Reviews: Uterus Tea - Tea For Fibroids And Cysts (Fibroid Herbal Tea, Womb Cleansing Tea, Herbal Fibroid Tea Treatment, Uterine Ovarian Fibroid Tumor Cyst Herb Tea, Dherbs) (page 2)

Reviews: Uterus Tea

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71 results
  • Uterus Tea

    It has a bitter taste but it's not bad. I have yet to finis it but I like it. *
  • Uterus Tea

    I was in so much pain for about a week. I couldn't sleep, eat, walk, sit, stand... I finally got enough strength to go to the Emergency room. I was told that I had a large fibroid. They gave me a prescription for pain and advised to follow up with my ob/gyn. My first thought before following up was to go to I had used a few products before, so I thought I would go this route first. I read reviews on the Uterus formula and tea. Based on reviews, I went ahead and ordered both products and started taking as directed as soon as it arrived. I was still in pain a few days after taking it but now since taking it consistently, the pain is completely gone. I am a strong believer in Dherbs products and love them and they all work. Thank you dherbs. I prefer natural holistic than medicine and unnecessary surgeries. I am a regular faithful customer. *
  • Uterus Tea

    Cleaned my uterus and returned it back to its natural state. *
  • Uterus Tea

    I really love this tea and it really helps with my issues. *
  • Uterus Tea

    Well, I have enjoyed using this product. It helped me since I have not been able to purchase the uterus cleanse. I have felt results immediately. I am certain it has helped to lessen the pain and bloating. I see a difference in my cycle. I also have taken the 10 day blood cleanse and the 10 day liver cleanse and they helped. I am still in my healing journey and praying for complete healing. I will get the uterus cleanse soon. Thank you Dherbs. I have referred you to many people who will be experiencing their own healing. *
  • Uterus Tea

    I started off with this tea, then I added the uterus formula. The first month with this tea helped control my heavy flow, this is why I decided to use the uterus formula as well. Due to limited resources, I drink both during my period, and then use mostly the uterus formula throughout the month. I would say use both if can. An added bonus is that it tastes great, I have drank it both cold and warm. I would highly recommend this tea. *
  • Uterus Tea

    So far so good, I've been using the products for about 30 days. Looking forward to seeing great results! *
  • Uterus Tea

    I have fibroids and during my period use to have heavy cramps and blood clots. This product is amazing I combine the Tea and the uterus formula since I started 2 months ago my period are back to normal. Can't wait to see at my next ultrasound if the fibroids reduce in size. *
  • Uterus Tea

    After a unfortunate miscarriage I got this tea as a cleanser and it worked wonders!!! My cramping subsided, my bloating went away and I could feel the tea working! The tea even helped with my energy. I highly recommend this tea. I’ve also used the total body cleanser twice and each time it never lets me down! You can tell the products really work because you can feel and see changes in your body. I know whenever I do both cleansers I never have any bloating and I overall feel great!! I love Dherbs and would recommend them. *
71 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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