Reviews: Menstrual Cycle Formula

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95 results
  • Menstrual Cycle Formula

    Menstrual cycle formula helped regulate my period, it had lasted extremely long almost a month and very heavy. After taking the Menstrual cycle formula, the period stopped for almost three weeks then came back lighter, no odor, and light to normal flow. I enjoyed taking these pills, the hardest part for me was to remember to take them everyday. *
  • Menstrual Cycle Formula

    I finally took the menstrual cycle after my cycle started to be more brown than the normal red. I took 5 capsule a day just as I would do a cleanse and now my cycle is back to the regular color. I also took the uterus formula at the same time. I love these products from Dherbs. *
  • Menstrual Cycle Formula

    I have taken this for a month. My cycle started pretty much on time. I will continue to take them for another month! I'm excited about them!! *
  • Menstrual Cycle Formula

    I was w/o a cycle for 6 months only after birth control and received one within 3 weeks of the Formula. I take 3 periodically thought the day... the first week and a half. That last week it was 2 about every other day. With the cycle it was longer than my usual it lasted about 6 days. BUT I got one I was waiting desperately for to tell you it works. Don’t think. Just Buy. Thank you DHerbs. *
  • Menstrual Cycle Formula

    I have been using the menstrual cycle formula along with the uterus formula for about two weeks now, and I have noticed positive results already. I believe herbs are available here on earth for healing, and should be used for that purpose. *
  • Menstrual Cycle Formula

    The moon cycle formula was awesome, it really helped my period, and also helped with the cramping. Awesome, I will buy it again *
  • Menstrual Cycle Formula

    I just started taking this formula a few days ago so I haven't seen any results from it yet. However, as someone who has been taking herbs for the past 10 years, I will say I'm impressed with the ingredient list for this product. It's not easy to find companies that are all natural and have as many herbs in their product as Dherbs does. I will definitely be buying from them again. *
  • Menstrual Cycle Formula

    First bottle down, still waiting for more results, but it started working. *
  • Menstrual Cycle Formula

    The Menstrual Cycle Formula has helped regulate my periods with the other herbs I am taking. Thanks for offering great herbal remedies for women who experience difficulties with their periods. *
95 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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