Reviews: Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

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459 results
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    I really did not know what to expect when I tried the weight release cleanse. I read the testimonials and heard my favorite radio personalities raving about the results they obtained so I decided to place the order. When I received the box I opened eager to change my life and had no idea what I was in store for. I had no idea I would need to shift my thinking about food and commit to my health. It was absolutely worth it. I never felt hungry, I tried fruits and vegetables that I had never even considered eating, I slept better, I felt more energized during the day and I dropped pounds. 15 to be exact. Something I had been trying to do for years. Its so worth it. *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    I finished the FBC then went onto the weight release program and I was amazed at the results that came. I haven't felt this good in years and I was getting into clothes that hasn't fitted me in years. Many people told me how good I was looking and I so want to keep up with this weight release journey. So while the weather is good in the UK I want to do another cleanse I can release more weight before my holiday to the caribbean in December. *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    This is the third product I have tried from dherbs and I have been happy with all. This product does a great job of getting rid of your cravings and helps you stay on the clean food eating regime. I would suggest this for anyone trying to get a handle on their weight or eating habits. *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    I tried the weight release formula without knowing that I should have taken the full body detox cleanse first. I was still pleasantly surprised with how much healthier I felt and how my energy increased after the weight release cleanse. Instead of putting all my focus on trying to lose pounds, this program helped me to focus on actually being healthy instead. I'm more conscientious of what I put in my system and decided to cut meat out of my diet altogether. Even though I'm not at my idea weight, what's most important to be is being healthy, balanced and centered. Thanks Dherbs for your natural products! *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    I would definitely recommend Dherbs for you your go-to diet starter regimen. I lost 21lbs. I stuck with the strict diet and light exercise. Looking forward for round 2!! *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    Omg... this cleanse was amazing. I have lost weight and it was hard for me to lose weight on my own. I will do the electric greens next. I love this company and their products! *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    I tried the detox kit and it worked wonders for me. My skin cleared up. I lost about 15 pounds. My appetite for umhealthy foods has significantly decreased. I now try to eat at least 70-80% raw foods. The percentage will get higher as I move on to other products. I am trying the weight loss kit next to help me increase and maintain the weight loss I experienced with the 3 week detox. *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    After completing the full body detox I took it a step further and completed the Weight Release Cleanse and this product really piggy banked off of the Full Body Detox. The difference that I took note to was the specific areas that it targeted, my thighs, breasts and arms were visibly more reduced and of course coupled with moderate exercise I was able to really sculpt myself... Thanks Dherbs for once again helping me to make a substantial difference in my new lifestyle. *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    This product (Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen) is amazing!!! I lost 11 pounds my first week. I am now going into my 3rd week and I have lost a total of 13 pounds. My clothes are falling off of me and I have lots of energy. I will be taking the Weight Release (Loss) Formula after my 3rd week. I am so excited about my accomplishments in only 3 weeks with taking this great product. Thanks DHERBS, there is finally some help with weight lost and control. *
459 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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