Reviews: Nerve-Calming Tea

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38 results
  • Nerve-Calming Tea


    WOW! Wish I would have found this sooner. It's way milder than sleepy time tea, but it leaves a feeling of relaxation like no other. I am doing the nerve cleanse this month and I can't wait! Definitely helps to release trauma stored in the body. I really enjoy the subtle calming feeling this tea gives me. *

  • Nerve-Calming Tea

    The Nerves tea is an okay tea. I did notice that my nerves were calmer though. I did get a slight head ache. *
  • Nerve-Calming Tea

    Amazing tea! I drink it 30 minutes before going to bed during my calm down, meditation time. Before drinking this tea some of my muscles would randomly twitch including my fingers and one my eye lids. That has stopped since I've been drinking the tea. I also experienced an increase in having vivid dreams. Now I did drink this tea during the full cleanse so the effects of the tea may have been amplified. Either way I will definitely order again because I love the products. They work! *
  • Nerve-Calming Tea

    As a person who took prescribed tranquilizers in the past, from time to time I suffer from anxiety and restlessness. This is often due to being overworked and just plain 'busy'. I ordered the Nerve-calming tea because I didn't want to take ANY meds and began feeling much more relaxed after a few days and allowed time to enjoy the tea while doing absolutely nothing else. *
  • Nerve-Calming Tea

    I saw this item hoping to find something that would help relieve some stress after a long days work. After reading about it I decided to purchase it. The nerve tea helps to calm down the tired body after that long work day.This product is a good choice for anyone who is stressed out who wants something natural without all the chemicals that are found in products from drug stores. *
  • Nerve-Calming Tea

    The Nerve-Calming tea was okay. It taste refreshing and it helped me to relax before bed time. *
  • Nerve-Calming Tea

    Help with the tingling in my legs when I lay down bedtime. I was able to be sleep better. *
  • Nerve-Calming Tea

    Although the taste of this NERVES tea does take some getting used to, a few squirts of agave nectar and problem solved. As for nerves tea, it helps me to wind down after a long tiring day and I sometimes drink a cup in the morning to help me to relax. Nerves tea also works well when I mix with the Headaches tea too. *
  • Nerve-Calming Tea

    Calms me down when I'm in pain. It helps me sleep and relax like nothing else. Thank you for making this tea. *
  • Nerve-Calming Tea

    I’ve used many calming and sleepy time teas; but nothing compares to the nerve calming tea from DHERBS! I suffer with anxiety and when I start feeling uneasy I drink the calming tea, it totally relaxes me in a matter of minutes and I have the best sleep without waking up feeling wooziness. It’s definitely a must try. I’m totally sold and will continue to buy. *
38 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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