Reviews: Natural Tooth Powder

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99 results
  • Natural Tooth Powder


    When I first tried this product, I was hesitant bc of the taste. However, quite franckly after using it for a couple of days, It is actually very good! it leaves a fresh taste in my mouth and I just started it! My teeth are much cleaner than they used to be and my breath is improving. Definitely recommended. Thank you! PS(I will update my rating after a couple of weeks.) *

  • Natural Tooth Powder

    I've used quite a few products from this site and i like the whole idea that it is a natural alternative. It does feel kind of weird in your mouth but gets the work done efficiently. I would definitely recommend to family and friends, but i think i'll stick to my charcoal for now, since this can take so getting used to. If you haven't tried a tooth powder before it will definitely take some getting used to. *
  • Natural Tooth Powder

    I was skeptical to use this powder. After trying it, I loved how fresh by breath smelled and the cleanliness of my teeth. I went on to my 6 months visit and the dentist loved how clean my teeth were. they were very white and he asked if it was because I used the electric brush he recommended. that made me laugh! I was proud to say it was a herbal tooth powder. He thought I was crazy! Anyways, great product to keep your teeth white. BTW, I am ordering my second powder! *
  • Natural Tooth Powder

    The Natural Tooth Powder is a great product! I purchased this a few months ago and I still have a large amount of it left so a little goes a very long way. My gums a one time were very sensitive to brushing and sometimes became a little sore afterwards. I used the Natural Tooth Powder and no longer had that problem. Normally I mix a small amount with a little natural toothpaste, then brush away! It can be used with or without toothpaste though. It leaves the mouth feeling very clean, the gums become healthier and the breath remains fresh for a long long time. *
  • Natural Tooth Powder

    The Natural Tooth Powder has been a relief to my gums. I don't want to brush without it. I get a cleaner fresher feeling and my gums feel relieved. *
  • Natural Tooth Powder

    Really enjoy the tooth powder. Teeth feel so much cleaner and breathe is fresh longer. Have recommended this prodcut to my friends and family. This was my first order and looks like it will last a long time so its well worth the money spent. Thanks D'Herbs for offering another great product we can use. *
  • Natural Tooth Powder

    This Natural Tooth Powder is great! It makes my teeth feel really clean it makes my breath feel fresh. *
  • Natural Tooth Powder

    Since I am a smoker I really needed the Natural Tooth Powder. Thankfully it does just what it says. I will be re-ordering... *
  • Natural Tooth Powder

    The taste caught me by surprise, but I really got used to it, and now I quite enjoy it! My teeth gets a healthy exfoliation morning and night... *
  • Natural Tooth Powder

    This tooth powder is excellent in freshening your breath and no more bleeding, pain or sensitivity in my gums. *
99 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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