Reviews: ParaWrm Formula

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  • ParaWrm Formula

    Well my dog has caught and eaten 4 wild rabbits this summer and last week I noticed tape worm section in his fecal matter. I have not cleansed in a while so i took this as a sign to try the Parawrm formula. The first four days it really upset my stomach for the first few hours after taken it. I figured this is a good sign that things are getting killed off. I am about half way through the bottle and I am not feeling the discomfort after taken the pills now. I am having very productive bowel movements and I am noticing different things that aren't normally there. I am very happy with the results and how I feel. I am excited to continue my Dherbs health journey. *
  • ParaWrm Formula

    The product is very good. It does what it is supposed to do. Customer service is excellent! I will be back to do more business. *
  • ParaWrm Formula

    Let me tell you, this formula WORKS! I don’t want to get too graphic, but my jaw dropped after I saw what was in my stool. There were definitely parasites in there...A LOT of them. And not just one type (I was surprised to learn after a bit of research that they appear in various shapes, sizes and colors). I HIGHLY suggest that you take this on days that you plan to stay home. I took it on a Sunday morning and was still feeling (and seeing) the effects 24 hours later. It would probably be best to do this once a week just to give your body a quick reset and feel less bloated. One more suggestion...if you aren’t quite ready to do one of the cleanses (like me), I think this is a great product to try if you want to get an idea of what one of the cleanses would feel like. *
  • ParaWrm Formula

    I ordered this product for the first time and began noticing some weird feelings in my abdomen. I called DHerbs and was informed that this product is doing it work to remove parasites from my system. I was amazed that I was able to actually feel it! I think its good to have even if you dont have symptoms of parasites you never know. *
  • ParaWrm Formula

    The product works after 3 or 4 days of getting in my system I notice 4 or 5 things in stool looks like grains of rice which I have not eaten, then the next bowel movement I seen 2 pieces like the size of a peeled raw garlic slice/chunk. Thumbs up thanks *
  • ParaWrm Formula

    This product works. If you eat right and take care of yourself while taking this you will just feel the difference. You will have more energy. Very good product. *
  • ParaWrm Formula

    I purchased this ParaWrm Formula and I am happy to report that my daugter has been taking it for 2 weeks and it appears to be gone already!!! Thank you once again for an awesome product. *
  • ParaWrm Formula

    Absolutely love the ParaWrm Formula! I have always suffered from intestinal problems but after taking this product along with other Dherbs formulas I found the solution. *
  • ParaWrm Formula

    The ParaWrm Formula is amazing. It works instantly. If you want to rid yourself of hideous parasites and worms, this is the formula for the job. *
25 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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