Reviews: Uterus Formula

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  • Uterus Formula


    I made the mistake of not reordering before my supply ran out and i felt the difference at the onset of my next mentrual cycle. While taking the pills my cycle was lighter and shorter by one day. Once I ran out my cycle went back to being very heavy and stretched out for seven long days. I would definitely encourage women to try this product. *

  • Uterus Formula

    I have been using Uterus Formula [for two months]. I go for my yearly ultrasound in a month so I will write back and let you know. But I do know this, when I take it my in between period cramps aren't as frequent. So I am thankful for at least that. *
  • Uterus Formula

    To be honest life has thrown me some curve balls that has not allowed me to see the results I had expected from this uterus formula product. I have been using it like a yo-yo prior to Memorial Day. Since then, I have been quite consistent and my stomach area is a bit softer than usual. I am about to get serious and partake in the "Uterus Cleanse" of which I can't wait to share my believed for victory from the experience. See you on the other side K *
  • Uterus Formula

    Well I feel it help with the pain but it really elevated my blood pressure I went from 118/78 to 148/ 90. Since I have stop taking it my blood pressure has went back to normal but I do feel it was working as far as pain management. *
  • Uterus Formula

    I started taking the Uterus formula, Yoni Cleanser, Female Hormonal and Colon/Digestive pills. After 10 days of use, my stomach is getting flatter, especially the lower abdomen. My breast look full/healthy and my skin is clear. My night sweats got worst during the first 5 days, now they've disappeared. My menstrual cycle was a lot better this time. Not a lot of cramping and nausea as before. Downside is that I have to take 4 pills of each to feel the difference. Especially, the colon digestive pills, my body didn't react until I started taking 4 pills. *
  • Uterus Formula

    I started with the Uterus tea, and then started taking the capsules (Uterus Formula). I felt a difference and I believe I will soon see a difference in my abdomen which is what I really need! So I figure it took a while for them to grow so it may take awhile to get rid of them! I am pleased with the results thus far!! *
  • Uterus Formula

    The uterus formula was good it helped a lot but I could still feel flair ups at times. My question is a should I still continue? *
  • Uterus Formula

    I started using the uterus formula two months ago and most of the discomfort is gone and finally I am able to have painless days and nights. *
  • Uterus Formula

    I've been taking uterus formula and uterus tea since 10/2009 and I’ve noticed that I don't have cramping as I did before and a slight difference in my belly size. I know I will have to continue taking for a while to see a major difference but I love the way this product took all my symptoms away. *
  • Uterus Formula

    The Uterus formula works well. I used to have long heavy cycles. Now I've been having shorter lighter cycles with less pain. It's given me more energy. I almost feel normal I can completely notice a difference after completing the bottle. I notice weight loss and less bloating. I'll be ordering again. Thank you Dherbs for caring! *
121 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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