Reviews: Colon & Digestive Tract

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215 results
  • Colon & Digestive Tract


    The Colon and Digestive Tract worked immediately for me, but I also did it along with the Intestinal Cleanser, so maybe that helped it work immediately. I was having bowel movements 3 to 4 times a day. What I like most is that it's gentle and when I felt the urge, I didn't have to rush to the bathroom. I do not have a gallbladder and to me that was an good feeling not to feel like I had to rush to the toilet. I can tell the difference since I ran out, I haven't been regular. So I'm about to order again so that I can get my bowels regulated again. *

  • Colon & Digestive Tract

    I need something a little stronger. This work well along side the full body cleanse. *
  • Colon & Digestive Tract

    I used the colon formula and it kept me regular but I really didn't lose any weight as I was expecting. *
  • Colon & Digestive Tract

    I completed the 10 day cleanse as well as the colon cleanse so I was looking for something to take daily to help with constipation. The product, I feel, did not perform as well as the other products - very little "success". Hopefully I can find something that I can take for maintenance. *
  • Colon & Digestive Tract

    I couldn't tell I had taken the product. I was somewhat disappointed of the outcome. But I guess it's okay because everyone has a different result. *
  • Colon & Digestive Tract

    I really don’t know what to say about this product. I really didn’t have the cleansing effect that I was expecting. I “went” but no different than usual. I guess I was expecting a lot more movement and that’s why I took off from work. *
  • Colon & Digestive Tract

    It has not worked for me as it did 7 or 8 years ago when I initially purchased it. I took 2back then and it was doing it's thing. Now I have to take 4 to get the same desired affect. It could be my body has changed I'm not sure. However, I still believe in your products. *
  • Colon & Digestive Tract

    The Bowel Motion system does the trick but it is more immediate (depending on what you've been eating). The Colon and Digestive Tract system works in a more gradual fashion. I find that taking it when ever feeling bloated relieves the situation. *
  • Colon & Digestive Tract

    I enjoy this product. I've been using it pretty regularly for about six months, now and I am very regular and now that I have very good elimination, I marvel at how long I lived life thinking not moving my bowels and other problems are a part of life. With DHerbs, I've learned that illness is really a part of death! *
  • Colon & Digestive Tract

    It worked better than what I expected. I didn’t have to take 3 a day for this product to work. I would tell people about this product and would use it. *
215 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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