Reviews: Full Body Cleanse

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  • Full Body Cleanse

    I will definitely purchase the FBC again, but the next time, I will be more disciplined with the diet portion. I did notice a change in my upper abdominal area after about a week and I went to the bathroom more often. I strongly recommend that you have your raw food ready, so that you are not tempted to eat the wrong things. The pill case does help and I wrote the times I need to take the capsules on the back of mine. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    Lost over 30lbs. Everything taste so much better now. Will do again. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    Excellent product. I utilize this twice a year. I release a lot of unwanted weight and restore my mental clarity. I always have so much more energy after the full body detox regimen. I have adopted a plant based diet due to the many benefits I experienced during my first initial cleanses. I highly recommend utilizing this cleanse at least once a year for better health and well being. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    Very helpful, lost 15 lbs, following the regimen got me in the right frame of mind. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    Great product. I use to feel sluggish everyday. Since I started the full body cleanse, I feel much better and can get through my day without feeling burnt out. The first couple of days was a little hard to do, but I truly believe it was just a mental thing. Once I made it to day four, it was really easy to avoid the foods I would normally eat. I also begin to discover new vegetables I had never heard of or I would never take a chance on trying. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I've used this product twice and it is the best detox I have tried. I felt lighter, I lost 20lbs, more energetic. I was skeptical with all the pills to take. But I did my research and it is harmless. I love this product. Also thanks to the Steve Harvey Morning Show for encouraging me to try this product! *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I am on day 14 of the FBD cleanse and I feel amazing!!!! I have been focused and have taken every supplement as instructed while maintaining a vegan diet of all raw organic vegetable as well as organic fruit. I have been drinking at least a gallon of distilled water a day and when possible I incorporate light exercise into the week as well. I struggled to exercise initially, I felt fatigue starting off but now I am able to work a full 8 hours and still have energy to dedicate at least 1 hour of exercise after my shift ends. So far, I have lost 10 lbs. total! I have gone down at full dress size already with 6 days remaining and everyone is telling me that they can tell already as my face is slimming down. I have done the cleanse at least twice before, but this time around I have kept focused by eliminating any chances of deviation and I feel awesome! I have the E-book which helps me with combining my fruits and vegetables as I should for digestion purposes. I still urinate quite often! I was never regular in terms of BM's prior to the detox, but I am going at least once or twice a day with no discomfort. It is very natural and I can definitely appreciate that. Do not allow the number of herbal supplements deter you from doing this cleanse. I look at it as an excellent way to consume my water because I drink plenty to down my capsules throughout the day. I can't think of any cons of this cleanse as I am looking and feeling fantastic. I still have about 28 lbs. more to shed, so I will be purchasing the Maintenance Package to begin immediately after my cleanse. Additionally, I am conscious of the fact that I cannot go back to the previous terrible food habits I once had. Just as I did with the cleanse, I will follow the required food regimen for the Maintenance Package to aid in losing the remaining 28 lbs. I aim to get rid of before my trip to Jamaica in August!!!! I am SO proud of myself and I'm almost to the finish line! Good luck to all considering to purchase this cleanse! Consider no more! Do it! You will NOT regret it! *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I really like the full body cleanse. I have tried 3 of you cleanses. (2) full body and (1) weight release. I lost 25 lbs the first time I tried the full body and I lost 10 lbs with the weight release and the last time I tried the full body I lost 20 lbs. So your products do work but you have to stick to the routine and you have to be strict with eating only fruits, raw vegetables and I also had some nuts with my cleanse. I went from 210 lbs to 155 lbs. I am going to do the cleanse again just to maintain and to stay healthy. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    Ok keeping it real, do not start this cleanse if you are not a raw veggie eater. First find a meal plan that works for you before starting. Now on to the cleanse itself, it is great I lost 13 pounds and was going back to the doctor to be put on meds for diabetes and when I went back to the two week follow up I have made a complete turn around and it is all thanks to this 20 day cleanse. The first week was hard but after that it was a breeze. I have to say I have try to eat two meals after the cleanse and it does not feel right so I think I will stay raw also you get filled so fast because your body is not use to eating so much food. So all in all it has changed my life. Thank you! *
5035 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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