Reviews: Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

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458 results
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    The weight release cleanse & Regimen was a great choice for me. I wanted to try a new product that would assist me in losing pounds and excess weight. This product worked great for me. I feel healthier, stronger, and lighter. *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    I've taken the Weight Release cleanse twice so far and I absolutely love it. The first time I lost 5lbs. The second time I lost 12! I'm about to order my third one today! Going vegan was very hard on me, so I had to adjust my diet a bit and give myself some wiggle room so that it wouldn't be such a hard change. I modified the diet a bit, but the cleanse works so well that even with modifications I was able to lose! Whenever I use the cleanse, I feel a complete difference in my body. My gut feels lighter, no bloating, and I have way more energy. I intend to continue using this product as much as I can to boost my weight loss. Before I was contemplating having a bariatric surgery to fix my obesity - but the weight release cleanse has offered me a safer alternative and I'm going to use it. It's a discipline, and the road can be difficult - but if you're serious about wanting to see change then I highly recommend you do this cleanse. And don't feel bad if you don't lose 20lbs your first month. Keep working at it, and the more you do the cleanse, the more you lose. It even helped changed the way I ate in a way that allowed me to lose weight still after the cleanse was over. *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    I did the FBC before and was successful, so I decided to try the WRC. I just finished the Weight Release Cleanse, and I am so happy I did it! I messed up on the diet, but I still lost 13lbs, and 12 inches! I feel so much lighter! No headaches or crazy side effects! I will be ordering cleanse again, and the maintenance package! So happy I finally listened to my sister and tried Dherbs! *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    Working like a charm. On the 3rd day, I felt like the thermostat had been turned up in my body. I’m on day 16 and so far I’ve lost 12 pounds and my face has cleared up. I’ve lost a significant amount of inches off my waste in clothes. Typically I lose inches before I notice pounds. I did notice cramps from the sugar formula. In addition, you go to the restroom A LOT!!! Way more than the full body cleanse. The first 2-3 days I was angry from the cleanse and by day 7 I had an emotional release. The bath drops were critical to help with this ;very relaxing. The inhaler works like a charm too. *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    I Love Dherbs products especially the weight release cleanse. I have tried other weight loss programs that never worked. Being a junk food junkie, I thought this would be hard but the weight release cleanse products really helped with the junk food cravings and I lost 38 lbs. I have referred others who are on their way and I plan to order this product again to remove the holiday weight gain. *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    Loss 15lbs in 3 weeks and gained control over my diabetes. *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    Great product, the first time I used this I lost 20lbs. I coupled this with exercising at least 1 hour a day. I love the tea. I’m a tea lover. The tea taste great. It does take a lot of discipline to do the 20 day cleanse especially if you are like me with kids and a husband who is not cleansing and having to cook for them was tough but if you stick to it you’ll see results and you’ll notice you taste and appetite changing. *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    The 20 Day Weight Release program works. I didn’t loose 40 lbs but feels good after doing this program. *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    I love Dherbs products. I have lost a lot of weight and have felt very energetic while using the products. My husband has also used Dherbs products, he used the 10 day express cleanse. He has lost weight and we both very pleased with the products. I am looking forward to starting my weight lost journey again. *
458 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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