Reviews: Full Body Cleanse

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  • Full Body Cleanse


    Being a type-2 diabetic for 18-years on prescribed medications suggested for me to take now for the rest of my life, I've been on a journey for a cure to my diseased infested body. Searching for the answers to the why and how my body got so toxin (poisoned). I'm so grateful for talk radio, media information, and word of mouth. Make a long story short; I became open to the suggestions Steve Harvey presented on his morning radio show about the DHerbs "Full Body Cleanse"...ridding my body of the years of wrong eating, drinking, and etc. Educating myself with information to empower me with knowledge and results of being an example of the product with the success I had; I'm looking to continue the journey with even more application... The DHerbs "Full Body Cleanse" allowed my body to reset itself to a feeling of normal that I haven't felt in a mighty long time, I was able to reduce toxin and fat from my body; I lost weight, my stomach shrunk to where my underlying 6-pack resurfaced, I was more alert, more agile, energized, focused, and not sluggish or fatigue. Since my initial successful DHerbs "Full Body Cleanse"; due to that lack of knowledge I became toxin again, medical providers wanted to prescribe me now insulin due to high blood sugar and A1C levels. As a Professional Truck Driver; Insulin could retire my career. I pleaded with my Doctor for a grace period to get my health back in order with the readjusting of prescribed medications (diabetic pills), and a major change in my diet. I've been successful just by revisiting the information I acquired from the DHerbs "Full Body Cleanse" literature that came with my first initial cleanse... Within a week I have my blood sugar at acceptable healthy levels: but I need to cleanse again; detox my body, loose the excess weight, reset my body back to normal and get off these prescribed drugs. I believe with all that's been stated and what I know to be true: to revisit the DHerbs "Full Body Cleanse"; and the initial success it bought me, personally; I'll have the key to that Abundance of Life again! *

  • Full Body Cleanse

    Been taking all these pills for several days now and no bowel movement. This has to be unsafe and DOES NOT WORK. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I tried the 20 day full body cleanse.I only lost 5 lbs. This was very disappointing to me. The products are expensive. I contacted Dherbs via email, unfortunately reached no resolution. The Dherbs member stated it works differently for each individual. The 20 day cleanse consisted of 30 pills a day, personally it was a bit much. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I did not see any results or difference in my well being...for some people it may work! *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I have no way of knowing whether or not it benefited me. I noticed no difference in the way I felt, in my energy levels or in my weight. I'm not saying it did nothing, but I didn't notice anything. I could have used the money I spent on it, though. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I'm a little disappointed this time. This is my second time doing the cleanse, the first time I did the cleanse it was 3 years ago and I had great releases if you know what I mean which gave me weight loss. This time I'm not sure what happened, this time I only had 2 releases out of 20 days with following what I can and cannot eat. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    Unfortunately, I was only able to take these supplements for 4 days; that's when I started feeling nauseous, dizzy and weak. I followed the raw diet exactly as described, drank a TON of water, but I had a horrible aftertaste after each dose of pills and overall, it did not sit well with me. Only thing I was surprised with was that the bathroom issues everyone was concerned with (including myself) was not an issue at all. I wish I could have continued, but I could not function and was very ill taking these. Waste of money for me :( *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    The Full Body Detox while being expensive was very effective. I noticed results immediately and recommend it to everyone who is conscious of the need to cleanse regularly. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I am on my last week of the Full Body Detox and I must say I have noticed a big change in the amount of energy that I have. I take the stairs instead of the elevator at work now, and I've noticed that things dont bother me as much. With all the issues I have going on at work, my attitude has been very positive and I believe it has everything to do with the FBD. Thank you, DHERBS!! *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I can't really give the product stars yet, but my sister really said positive things about it. I didn't know when I got it that it was a liquid form, taking 5 pills at one time made me gag. I couldn't continue on. I will order the liquid form and try it. *
5034 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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