Reviews: 10 Day Colon Cleanse - The Herbal Colon Cleanse (Dherbs, Herbal Supplements, Herbal Products, All Natural Colon Cleanse) (page 3)

Reviews: 10 Day Colon Cleanse

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111 results
  • 10 Day Colon Cleanse

    This is my favorite cleanse I've done so far. I use to need 10-12 hours of sleep (I was tired all the time) my skin was really bad, I had acne all over my face and no cleanser or product ever helped. Now I only need 4-6 hours of sleep, I have tons of energy! And my skin is completely clear. It cleared up the first few days and has stayed that way. I did a full body cleanse and then this one 3 months after, but I've done quite a few others. Love this cleanse! *
  • 10 Day Colon Cleanse

    Does exactly what it says. I lost 11lbs and I feel great! I will be using this product again! *
  • 10 Day Colon Cleanse

    The cleanse instructions were easy to follow. I did not experience any cramping while on the program. I did not experience a bad taste while taking the products. It was easy taking the products during the work week. I lost 6 pounds that put my weight under 160lbs. My stomach started to flatten after day 2. My blood pressure decreased by 30 points within 4 days. The white of my eyes became whiter and this was a surprise result. This was my first time using a DHERBS program. I started with a 10 day cleanse because I new I could complete it. I will definitely do this cleanse again and try others. Eating fruit or a fruit smoothie for breakfast was filling and curved my appetite. Eating a fruit veggie combined smoothing for dinner produced the same results. I was amazed. I started the cleanse on a Saturday because I knew if I could get through the weekend I would be able to complete the cleanse. It worked for me. Try it. *
  • 10 Day Colon Cleanse

    It worked like a charm. I had been dieting with no results, so along with my eating habits the colon cleanser I started to see the results and I felt better, healthier even. I wish I would've opted for the 20 day so I'm going to do it again. *
  • 10 Day Colon Cleanse

    The colon cleanse was very surprising because it was not harsh on my system like so many other products on the market. This is a great product to use especially if you don't like getting colonics. It was easy on my body and did not make me feel sick or have any other side effects like other products tend to do. *
  • 10 Day Colon Cleanse

    This cleanser helped me lose 30lbs. If you do it the way it's meant to be done, you will lose the weight. This is my 2nd time doing this cleanse and it worked both times! I had my husband start the cleanse with me but it was hard for him with the pills being so big and to take 5 pills within hours of each other. So I got him the cleanse tea instead and it worked for him. *
  • 10 Day Colon Cleanse

    I was really skeptical about this product, so many times you see fake reviews of products. This product did everything and more. I was so pleased with my results i told all of my friends about it. I have had so many of my friends that tried out this product tell me that they are completely satisfied. *
  • 10 Day Colon Cleanse

    It's the absolute best!! My weight is down and my energy is up. My hormones are balancing so I'm not as moody as I was before doing the cleanse. The best part for is that it continues to work for me!! Ten toes down, I stand behind this product. *
  • 10 Day Colon Cleanse

    Another great product, did what it was supposed to do. Never disappointed with the cleanse process. Will definitely purchase again. *
111 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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