Reviews: Blood & Lymphatic

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110 results
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    Although at first I took the pills inconsistently, I've found that with consistent usage, the pills seem to sustain clearer skin. I will definitely keep up with these pills. *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    In the past, my skin would usually flare up on the right side (only) of my face during menses; So, being both knowledgeable of toxicity in the blood and frustrated when it began to flare up on the left side I knew that I needed to cleanse my blood. After ingesting the first eight pills (free will) of Blood & Lymphatic Formula I saw the cleansing take effect immediately. I also used the Oz-oil (another Dherbs product) to massage my face. Yes, I did continue to flare up but it was such at a minimum that after two months of using this product, I no longer became frustrated because I knew that healing was taking place; in addition, I am more calm and insightful holistically. A POSITIVE ATTITUDE... AND LIFESTYLE is the KEY Yeah! You will NOT be disappointed with this product!!! Debra *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    I would break out so I tried this product to cleanse my blood. Slowly but surely I saw a difference in my face. I'm going to order it again and anyone should too! *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    This product (Blood & Lymphatic Formula) is one of the greatest products I have tried; I started using this product in April 2009 with the cleanse kit (Full Body Cleanse), during the cleanse I noticed the difference in my ankle. I read about this individual product on the website and started ordering more of these products, this is the first Summer I didn’t have any problems with fluid; it seems to be assisting my lymphatic system as Iv'e noticed great improvements. *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    I became a vegetarian 6 months ago to help rid myself of the toxins in my body that were making me sluggish and tired. A friend told about the products on Dherbs that can help. I tried out the Blood and Lymphatic formula and after 2 weeks, I could see and felt a difference. The little blemishes I had on my face has cleared up and my energy levels are up! I had gone to a naturopathic doctor last week to do a ion foot cleanse and after 45 mins, the water had barely changed color. The doctor and i were both shocked! She said out of all her patients, this was the lightest she has ever seen the water. My body is practically rid of all toxins and impurities. Thanks Dherbs! I am also taking this formula with Hair Skin and Nails and it has helped with my hair growth as well. My mother is now interested in taking some formulas on Dherbs as well. :) Keep up the good work! *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    I just started using the Blood & Lymphatic Formula this week, and can already tell a difference in my energy level. I have been low energy almost all my life so I am looking forward to more increased energy and clearer skin. *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    I absolutely love the Blood & Lymphatic formula. I always use this when I start to feel sluggish. I can always feel a difference within 24 - 48 hours. I love the convenience of the capsules and I keep a spare in my office. It's a staple in our apothecary at home!! Thank you DHerbs. You continue to be a lifesaver. *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    The Blood & Lymphatic formula is GREAT! I purchased this because I have skin issues on my hands and feet. I purchased a bottle in September, and have been taking it on and off. I have noticed my skin starting to clear; however I have had outbreaks on and off, I Think I need to drink more water! I will certainly purchase another bottle! *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    I heard about Dherbs a few years ago by a woman doing the Female Cleanse. I was led to come by here when my skin became very unpleasant again out of the blue. Needless to say, in as little as 5 days, my skin cleared up. I have been taking the blood and lymphatic formula once a day (3-4 capsules) ever since November and my skin is in excellent shape. Very grateful for this product. Thank you Dherbs! *
110 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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