Reviews: Circulation Aid

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42 results
  • Circulation Aid


    This is a great herb to take for swelling in your feet, I was so happy to see the swelling in my feet go down. Now I can wear my shoes. This is a herb you don't want to be without. DHerbs has the best Herbs on the market! This senior Loves DHerbs High Quality Products! *

  • Circulation Aid

    I had a friend that suffered from a light stroke, and I bought a bottle of Circul-Aid Formula for them, and they love how it makes it easier for them more to get around. *
  • Circulation Aid

    I had lots of pain in my legs but now the pain has gone down from 100% to 75%. I'm hoping the circulation aid will bring the pain even lesser. I will keep you guys posted. *
  • Circulation Aid

    Noticeable improvement in blood flow when performing weight lifting and cardio activities. *
  • Circulation Aid

    Thank you for a great product. I look forward to ordering again. *
  • Circulation Aid

    My right leg feels a lot better and some of the pain is gone. I take the Circulation Aid along with my high blood pressure medications, no issues at all. I will continue to purchase this product. *
  • Circulation Aid

    I ordered the circul-aid formula for my girlfriend, and I got out of the doghouse 3 days later. That formula saved me, and made her blood circulation much better. I now know how to get out the doghouse. She's not complaining about the swelling in her foot anymore, and although it is not completely gone, it is much better. She doesn't take to meds to well, because she says that they contain it too many harmful ingredients. She fully trust the herbs that are combined in Dherbs products, and has started a chart for better food choices, and exercises to go along with circul-aid. She loves the product thanks dherbs *
  • Circulation Aid

    My knees would feel cold for sitting for awhile. After taking the Circulation Aid, I realize I don't get that anymore. *
  • Circulation Aid

    I bought this product for my mom who was complaining of bad leg cramps during the night. It has helped her tremendously and she cant stop thanking me enough. Great product!!! *
  • Circulation Aid

    I developed circulations issues a few years back and as someone who had always been a runner it was a difficult change to my lifestyle. Using this along with the Cardo and Vienus formulas were very helpful to getting me back to the active lifestyle I enjoy. Allowing my legs to recover and stay healthy so I can get moving again. *
42 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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