Reviews: Jackrabbit

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136 results
  • Jackrabbit


    Hey Dherbs thanks for the Jackrabbit Formula it has helped my stamina and overall health in that area without the jittery feeling of some other over the counter products. After about a week or so of using the product I could notice a major difference. Thanks Dherbs! *

  • Jackrabbit

    Well with all the toxins I have in my body I was amazed at how well it worked with me in my condition. I know that once I complete the Full Body Detox I'm sure I'll get even better results but I was pleased with the results I got in the beginning. *
  • Jackrabbit

    I was looking for something that could deliver fullness and firmness. *
  • Jackrabbit

    I took religiously for two straight months and found insignificant change to warrant using the product again. *
  • Jackrabbit

    It's ok initially but like everything, once your body gets used to the supplements the effects aren't as substantial *
  • Jackrabbit

    Has a small result after getting about three days worth of pills in your system. *
  • Jackrabbit

    The Jackrabbit formula does exactly what Dherbs says it does. It really does work. The feeling I got after taking this formula was amazing. And this formula gave me that same feeling over and over every time I took it. I assumed this formula would be like all of the other typical run of the mill "miracle" formula for men. The ones that work a few times and then your body gets used to them and they no longer work. However, that wasn't the case here. The Jackrabbit formula worked every single time I took it. *
  • Jackrabbit

    It's a good product but not great. I'll definitely buy it again b/c I noticed if I take it two or three times a day, it works better. *
  • Jackrabbit

    It helped somewhat. It was taken as a supplement with my saw palmetto tabs. *
  • Jackrabbit

    Jackrabbit met my expectations. Could tell the change in strength and virility. *
136 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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