Reviews: Yoni Cleanser

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130 results
  • Yoni Cleanser


    I loved using Yoni cleanser and would buy it again!! *

  • Yoni Cleanser

    The Yoni cleanser is a great product that is a must have for women in their reproductive years. I use it once every few months or so to cleanse as well as to get my hormones in balance. When I use it I always have lighter & pain free periods for the next few months compared to when I don't use it. I think this is a great maintenance product. *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    The yoni cleanser is a great product and it does just what it is intended to do. I feel clean and I am more sensitive down below. It works. I love the yoni cleanser. This is my second bottle and I will be ordering again.Thanks Dherbs. *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    I love this product it worked in a number of ways I wasn’t expecting it too. I’m actually about to order another bottle now as we speak. I only take one tablet a day (just because the tablets are bigger than normal), every morning after I eat breakfast. It still works like magic. My body got so used to it, so in the past couple of days my body has felt a change. *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    This formula is has been a go to for female reproductive system maintenance. I usually take this at night because it make me sleepy and provides an added bonus of a sound night's sleep. I have shared this formula with friends and family to encourage them to leave commercial drugstore products alone. Every woman should consider keeping this formula in their medicine cabinet. *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    I was on birth control for almost a decade, originally because of acne, and also to regulate my sporadic periods. After I stopped taking birth control, my periods were still irregular. I believe this product and my clean vegan, high raw diet helped to regulate my cycle. I have a period every month now. I also did the FBD. I'm so grateful for these products! *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    I have been using it for over a year. And I love it and the results. *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    It really works. From a one to ten, my period is a 3. I have had pain since I got my period and nothing had worked for me. The yoni cleanser will work if you have fibroids. Also, the tea will help while taking the yoni cleanser. I hope this helps people who are suffering. This post has really helped and has change my life. I am able to get a good look now. *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    I am currently almost done with my first bottle & will be using more. It purified my urine & bowels while increasing vaginal fluids. Surprisingly my headache disappeared the first day within minutes of use so I'm very impressed. I felt great after 3 energy & blood circulation improved very fast ! However I do recommend the sex organs cleaner for thorough cleanse while taking this so that u can have full effect of pureness. It will help with taming yeast however the floral balance focuses more on that ! If u want a clean functioning vagina then you'll love this! *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    I started the Yoni cleanse and I cannot explain the feeling, but know this- I will order this cleanse twice a is absolutely amazing and I highly recommend it. I am going to order one each for my mom and my sister and ship it to Trinidad. Every female can and will benefit from this Yoni cleanse. *
130 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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