Reviews: 10 Day Kidney Cleanse

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42 results
  • 10 Day Kidney Cleanse


    I finished my 10 DAY SUPREME KIDNEY CLEANSE several weeks ago, and it was great! It wasn't as harsh on my system as I thought it would be, but it was definately potent. The Kidney cleanser tea is also very effective. *

  • 10 Day Kidney Cleanse

    The tea actually was the most beneficial and caused me to urinate more freely. The pills cause my to go the restroom more. I would recommend this product if someone is having any problems with their kidneys. *
  • 10 Day Kidney Cleanse

    Just finished this cleanse (10 DAY SUPREME KIDNEY CLEANSE) last week and felt it was a long time overdue. The tea, for me, really was complimentary. Also did wonders for my urine flow. Really appreciated it, sure my kidneys would second that emotion. *
  • 10 Day Kidney Cleanse

    The Cleanse works well. Noticeable difference, I RECOMMEND USING! *
  • 10 Day Kidney Cleanse

    I didn't notice much but I did notice that my back stoped hurting. May need to cleanse one more time to get more benefit. *
  • 10 Day Kidney Cleanse

    The kidney cleanse really did help with the area I needed it to. It did help me lose weight. *
  • 10 Day Kidney Cleanse

    My body felt fresher, lighter and energized after the cleanse *
  • 10 Day Kidney Cleanse

    I feel like the 10 day kidney cleanse naturally strengthened my kidneys and increased my energy level. Thanks Dherbs *
  • 10 Day Kidney Cleanse

    This is an excellent product! I highly recommend it. I followed the instructions as given and my results were tremendous! Thank you Dherbs! My health is my wealth! I give thanks! *
  • 10 Day Kidney Cleanse

    I was on my way to kidney failure. Lower extremities swollen because my kidneys weren't operating properly. I was walking around with close to 20 pounds of fluid. When I was told it was my kidneys I looked on the site, found the kidney cleanse and ordered it. Best move I ever made. Fluid started to release and within a few days, I was back to myself. *
42 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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