Reviews: Bowel Motion

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485 results
  • Bowel Motion


    I use bowel motions everyday and it works. It keeps me regular and my tummy flat. At my age it's time to take care of me. And one of the ways I'm happy with is using my dherbs regularly. I tell anyone who will listen. Mostly family and friend. I saw dherbs on the Dr. Oz show and tried it and it really works. I wouldn't have it any other way. Great product. *

  • Bowel Motion

    I think the product (Bowel Mover) works. However it loses its effectiveness if you do not take it every day. It give you slight cramping but not too bad. *
  • Bowel Motion

    The bowel motion formula is good for everyday flow of your system. I was very satisfied that it was not harsh and it did exactly what it said. *
  • Bowel Motion

    It works but not as well as I hoped. I was hoping it would help me go daily but at best I went every other day. *
  • Bowel Motion

    I see a slight improvement. Was hoping for more regular movement. *
  • Bowel Motion

    Bowel Motions met my expectations. I made this purchase to help move along all the intake of holiday eating. Great for keeping a flat stomach...don't forget those crunches though to keep the stomach tight. *
  • Bowel Motion

    It didn’t work like expected. It took a few days for me to have a bowel movement. *
  • Bowel Motion

    While this product did work, it didn't work as effectively as I'd hoped. Maybe the concentration can be modified to match that of the colon &digestive tract supplement that's included in the full body cleanse, which works wonders. *
  • Bowel Motion

    I so wish this worked for me like it seems to work for most other people. I took it multiple times and usually, it didn't really do anything. I only 'went' a couple of times and I'm not even sure if it was because of the product or just coincidence. I'm currently doing the Full Body Cleanse and when I finish that, I plan on trying it again. *
  • Bowel Motion

    It definitely gets the job done. I gave it 4 stars because my stomach cramps when it's alerting me to make my way to the restroom. I prefer the bubbling of the stomach instead of pain. All in all this is a great product and I will continue to use it. *
485 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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