Reviews: Male Hormonal Formula

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42 results
  • Male Hormonal Formula


    I enjoyed this product because it gave me a nice balance with testosterone and my stamina level. My stamina level was great at work and I did not experience the after lunch crash and burn feeling. There were no jitters or any other side effects. I maintained my more muscle after working out and my metabolism seemed to speed up as well. I noticed that I lost weight easier and I did not retain weight as easy. *

  • Male Hormonal Formula

    I tried the first bottle and It was alright. I need to continue but I need to make sure I am eating cleaner food in order for this to be more effective. *
  • Male Hormonal Formula

    Great Product!! Taken on a daily basis works great!! *
  • Male Hormonal Formula

    This is a subtle & slow good product that seems to feel to become beneficial in the long run & haul of active man's longevity. *
  • Male Hormonal Formula

    When I first started using the product, I didn’t see much change. But as I have increased my use, I have noticed I have more stamina and fullness in my lower region. I will purchase this product again. *
  • Male Hormonal Formula

    Awesome product. I have been using for several months and I am very pleased. *
  • Male Hormonal Formula

    The Male Hormonal Formula gave me back some much needed zest! The combination of herbs was felt almost immediately and although subtle, it enhanced my sense of vitality over time. I have used zinc before in the past and found this product is much more effective. Thanks DHERBS for delivering such great products. *
  • Male Hormonal Formula

    Thank you for this product (Male Hormonal Formula), I definitely tell a difference in my energy and stiffness. *
  • Male Hormonal Formula

    This product works well when taken on a daily basis. Note that it's meant to help and not be a magic pill, meaning eat right and exercise. For me it works within 2 days and sometimes I have to stop using it because it works so well. I recommend taking it in the morning. If you take at night it might keep you up. *
  • Male Hormonal Formula

    My husband Michael, states it's a good product, highly recommended for others to look into purchasing!! *
42 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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