Reviews: Prostate Formula

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45 results
  • Prostate Formula

    After purchasing the Full Body Cleanse item for a family member, I thought this product would help give him some relief. The purchasing and delivery of the item was excellent and it was delivered promptly. After only taking the product for a couple of days he has had some relief already, I will give a further review in two months time to say how he has got on with the product. I'd highly recommend Dherbs products to anyone. *
  • Prostate Formula

    I would highly recommend Dherbs Prostate Formula. I saw all of the benefits of the blend of herbs used to make the formula. *
  • Prostate Formula

    Absolutely, I had problems since I was in kindergarten. I am 69 years young. I have used almost all of the prostrate vital & herbal. DHerbs prostrate formula works for me along with proper nutrition. Greasy meat and foods destroy the organs and proper function. Make sure you start with full body cleanse and do it for at least twice a year. I am specially looking at men not quite my age and older. It is very important nationally & locally. We all are important. Some people get insulted but I am 69 too. *
  • Prostate Formula

    Thanks again for this product it is the worlds best in the world of market. For any male suffering with a prostate problem, I highly recommend it. *
  • Prostate Formula

    I tried many others and never worked. I used to go to the bathroom every hour all night. I felt that my prostate was swollen and in pain too. I found Dherbs website by accident then ordered the Prostate Formula capsules to try it out. So far, my pain is gone. Less trips to the bathroom at night. I am surprise about the result. Definitely, it works great for me. *
  • Prostate Formula

    Wonderful product I have ordered several times. I would gladly recommended this to any man. *
  • Prostate Formula

    Had issues with frequent bathroom visits and my man part not performing the way it should to satisfy my wife. I had heard about Dherbs on the Steve Harvey Show, but felt is was a just like any other site offering herbs (spending money for no results). After taking this for a few days, no more bathroom visits at every stop and my wife is not able to keep up :) Ordering my second bottle!! *
  • Prostate Formula

    Prior to using, I was getting up at least 10 times a night to go pee. After taking, I slept through night. Wow! *
  • Prostate Formula

    I have been taking the Prostate Formula for two months. My nightly trips to the bathroom has been greatly reduce. I can now get an uninterrupted nights of sleep. This product is ow part of my daily health plan. This product is Man Best Friend. *
45 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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