Reviews: Herbal Laxative Tea Colon Cleanse Herbs Constipation Colon Cleansing Tea - $13.95 (page 2)

Reviews: Bowel Motion Tea

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76 results
  • Bowel Motion Tea

    First time using the Bowel Motion Tea and it seems to work OK. I drink a cup about an hour before bed for about 3 nights in a row before I felt a good benefit. I guess it had to get in my system first. I drink teas everyday, all kinds, especially before bed. With this tea upon waking and a big glass of water, I was ready to go. It didn't gripe my stomach at all. I even had a late day bowel movement. However, I think I like the herbs better. I must continue my comparison as time goes on for a definite take. *
  • Bowel Motion Tea

    I like the bowel motion tea. I love the bowel motion pills even better. The tea works well it just takes awhile to kick in. I like to drink it with the weight release tea also. The two of them together really help to keep me regular. Unfortunately I don't go on my own regularly so I use whatever that is natural it takes to go. So for anyone out there reading this and have never tried the bowel motion tea, I definitely recommend it. It will get you back on the right track. *
  • Bowel Motion Tea

    .I love the results but it usually take 12-14 hours otherwise 5 stars *
  • Bowel Motion Tea

    This tea is great for helping with regular bowel movements and constipation, however, I do prefer the bowel motion formula over the tea. For me personally, the formula seems to work much better, but both are still really good products. I've always been pretty regular, but I find this product especially helpful when I'm traveling and not eating like I should or when I'm having pms symptoms. *
  • Bowel Motion Tea

    The bowl motion tea has worked good for me. I always had problems with a regular bowl movement. This tea along with the bowl movement pills and making sure I am drinking plenty of water has been working great for me. *
  • Bowel Motion Tea

    The Bowel Mover tea was very tasty and really worked. It helped get my system cleaned and I felt much lighter. *
  • Bowel Motion Tea

    This tea was excellent. It cleansed my colon, but without the harsh cramping like other products. The tea was very tasty too, esp. with a little honey and lemon. If you have a hard time going, I recommend this tea! Thanks Dherbs!!! *
  • Bowel Motion Tea

    I was unable to get my normal assortment of herbs for a few months for financial reasons. I purchased the tea so that I would maintain good elimination. I am pleased with the product and the tea had a good taste. Dherbs has taught me, however, that proper elimination is assisted by a good and healthy be advised that the tea works best with a proper diet...(Blessings to All) *
  • Bowel Motion Tea

    The first time I used it, it worked very well. The next time I had to double up on the teabag to make it strong but it’s a pretty good product.. *
76 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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