Reviews: Hair Skin Nails

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206 results
  • Hair Skin Nails

    I bought the DHERBS Hair Skin Nails after nails being thinned, cracked, and ruined by years of gel nails. My nails were so soft and unhealthy that they split at the top, not being able to hold regular nail polish. After using the DHERBS Hair Skin Nails, I can see the difference! My cracked nails have improved immensely, and I can now peel an orange when I could not before using the product. My hair is also healthier and thicker because of these great products, and I am getting compliments on my hair because of its amazing growth and fullness! Thanks DHERBS! Wanda *
  • Hair Skin Nails

    I have only used one bottle of the Hair, Skin, Nail and already see an improvement in the texture of my hair. I realize that natural products take longer to work, but the first bottle has given me every reason to believe that I will see even more benefit with continued use. I will re-order. *
  • Hair Skin Nails

    I love all of DHerbs products. I use the Hair, Skin Nail product last year and my hair has grown a lot since using the products. *
  • Hair Skin Nails

    Love these products!! I love all the products that I have purchased for DHERBS. I mostly use the Hair Skin and Nail formula and i must say i am so pleased with my results. My hair is so long and thick!! dont think I will ever stop using it ! *
  • Hair Skin Nails

    My hair has grown a lot since, I started the Hair Skin Nails product. I cut my hair to my ears last year, now I almost have armpit length hair. Going to keep using this cause I need about 4in to get to my goal. :) *
  • Hair Skin Nails

    I can say for certain that my nails are stronger and shinier, and my skin has cleared up significantly since taking the Hair Skin Nails Formula:) *
  • Hair Skin Nails

    The Hair Skin Nails Formula is great. After taking it for a few weeks I noticed that my skin was getting smoother on my face and some of my worse blemishes under my chin were getting lighter. My nails are also growing longer and they don't break as easy. I haven't notice much growth with my hair but it is a little softer. I had stopped for a few days and I did see a difference in my skin and nails so I think it's really working. Can't wait to see what happens after staying with it for a few months. Thanks DHerbs!!! *
  • Hair Skin Nails

    I loved the Hair Skin Nails product, worked best on nails and hair I saw a great improvement, longer stronger healthier. *
  • Hair Skin Nails

    I purchased your Hair Skin Nails and Yoni formulas they are both extremely good products, I have seen so much growth with my hair and the yoni is good as well. I will recommend this product to my friends and family. It really works. Thank you for introducing this company to so many people. I love your products. Thanks Again!!! *
206 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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