Reviews: Vitamin C - Natural Vitamin C Supplement (Vegan Vitamin C, Vegetarian Vitamin C, Herbal Vitamins, Collagen Boosting Supplement, Dherbs, Natural Supplements, Herbal Supplements, Herbal Formulas, Herbal Products) (page 2)

Reviews: Vitamin C

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26 results
  • Vitamin C

    Both of my sisters hijacked my vitamin-C!! But before I decided to share with them...I got sick and took it and was feeling sooooooo much better the next day! Potent and effective. This gotta stay in my families cabinets this season cause it works!! I am one that looks up the ingredients and what they are supposed to do for the body and everything on the list promotes high vitamin c! I'm not sure if kids can take this but I may have to micro dose my kid this flu season! *
  • Vitamin C

    I love this herbal Vitamin C, it seems to work for me. Helps keep my allergies in control as well as maintain a strong immune system. Costly but a worthy investment WITHIN. *
  • Vitamin C

    I do prefer using the Vitamin C tea over the Vitamin C formula, especially if I have a sore throat, but this formula does wonders too. This product works much, much better than the Vitamin C's you get from a pharmacy because they're not processed. These natural herbs work a lot faster in the digestive system than traditional vitamins and really do aid in the body's healing process. *
  • Vitamin C

    I received the vitamin C today and took 3 pills according to instructions on the container. Several hours later I experienced the energy to finish up with my laundry, helped my husband clean the kitchen (as he took 3 pills also when I did) and got onto my iPad and performed several functions. DHerbs I appreciate you guys so much. I have also ordered vitamin A, the greens combo and the vitamin and minerals today. I also had a bad sinus infections for over two weeks and all the medicines I took made it worse until I got a unction from the Holy Spirit to stop taking the medication and slowly but surely it began to get better. When I received the vitamin C that helped a lot and I began to clear up all together sooooooo soon. Praise God for all his herbs in the earth. He mentioned that in HIS WORD about the herb bearing seed. Keep doing what you do guys and thanks so much. *
  • Vitamin C

    The Vitamin C was excellent. I'm thankful that you had it in stock. I will definitely be ordering it again. *
  • Vitamin C

    The Vitamin C Formula is great. I have used before and was amazed at the "BIG" difference between the "crap" I use to buy at the supermarket and the superb quality of DHERBS. Thanks for the enlightening. *
  • Vitamin C

    This is a real Vitamin C formula. There is no need to settle for ascorbic acid. Thanks to DHERBS, I can take natural vitamin C with all co-factors and components present. *
  • Vitamin C

    The Vitamin C Formula is a great natural Vitamin C supplement doesn't upset my stomach at all. *
  • Vitamin C

    My Faimly and I take vitamin c to help keep our immune system up. *
26 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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