Reviews: The Female Cleanse

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97 results
  • The Female Cleanse

    This is an excellent product (Total Woman Cleanse). I lost 5 to 7 pounds within the 1st week. Also I have so much energy and I am so much happier. After buying herbs from I can no longer buy herbs from those other guys. I feel these herbs are one of the best, purist vitamins on the market. *
  • The Female Cleanse

    My scandalous past left my reproductive system in absolute chaos. The Total Woman Cleanse has changed all that. This cleanse has reopened my heart to a greater love than I ever thought possible. *
  • The Female Cleanse

    Total Woman Cleanse is a great product! Not only did it give me energy and mental clarity, but it also helped with my cycle, which had gotten a bit heavy. The daily affirmations made me feel more calm, relaxed and in tune with my spirituality. The only negative thing was that because I have super sensitive skin, wearing the magnet irritated me a bit. I will definitely do this one again though. *
  • The Female Cleanse

    I felt great on this and noticed immediately that I felt more balanced. *
  • The Female Cleanse

    I love the cleanse. I felt a change in my body. I gave it a 4 star because the gold magnet gave me a rash. I'm allergic to nickel. So, it must have had nickel in it like fake jewelry. *
  • The Female Cleanse

    I tried the female cleanse and saw it through. I actually gained 2 lbs on this, so don't think it's a weight loss formula unless your eating habits are bad! While I like the product, I am a meat eater by nature (in more moderation now!!!) and tend to gain weight on a vegetarian diet. (All of my meat purchases are organic/hormone free etc.) I would certainly recommend this cleanse for women who need to rebalance their female issues. My period was very heavy during the cleanse, which I assume was clearing out with a lot of other stuff! I also dropped my coffee habit on this cleanse! Might be a good once a year cleanse, maybe every season, depending on your issues! I also really liked the thyroid magnet and am considering making a choker to wear sometimes to help my thyroid. *
  • The Female Cleanse

    I completed The Female Cleanse. I tried to use the gold plated magnet but the adhesive to hold the magnet made by my skin itch so I only use the magnet the first three days. My nails are nice and strong. Skin looked a little clearer. I even slept better. The rose crystal I believe helped me sleep better. I will do The Female Cleanse once a year. *
  • The Female Cleanse

    I am hooked on Dherbs, so far I've done the Full Body Detox and the Total Woman Cleanse and I feel great. I have learned a new way to nourish myself through adopting a 75% raw food diet, I hope to get closer to 100% in 2011. For the new year the Weight Release Cleanse is at the top of the list. I will probably never use any of the other detox products out there and I have tried several. Thanks Dherbs. *
  • The Female Cleanse

    This is my last week and the product is great. I feel a difference in my body. I have lots of energy and I lost weight. There have been side effects, but it has been worth it. *
97 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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