Reviews: Uterus Formula

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121 results
  • Uterus Formula


    I love this product! I have been dealing with uterus issues for years. Things had been progressively getting worse and my doctor was discussing surgery options with me at every visit. Determined not to have surgery I looked for natural alternatives and turned to dherbs as I had used other products in the past. After using this cleanse I felt better with no pain and cycles that felt normal again! Weight loss was also a plus and it led me to change my lifestyle and eating choices and habits! This product was a win, win, win for me! Thanks dherbs! *

  • Uterus Formula

    I have been using Uterus Formula [for two months]. I go for my yearly ultrasound in a month so I will write back and let you know. But I do know this, when I take it my in between period cramps aren't as frequent. So I am thankful for at least that. *
  • Uterus Formula

    To be honest life has thrown me some curve balls that has not allowed me to see the results I had expected from this uterus formula product. I have been using it like a yo-yo prior to Memorial Day. Since then, I have been quite consistent and my stomach area is a bit softer than usual. I am about to get serious and partake in the "Uterus Cleanse" of which I can't wait to share my believed for victory from the experience. See you on the other side K *
  • Uterus Formula

    Well I feel it help with the pain but it really elevated my blood pressure I went from 118/78 to 148/ 90. Since I have stop taking it my blood pressure has went back to normal but I do feel it was working as far as pain management. *
  • Uterus Formula

    An excellent product. I have experienced mild shrinkage so far and hope for them to dissipate completely after continued use. *
  • Uterus Formula

    The Uterus formula works well. I used to have long heavy cycles. Now I've been having shorter lighter cycles with less pain. It's given me more energy. I almost feel normal I can completely notice a difference after completing the bottle. I notice weight loss and less bloating. I'll be ordering again. Thank you Dherbs for caring! *
  • Uterus Formula

    I started using the uterus formula (which I take 3 capsules at a time during the day and 2 capsules at bed time) along with the uterus tea (taken in the evening) 20 days ago and have already gotten results from these product. The heavy bleeding, feeling bloated, frequent urination was naturally minimized within six days. I will continue to use this product for another 20 days which I feel have been very beneficial to my health. I would recommend the product to women who may have some of the same symptoms and prefer not to have to have surgery to correct this issue. *
  • Uterus Formula

    I started using the uterus formula two months ago and most of the discomfort is gone and finally I am able to have painless days and nights. *
  • Uterus Formula

    I only use on bottle of this products and works very well. I had less pain and bloating. I will continue to use this product. *
  • Uterus Formula

    Since start taking uterus formula my menses is less and pain is less.This is only my second bottle and I would continue taking this product. I feel this is working well. *
121 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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