Reviews: Sugar Formula Tea

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26 results
  • Sugar Formula Tea

    I am a junk food junkie! I love everything sweet. If it has sugar I want it. After drinking the Sugar Formula tea, my desire has gone. I have seen my weight drop because I am making healthier choices. I can go to the mall and not buy any of those good smelling baked goods. Thanks Dherbs! *
  • Sugar Formula Tea

    This tea (Sugar Formula tea) is absolutely amazing. It eradicates every craving of sugar that I have and I do not desire the taste of sugar throughout the day once I drink a cup in the morning. *
  • Sugar Formula Tea

    The Sugar Formula Tea really works well. It deters my sugar cravings tremendously. *
  • Sugar Formula Tea

    I found the Sugar Formula Tea to actually curb my desire for sweets. It is amazing and actually taste good. If you like licorice then you'll love the taste. I like to drink it with no additives because it has a nice clean taste. *
  • Sugar Formula Tea

    After using the sugar formula tea for about 2 days, I noticed a significant reduction in my sugar cravings. I'm not sure how but for some reason I didn't want any of my everyday piece of chocolate cake from Vons...very strange indeed. And what's even weirder was that it made me want to drink a ton of water. This is most definitely beneficial to my health. I plan on buying more, not only for myself but for my friends and family! *
  • Sugar Formula Tea

    The Sugar Formula Tea actually does not taste bad. I have noticed I am not craving sweets so the product does work. *
  • Sugar Formula Tea

    I love the sugar formula tea. It really did help with the sugar craving. I would purchase the tea again. Thanks DHerbs for your amazing products. I've been spreading the word about your products. *
  • Sugar Formula Tea

    The Sugar Tea and sugar formula are absolutely amazing! At first, I was like surely this product can't help a person shave off their sugar cravings. Dherbs has proven me wrong! Not only did the two products curb my sugar cravings, but it helped with lowering my blood pressure and I lost a few pounds as well!. Thank you Dherbs for making such an amazing product! I am a forever customer! *
26 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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