Reviews: Yoni Cleanser

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131 results
  • Yoni Cleanser

    I've been using this, and it's great. I use it with the Anti-V Formula. Sometimes I'd do 3-5 day cleanses and it's great when you have a gyn appt. Normally a week before I got I would use the combo. I've run out so I am about to re- up. *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    The Yoni Cleanser is great. I've been taking it for about 3 weeks and noticed a change after the first 2 days of taking it. I really felt the cleansing action working. I was a little concerned at first but after day 3 my yoni felt refreshed. My cycle just ended and I did not have any of the PMS issues that I would normally have, irritability, bad cramps, headaches, etc. I really love all of the DHerbs products that I have tried so far. Well next month I start the Full Body Cleanse and will be incorporating a few additional products such as the Yoni Cleanser. *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    Ladies you should keep Yoni Cleanser handy at all time... I have reorder this product many times for the great benefits it gives me. *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    I was tired of going back and forth to the doctor. I didn't even take the Yoni Formula the way I was supposed to and it began to work within days. I love this product! *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    THANK GOD for Dherbs! The Yoni Cleanser is a Godsend! Thank you Dherbs!!! *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    I absolutely love Dherbs! Nothing that the doctors will give you will beat the natural way of treatment and prevention! I have been budgeting my money so I can afford these cleanses as a college student because I have never found products so good! Thanks so much Dherbs! This Yoni Cleanser is the truth for keeping your candy box clean! *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    Yoni cleanser work for me durin. I trust the Yoni cleanser and will continue to use it. Thanks *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    The Yoni Cleanser is the best product and I feel great!!!!!!!!! thanks dherbs! *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    I used this product as part of the 20-day Uterus Cleanse, and it's been amazing. I definitely can tell a difference in how I feel during the days leading into my cycle -- no bloating, pain or PMS. It includes an herb called shatavari, which is from an Indian word meaning "a woman who has a hundred husbands." 'Nuff said! *
131 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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