Reviews: Maintenance Package

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214 results
  • Maintenance Package

    I just finished the Maintenance package and it worked as described. I maintain the 40 pounds I lost after I did the 10 day body cleanse and I am looking forward to trying more of DHERBS products. Thanks DHERBS FAMILY!! *
  • Maintenance Package

    The maintenance package helped me stay on track. I am a firm believer if you are consistent with this regiment and serious about your health this package works. *
  • Maintenance Package

    It gave me energy. The Tea is great. And a regular bowel movement. I love the maintenance package. *
  • Maintenance Package

    I gave this a 5 star rating because after completing the cleanse, I maintained the 10 lbs. weight loss for 5 months and I still ate regular foods. I just kept my eating sensible. *
  • Maintenance Package

    I am in love with the Maintenance Package for two good reasons. First, it helped me to maintain the results that I achieved from the FBC. Second, it's fewer capsules or pills. *
  • Maintenance Package

    This helped me to maintain what I started with the cleanse. I love these products. It helped to keep my cravings under control- and to help me feel better - my energy level was so much better and the mucus that I ALWAYS had in my throat is now gone. My stomach is not bloated and tight and my midsection is gone. *
  • Maintenance Package

    Excellent way to keep the body in check after a full body cleanse. The mind stays clear and sharp and helps keep the weight to where I want it to be. Individuals have the option to take it as much or as often suiting ones lifestyle. Have told several people of this product as well as the full body cleanse and they are looking to order the products. I Highly Recommend it! *
  • Maintenance Package

    What a great follow up to the full body cleanse. It helped me maintain the weight I lost and my new raw food life. It's essential, do yourself a favor and order with the full body cleanse because you're going to want to use it. *
  • Maintenance Package

    The Maintenance Package did a great job to help me to continue to stay or track and reap the benefits of the Full Body Cleanse. *
214 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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