Reviews: Mucus Formula - Mucus Cleanse (Natural Remedies For Mucus, How To Break Up Phlegm, Dherbs, Herbs Rid Mucus, Herbal Supplements, Natural Supplements, Herbal Formulas, Cleanse) (page 1)

Reviews: Mucus Formula

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71 results
  • Mucus Formula

    It is doing everything that I hoped for in helping keep my lungs clear of mucus. I have told a few people with my condition (COPD) to use this along with the Lung and Respiratory Formula. It is no cure but this helps more than I can express. Thanks a lot for these products. *
  • Mucus Formula

    I love this product because it helps reduce the mucus in my body. I try to eat healthy but sometimes I cheat and this product helps. The less mucus I have in my body, I noticed that I am not sick with a cold or sinus infection. Try this product! It’s great ???? *
  • Mucus Formula

    This formula is the best I used to have a lot of yeast. I started taking this and it gave me some relief of symptoms and in a week's time I was feeling brand new. I try to keep some in my cabinet I love it. I also give it to my 27 year old son that is in the military because he has a problem with yeast most people don't think men have problems with yeast, but they do and it worked well for him as well as for some of his Soldier friend. Thanks again Dherbs for all you do. The Harrison family supports you and keep on bring us good products that we can count on. *
  • Mucus Formula

    This formula is fast acting. I relay on it to stop my nasal drip. It always works. Thank you for your good work!!! *
  • Mucus Formula

    I love this product. Living in the south I deal with allergies a lot and mucus. This product helped to relieve me symptoms. *
  • Mucus Formula

    Great product. Works better with continued use. Clears up the entire sinus cavity. Breathing is much better. *
  • Mucus Formula

    I was having issues with mucus build up in my chest and it started to affect me during daily activities that should normally be done with ease. Once I began to have breathing issues I knew something had to be done. I don't go to the doctor unless I absolutely have to so I figured I would give this a try. I felt relief in just over a week. Breathing cleared up and I am back on the move! Thank you DHERBS! *
  • Mucus Formula

    This is hands down the best cold remedy I have ever used especially if you begin using it at the onset of a cold. I love it for my entire family! Saves on absences from school and work and a lot less Dr. visits! *
  • Mucus Formula

    The mucus formula works very good. The has been a big difference in the amount of mucus I used to experience. When i used to wake up in the morning my nose used to be stopped up. But now a breathe a lot easier with this formula. *
71 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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