Reviews: Maintenance Package

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215 results
  • Maintenance Package

    The Maintenance package was a great follow up after losing weight with the Full Body Cleanse. The pills and the Weight Release Tea continued the effects of my previous cleanse and encouraged further weight loss. It was easier to take than the cleanses due to taking fewer pills less frequently. Even on days that I didn't eat as clean or healthy as I should, the Maintenance package would bring my weight back down after a couple of days and keep me on track! *
  • Maintenance Package

    I sometimes eat what I want and it still continues to help me stay in the range of weight that I've previously lost. I get off track more than I plan to sometimes. *
  • Maintenance Package

    After doing the Full Body Cleanse, I went straight to the Maintenance Package where it kept me on my journey 10 more days....I had 'GRRRREAT' success with this product as well...It aided me to continue my focus on eating clean and healthy....My insides has had a full overhaul....I am no longer on high blood pressure medicine which I really didn't take anyways...but my blood pressure is now 120/80 vs 150/ had been this high for 5+ years...I'm very excited about the new me and I thank DHerbs for helping me through the Full Body Cleanse and Maintenance Package to begin a healthier me... *
  • Maintenance Package

    Works like a charm, and I feel fabulous! This is such a great product! *
  • Maintenance Package

    I lost 15lbs after using the 20 day cleanse. The maintenance package allowed me to keep the pounds I lost off *
  • Maintenance Package

    After using the full body cleanse, I really enjoyed the maintenance product too. It helped me to maintain my weight lost with good eating habits and exercise. I recommend this product for keeping your body in a good maintenance status. *
  • Maintenance Package

    This was the best purchase I have ever made. It changed my eating habits and my health has improved. Thank you for Dherbs Products. *
  • Maintenance Package

    I am in love with the Maintenance Package for two good reasons. First, it helped me to maintain the results that I achieved from the FBC. Second, it's fewer capsules or pills. *
  • Maintenance Package

    This helped me to maintain what I started with the cleanse. I love these products. It helped to keep my cravings under control- and to help me feel better - my energy level was so much better and the mucus that I ALWAYS had in my throat is now gone. My stomach is not bloated and tight and my midsection is gone. *
215 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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