coffee which was difficult because I couldn't function without it. Every day I would have at least five cups a day. This product has changed my thinking about what I eat and drink. This second detox I felt a little weakness in my legs but otherwise, I felt real good and cheerful. Can’t wait to do my next Detox. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I have experimented with many products in the past. The Full Body Detox has by far been the most positive experience for my body. I noticed improvements (though subtle) within a week. I will use the Full Body Detox again for me cleansing regimen. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    This is my second round this year with Full Body Detox and it was even more fulfilling than the first. I think it was due to the fact that I learned to add more variety as far as raw food was concerned. I also had my first colonic and at age 56, it certainly won't be my last. This is a regimen I can live with. Thanks *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    This product was great. I lost 12 pounds while performing this detox and my stomach flattened. I thought I would be hungry while on the raw foods diet but I was not. I even had more energy than before. I have learned a great deal about raw foods and the importance of a good detox and I can't wait until I perform my next detox. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I have been suffering from heart burn for 20+ years and had gone endoscopy 4 times. I used Omeparazole based medicines for 3 years, and reached a stage where if I don't use them I get sudden pain, like someone is slicing the walls of my esophagus and duodenum areas. I got a feeling that these medicines are preventing me from losing weight while controlling the acid, and wanted to find a way to stop using them. It was a blessing for me that I came across this web site while searching for natural cures and tried the FULL BODY DETOX. I lost 3 pounds immediately but most importantly, I also got cured from Heart burn!! Now I am not taking Heartburn medication. I still get it (heart burn) sometimes, but only if I eat bad food. I am very glad that I tried this product. *
5050 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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