Reviews: Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

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459 results
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    I didn't finish the program but I still lost 20lbs! Great product! *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    release cleanse was great i lost 6 pounds in the first week and had much more energy through out the day. i recommended to everyone who is interested. *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    Well I want to say that I loved this cleanse (Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen); I am at the end of it. I have lost weight and a lot of inches and have a lot of energy. The only down fall is the bathroom trips but it makes you feel so light and so good. I am going to perform this cleanse again in a couple of months because I like it so much! Thanks Dherbs, you are awesome. *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    Tomorrow is my last day on the weight release it is a wonderful product i have really lost a lot of weight i even got my daughter to do it she was having problems loosing weight she has a thyrod problem. over the last year she gained 35 pounds she has never had to worry about her weight before. she went to the dr they keep telling her that her thyrod levels were normal but she keep gaining on weight she went from 120 to 155 she her and i both did the total detox and the weight release. She lost all the weight. now she's a happy young woman. she feels and looks beautiful, thank you for all you knowledge. Joanne Duruisseau Semien *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    I did the Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen a couple of months after I did the Full Body Detox and I released an additional 20 lbs!!!! It also gave me more energy than I can imagined!!! I recommend that anyone who wants to release weight and receive high energy do this program!!! Thank you DHERBS!!! *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    I was very pleased with this product (Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen). I actually lost about 15 pounds while on the product. I know there are quite a few capsules to take, but it is worth it. I felt so light and my appetite changed and I really began craving raw fruits and vegetables. I would recommend this product after the Full Body Detox. I am going to do this again!!! Thanks DHERBS. *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    I absolutely love this product. I was having problems releasing weight due to menopause. But I stuck to the regiment and the weight just came off! I feel much lighter and everyone notices the change in me. I highly recommend this product as part of an initial regiment and lifestyle change for releasing weight once and for all. *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    WOW!!!! The WRC works well. I lost 8.2lbs in the first week and now I’m in my third week, I have lost an additional 4lbs. I feel great! I will recommend this product to anyone who's trying to lose weight safe & natural. Dherbs you have done it again. *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    This was great! I first completed the Full Body Detox then the Weight Release Cleanse and I look great! I have received so many compliments on how good I look and how good my skin looks. My stomach is flat and I am VERY slender now. I have so much energy and I even started running again. Thank you so much Dherbs! *
459 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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