Reviews: Bowel Motion

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486 results
  • Bowel Motion

    This product works amazingly well. 10 out of 10. I would highly recommend this product for optimal bowel health. *
  • Bowel Motion

    I can't say enough how thankful I am for this product. It's so nice to know that I have something natural I can take for constipation. I am usually very regular, but this definitely comes in handy when I haven't been eating a lot of fruits and vegetables like I'm supposed to. It is especially helpful whenever I'm flying. I don't like using those tiny airplane bathrooms, so I won't drink a lot of water which usually causes me to get stopped up. I highly recommend this product for anyone dealing with bowel issues, it definitely works! *
  • Bowel Motion

    Loved using this product, I didn't have to worry about the product embarrassing me, I took it before bed and it worked in the morning. I recommend this product to anyone who isn't always regular. *
  • Bowel Motion

    I have dealt with constipation for YEARS and this is by far the best thing ive ever used. I have literally tried everything from teas (smooth move), to powders (miralax), to increasing water. The Bowel Motion is ONLY product that produces a bowel movement within 24 hours, no stomach cramping, and it clears you all the way out. GET IT NOW~ *
  • Bowel Motion

    I am so glad that I started using this product. It really works and I will continue to use the bowel motion. *
  • Bowel Motion

    Great! Works well. Will buy again soon. DHerbs is the best! *
  • Bowel Motion

    It works really well. I see it in myself and in people I know. Only in combination with a normal diet and not snacking) *
  • Bowel Motion

    This Product works better than anything else I've tried *
  • Bowel Motion

    This was my first time using this product and I found it to be an effective product. I used it specifically when taking a break from doing a full cleanse, and I found it to be a suitable alternative to remain regular and obtain the benefits of a clean colon. It's also a cost-effective solution. I would recommend it as a first foray into cleanses, to get accustomed to the regularity of movements before committing to a full cleanse. *
486 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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