Reviews: Metabolism Booster

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51 results
  • Metabolism Booster


    I order the Metabolism Booster last month after completing the full body cleanse two months ago. I began a work out regiment and have been eating healthier. The Metabolism booster has given me more energy and I don't feel tired at the end of the day. I would order the product again, because it has given me the energy that I needed. I'm not tried during the day anymore! This is a great product!!! I will be taking this forever. I gave a bottle to my brother and he said its great! *

  • Metabolism Booster

    It help a lot I will try it again but will try some of the Colon & Digestive Tract one next. *
  • Metabolism Booster

    I started taking these metabolism boosters with little expectation about a month ago. I figured they might work a little but didn't expect much. Well let me say I got great results. Let me preface by saying I do eat healthy, exercise and drink lots of water too. I believe these pills work best when you meet them half way with your lifestyle. I only take 2 pills instead of 3. My body is good with that. It really jump starts my day. I have lots of energy, my workouts are better and my appetite is not as strong. I'm so happy I found these. *
  • Metabolism Booster

    I take it in the morning before work or upon waking. Definitely got my metabolism moving. *
  • Metabolism Booster

    I use Metabolism Booster to support my weight release regimen. Definitely was able to see the results after a week or so. I would recommend this if you hit a plateau in your weight release journey. *
  • Metabolism Booster

    Love this formula! Definitely speeds up my metabolism. *
  • Metabolism Booster

    The Metabolism Formula was great! This formula turned all foods eaten into energy. I took this formula every morning and I noticed a huge difference in how I felt after eating a meal or a snack. It's great that this formula or all natural, and it provided a all natural increase within the digestive system. *
  • Metabolism Booster

    This along with the weight release cleanse did wonders for me. I lost up to 50lbs using these supplements and cleanse along with walking 5 miles 3-4 times a week. This along with the weight release cleanse did wonders for me. I lost up to 50lbs using these supplements and cleanse along with walking 5 miles 3-4 times a week. *
  • Metabolism Booster

    I haven’t been on MB for a full 30 days yet but I believe it is doing multiple things. My appetite is definitely controlled!!!! My sleep is good quality and I am ready to start my day in the morning!! Also, my morning exercise is better bc I am able to do more!! I use Metabolism Booster, Thyroid Aide and just started Multi-Vitamin!! *
  • Metabolism Booster

    I got this product after our first child to get back into shape, it helped me regain my stamina and strength to stay active, thank you Dherbs this is a great herbal formula that I highly suggest checking out. *
51 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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