Reviews: Blood & Lymphatic

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110 results
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    Purchased the blood and lymphatic formula. Its great, it gives me energy and my skin looks really good. It also helps with circulation. Great product to have!! *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    I truly appreciate dherbs and the blood and lymphatic formula. My skin is softer and taking the formula helps as a catalyst to help make more positive changes. *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    This Blood & Lymphatic Formula is the truth. I use to have skin irritation but it has all cleared up due to this wonderful formula. I also changed my diet to mainly veggies!!! *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    This product is great! I do feel as if it's cleansing my blood. When taking it, I feel more energetic and my body gets waste out of my circulation. *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    The blood and lymphatic formula is a great product I'll continue to use, it has greatly improved the circulation to my legs. I've recommended this product to my family and friends. *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    The Blood & Lymphatic Formula does wonders. It also helped me with my circulation, I will recommend this product to all my friends. *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    Blood & Lymphatic is a great product. It help clear up my skin and it makes you feel great throughout the day!!! *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    This Blood & Lymphatic Formula has helped myself and my children with clearing up skin issues via the blood. It is awesome and I'm so thankful for something that actually works! *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    This product helps you have clear skin. It also helps you go to the bathroom more to help get rid of unwanted waste. It helps you go more often but it doesn't make you rush to the bathroom. It doesn't hurt your stomach or cramp you. I like it because I can tell its aiding to cleaning my system out. *
110 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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