Reviews: Energy Booster Tea

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40 results
  • Energy Booster Tea

    The taste was amazing and it met my expectations love it gave me more energy than I had before. Great product. *
  • Energy Booster Tea

    Thank you DHerbs for another great product: Not only did the tea taste good it helped boost my energy level. I will be ordering the energy tea again. *
  • Energy Booster Tea

    This tea is the truth. I was using it while doing a 20 day cleanse and it gave me just the right amount of energy without making me feel jittery. I recommended whole heartedly. *
  • Energy Booster Tea

    The energy booster tea is great for an added boost of energy. With so many artificial energy drinks on the market, it's really wonderful to have something natural like this tea. Try it with lemon and/or honey. Or with nothing! *
  • Energy Booster Tea

    I'm not so hot about the taste but I can tell when I drink the Energy Tea that my energy levels seem to increase...helped very well with weaning me off coffee! *
  • Energy Booster Tea

    Great Pick Me up!! I love this tea especially in the morning when I feel sluggish. *
  • Energy Booster Tea

    The energy tea was pretty good. I was able to tolerate it without having to add any sugar or honey. It took a couple of weeks for me to notice any difference in my energy level. I chose the tea instead of the pill formula because I was able to increase my water intake for the day. *
  • Energy Booster Tea

    It was good when I mixed it with my Weight Release tea. The weight release tea has me going to the bathroom. *
  • Energy Booster Tea

    The Energy Tea works great! I highly recommend. It gives you enough energy to get you through the day. *
40 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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