Reviews: Full Body Cleanse Tea - Body Detox Herbal Tea (Colon Cleanse Herbs, Kidney Detoxification, Detox Herbal Tea) (page 18)

Reviews: Full Body Cleanse Tea

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186 results
  • Full Body Cleanse Tea

    This tea is AMAZING! I've been drinking it for four days now. At first, I noticed regulation in my digestion which lead to more regular bathroom visits. I also noticed less bloating and complete elimination of heartburn. I have GERD and this tea is amazing for decreasing flare ups! Today, I noticed my skin looked amazingly radiant!!! I mean, I saw flawless skin! It was so beautiful that I captivated myself lol. My skin is so smooth and my pores shrunk dramatically!!! Will be ordering more!!!!!!!! *
  • Full Body Cleanse Tea

    Yes it did. In fact, I had to have surgery and you know after major surgery your body is sluggish getting back to regular. So the doctors had the nurses give me a stool softener for several days. Nothing was happening. So I asked my son to bring me my tea from home. I drank it that evening and the very next morning I was good to go. One of the nurses asked what type of tea it was. So I told her about your products. Thank you Dherbs. *
  • Full Body Cleanse Tea

    I LOVE THIS TEA! I actually panic when I'm out of it...LOL. It gives me so much energy, and eliminates waste in my body. If I'm feeling sick or have an upset stomach, I drink a cup and it makes me feel so much better. I drink a cup everyday. It tastes great and there's no need to add sweeteners. I drink it all natural. If I am feeling sluggish or run down, it instantly gives me a pick me up. I've tried other teas but they don't give me the same results. It's the best! *
  • Full Body Cleanse Tea

    Not only tastes good, but I've noticed it cleaning my colon a bit as well. I drink it hot before bed, it lulls me right to sleep :D With a similar price to herbal teas you find at a store, I'd buy this (or any Dherbs product) over any of them. *
  • Full Body Cleanse Tea

    This product worked great with the Full Body Detox. Pleasant taste and mild on the body. *
  • Full Body Cleanse Tea

    Good minty tea. Easy to make and drink. Took this morning and night in conjunction with the 20 Day Full Body Cleanse. *
  • Full Body Cleanse Tea

    The Detox tea has a sort of sweet taste, and it has also changed my bowel movements. *
  • Full Body Cleanse Tea

    I like to drink this tea when I eat something I know I shouldn't of eaten. It gives me a boost in energy and cleanses my colon. A must have in the tea collection. *
  • Full Body Cleanse Tea

    This tea (DETOX tea) has a good taste, slightly sweet already. I recommend adding lemon (and agave nectar if you want it a little sweeter). I prefer the energy tea over this one because it gives me that extra boost in the morning but this is a close second. *
186 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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