Reviews: Sea Moss Powder

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56 results
  • Sea Moss Powder

    Yes it met my needs and I will be ordering more on a regular basis. *
  • Sea Moss Powder

    Your service and product were great. Thank you. Five (5) stars across the board *
  • Sea Moss Powder

    Very solid. I've been mixing this sea moss powder with my morning smoothies since April. Works wonders on my energy and skin. *
  • Sea Moss Powder

    I love the Sea Moss because it helps my thyroid. I was taking medicine for my Hypothyroidism but after finding the Sea moss and trying this new regiment instead of the meds really helped to increase my thyroid numbers. It gives me energy, has helped replenish areas of deficiency as it relates to vitamins and minerals my body needs. *
  • Sea Moss Powder

    I ordered the Sea Moss and started taking it in the morning with just orange juice. I immediately notice how it cleared any mucous congestion I had by the third day. I loved the feeling of extra energy and clarity with the other products like brain boost tea. On a side note I noticed that on days I took the Energy Booster Tea and the Sea Moss, I was drinking the tea by late afternoon and I found myself up to the late night hours around 3 am. You definitely feel the change in your body using the DHerbs products. *
  • Sea Moss Powder

    Dherbs sea moss is off the hook it energizes strengthens cell function. I put it in my smoothie every morning. I live on herbs it's keeping me healthy. *
  • Sea Moss Powder

    So glad I ordered this product the smell is something to get use to but it's worth it. I got my energy back sleep real good and I will be ordering this product again. I took a while to try but I'm Soo glad! *
  • Sea Moss Powder

    I absolutely love this sea moss. I have been using this product for a while now and I cannot go without this sea moss daily. *
  • Sea Moss Powder

    This product really works with indigestion. This is a must have for my household. Thanks again for another awesome product. *
56 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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