Reviews: Uterus Tea

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70 results
  • Uterus Tea

    I purchased the Uterus Tea along with the Female Cleanse and noticed an immediate difference in my cycle. It was lighter, and I tend to have heavy cycles, and wasn't heavy for the full 5 to 6 days. *
  • Uterus Tea

    Uterus tea is a product I have been looking for a very long time it really reduced my cramping. I felt a great difference, but the problem is the itch all over my body it first started under my feet ,but now it's itching me on my legs and my back and stomach area. I just can't stop drinking the tea because I know it works. I'd rather scratch. Uterus tea you are my new best friend. Thanks Dherbs. Please keep making more products. *
  • Uterus Tea

    I have been using the uterus tea for about a month and I have noticed that my menstrual cycle is a lot shorter than it was. I usually have my cycle for 5-8 days and it's usually very heavy but I have noticed that the last one that I had was 4 days. I will definitely order more of this product as it is very potent. Thank you Dherbs! *
  • Uterus Tea

    I bought this product after a review I saw online. The tea tastes better than I thought it would. It is sweet, with a bit of an after taste, but not too bad. If you need relief from cramps during your cycle and any other time for that matter, this really helps. I bought the Uterus Cleanse, which includes this tea, since the tea worked so well. *
  • Uterus Tea

    This product is great. I was having sharp pains and bloating. I have the tea daily and it has eliminated these issues. Don't hesitate!!! *
  • Uterus Tea

    WOW! I have been drinking the Uterus Tea for 5 days now and I can, literally feel better. I am so grateful this product was recommended to me. I wish I knew about it 8 years ago. I will continue to purchase the Uterus Tea in the very near future. I highly recommend. *
  • Uterus Tea

    This product is very exceptional along with the Uterus formula. I was diagnosed with a very large tumor. The doctor gaged the tumor as the size of a 6 to 8 month old fetus. They wanted to do a hysterectomy but I refused because I knew there was a natural way regardless of the size. I changed my diet drastically (vegan) along with fasting. I was taking the capsules and tea for 3 weeks and my first cycle after being on the regime proved too outstanding in such a short period of time. Almost all of my symptoms are gone. Even though the doctor saw the tumor himself while repairing a hernia, he said it was the size of a volleyball. This product has proved thus far to be very exceptional, accurate, prices and most of all no negative side affects. The only side effects is that it is helping my body assist in riding of this tumor. Thank you for this product. *
70 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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